special 002 pt 2

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(A/N:I was feeling this song so enjoy a short 1:26 long edit of luffy being luffy)


I felt something bad was going to happen like a death and powerful curse being relased. I was holding a soup from gramps.  As I was making my way to the door Yuuji and a black haired...MEGUMI were running in the direction to the school. I quicky placed the soup into a partical portal I made with the curse energy i been storing up and ran after them "YOU GUYS WHY ARE WE RUNNING!" I yelled When I yelled I saw them look back like I was a ghost "WHAT!?" I yelled "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!" Yuuji yelled I explained while we were running to the school as we got there Megumi asked me and follow and Yuuji ot stay though Yuuji said he wanted to help ."

Yuuji what you given your upperclass mates was Sukuna you remeber me telling you the story about if he was to come out people would be endagner especially me?" I asked he nodded "well your classmates took his talismate off and if his finger is eaten by a curse they become powerful like him but only by a pinch" I said to which he agreed he will wait unless he feel off I agree though Megumi didn't we went in.Megumi got his demon dogs out and had them get minor curses while I made dark abyss portal that traped and kill curses. "Megumi I can see the teo body heat we need to hurry I said running to the stairs with him behiind me.

-Time skip-

"IT feels so good to be in flesh,look at this era full of woman and children it'll be a massacre" the dark voiced said out loud "is...that...my goddess...Yumi(The yin yang goddes is named Yumi)" he said turning around "No it's not Sukuna I'm her reincarnation and we will not marry you" I said glaring at him. His face frowned and he walked close "what are you doing with my body and don't hurt them" Yuuji said "what!How are you still in control?" Sukuna asked puzzled "it is my body!" Yuuji claimed "he's right Kuna give Yuu his body back" I said chuckling. The tattos fainted and Yuuji was smiling "Za'Kari your hurt so are you fushiguro let's get to an hospital" Yuuji said holding me "Stop your now a curse release Za'Kari this instant" MEGumi yelled getting ready to summon his shikigami. "but your hurt let go to an hospital" Yuuji said trying to get close "what's the situation Megumi...

-Time skip 3 days later-

I was in my old room in the school 'ughhhh' I sighed and got up and went  shower and summon my clothes. After doing that I look lovely as always.

 After doing that I look lovely as always

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(her fit and hairstyle)

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(her fit and hairstyle)

I was searching for Yuuji aura only to find it in the room that said 'NO entering Za'Kari' I sighed and asked Yugo to come out.(SO now just imagine the outfit for a boy and the braided her unbraided itself so it's long and wavy)'fine i'll come out only because I haven't got to beat Gojo butt for taking our favorite snacks' Yugo said 

Yugo pov

You readers must be wondering why did I just change into a boy we'll we was also born with yin and yang abilites like the goddess/god Yumi/Yuui."A?N:YUGO THE FOURTH WALL JUST HAD TO BE BROKEN) but anyways I opened the door to see Gojo and Yuuji look at me "Yugo your here!"Yuuji yelled "Yugo I know you seen the sign" Gojo said  "No Za'kari seen the sign" I responded in my regular emotionless tone "yugo can you and Za'Kari tell me more about this jujustu stuff?" Yuuji asked us, "Of course Yuuji " We said 

-Time skip next day-

Za'Kari been to lazy to appear again 'no I haven't I just miss being in here and beside you know how it is when one of us switch' she said "of course I do when one of us do it we are either in the mindscape of our combined minds our we are in the relam of natural matter." I said not realizing I was being heard "that's so cool" I turned around seeing Yuuji. I almost threw something at him "Yuuji did you knock?" I asked getting my frying pan ready "yes but you didn't answer and the door was unlock I have your uniforms" he said. I put the frying pan back into the unknown place it was located and grabed my uniforms and giving Yuuji a head pat. 

(this outfit is perfect for both Za'Kari and Yugo it's like a battle Kimono)

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(this outfit is perfect for both Za'Kari and Yugo it's like a battle Kimono)

-Time skip-

"why are we here to get the 2nd first year, this is also where she wanted to met at"Gojo said "Za'Kari come out now there people it disgust me" I demanded "Yugo you gotta get uses to people" Megumi said to me which Yuuji nodded "I only come out since I like you guys more than you know it but other I dispise I'm out" i said while Za'Kari come out.

Za'Kari pov

"You bastard I thought you loved me" I whined "I do love me we are the same people after all" Yugo said. I went to Megumi and clinged on his arm "Za'Kari-Chan why don't you cling on your strong sensei!" Gojo said whining "No, you didn't allow me to see Yuuji evevn if you knew I would try to prevent that excutation." I said holding on to Megumi tighter. Well after me and Gojo mini argument we seen the new classmate and Yuuji said she was embrassing though he can also be embrassing. Gojo called her over and we introduced ourselves "Im Za'Kari Ito,but I'm also Yugo Ito though he might no come out due to him not liking humans he is not a curse but we a spilt genders" I told her "spilt so there another you?" she asked "yes but a boy version,who is what you would say more emo than Megumi" I said 

(A/n:.....And that's a wrap guys I just finish the second part of the first special I won't be writing Like I  wound since I hace school(high school) on Monday but I will try to post chapter 5 on Sunday to act as Monday post and one on Wednesday to act as Thursday post. Hope you all have a good day and a good year of school if you go.)

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