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It had been a couple days since Amber and her family popped up at my house. I still didn't know how she figured out where I live.I was currently walking through the halls at school with Danny when I seen Amber posting flyers on the walls.When she was finished I walked closer to the flyer to see what it was about.

"Danny look their having cheerleading tryouts tomorrow we should tryout!" I said excited pointing to the flyer.

"I don't know Jo, I'm more of a basketball type of person." She said obviously not interested.

"You don't even want to do it for me?" I asked poking my bottom lip out and doing puppy dog eyes. "Everyone needs a little pep in their life." I said trying to persuade her.

"What is pep,anyways?" Danny asked me.

"I honestly don't have a clue." I shrugged. "Look it says the tryouts are after the girls basketball tryouts,so how about you try out for the basketball team and I'll try out for the cheerleading squad,okay?" I asked. Danny looked at me for awhile but finally gave in when I made puppy dog eyes again.

"Fine but only because your so cute." She said pinching my cheeks,laughing.
I started to laugh too and continued to walk to class.

Next Day After School

I was stretching with Danny at the moment.I was wearing a white tank top,black biker short,white and black thigh high socks,black knee pads,and Nike running shoes with my hair pulled back in a long,curly,flowing ponytail. Danny was wearing a grey and black muscle tee and grey and black matching shorts with regular white socks on.She also had on Nike running shoes and her hair in a long ponytail.

We were waiting for the girl's basketball team tryouts to start.There were a couple other girls in the gym stretching too.

"Who's the head of the girl's basketball team?" I asked.

"This girl named London.She's brown skin,pretty,tall,and skinny." She said.

"Oh I have one of my classes with her." I said and once I said that she walked in with who I'm guessing was the coach and the co-captain.Danny left me to start her tryouts and I went on the bleachers to watch and wait for cheerleading tryouts to start.I was on my phone when Noah and Kai walked in the gym.

"Hey,Bae." I said kissing Noah. "Hey,Kai." I said giving him a hug.

"Heyyy,Bestfriend!" Kai said trying to make me laugh and basically tackling me off the bleachers.

"Bae,I ain't know you played basketball." Noah said.

"I don't.I'm here for the cheerleading tryouts." I said correcting him.

"Jo,you not doing this to mess with that girl are you?" He asked referring to Amber.

"Boy ain't nobody worried about that child." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay but, she is the cheerleading captain so her opinion counts to whether they want to put you on the squad or not." He said.

"I know how life works,Noah." I said playfully rolling my eyes.He threw his hands in the air and defense and took a few steps back.

"Anyways,where's Eli." I asked know noticing that a third of the three musketeers was missing.

"At work." Kai answered.

"How long y'all staying." I said asking another question.

"Until the cheerleading tryouts are over I guess." Noah replied. I nodded and started focusing on the tryouts. Danny could really play.

"Aye ain't that Danny right there?" Kai asked pointing to Danny.


"Yo,Shawdyy got mad skills." Kai said staring at her and licking his lips.

"I don't know why y'all keep acting like y'all don't like each other." I said.

"I'm not gonna lie.I've kind of been feeling her lately." Kai said rubbing his chin hair.

"Why don't you tell her then?" I asked as if it was the obvious thing to do.Kai shrugged looking down.

"Only if I knew someone who was close to her." Kai said scooting closer to me. "Preferably a girl." Kai said scooting even closer. I just ignored him trying to act like I didn't want to help him. "Named Johari Olyé." He said laying his head on my lap looking at me with puppy dog eyes and a pouted bottom lip.

"Makai Wiggins,would you like me to help?" I asked.

Kai lifted his head off my lap and his face was lit up. "Really,Jo!It's gonna be a picture of us playing ball and we gonna be scrolling through y'all Twitter like 'RELATIONSHIP GOALS
#TeamUs #BallisLife ' " He said trying to imitate a ghetto girl. I started laughing and so did Noah.

We continued talking till their tryouts were over.Danny started walking over to us drinking out of her bottle of water.

"Ma,I ain't know you could play ball like that." Kai said throwing his arm around Danny's shoulder and she started to blush. 'Awwww they so cute' I thought to myself.

"Yea,I have four older brothers." Danny said. "It was either basketball or football and I'm too little to be getting tackled." We all laughed.

We talked for a little while longer until cheerleading tryouts started.

"This is going to be interesting." Amber said eyeing me.I rolled my eyes and continued stretching.

When we were all done stretching and Amber got up to demonstrate the cheer we were supposed to be learning.She showed us all the moves and words to the cheers and they were all easy.We sat down after the demonstration and waited for our names to be called.I of course being the last one.

"Johari Olyé." The coach called. I stood up and made my way towards the table where they were sitting.

"Whenever your ready Ms.Olyé." Coach said.I nodded and took a deep breath before starting.

When I finished I knew I did good.My facial expressions were on point and my moves were strong and I said all the words correctly and in the right order.I heard some of the other girls trying out clapping and I even hear Noah,Kai,and Danny clapping.I knew Amber got mad once she seen Noah start to clap for me.

"Now for your flexibility test." Amber said.

"Flexibility test? I didn't know we had to do a flexibility test." I said

"Well now you do." Amber said with an attitude. I would have been rude and made a smart remark but I really want to be apart of cheerleading and I know if I say something rude that would decrease my chances of making varsity.

"Fine.What exactly do you want me to do?" I asked obviously annoyed.

"Show me if you can do a Needle,Tilt, Bow and Arrow, and a Scorpion.Then I want to see if you can do some flips." She said simply.I nodded and did all of them with ease.

"Okay.Now I want you to do 2 Cartwheels,2 Round Offs,2 Back Flips, and a Tuck." I thought about not doing it at first but I wasn't going to let Amber win.I took a deep breath and started flipping sticking the landing after the Tuck.I could hear Noah,Danny,and Kai cheering in the background.

"Do 2 Front Flips,a Round Off,2 Cartwheels,2 Round Offs,then do 4 Round Houses in a row.If you can do that you officially made the squad." Amber said.I took another deep breath and closed my eyes to think of the orders off the flips.I took one last deep breath and started flipping again.Once I finished the 4th Round House I was smiling from ear to ear. I could hear Kai and Danny yelling "That's our Bestfriend!" in the background.

"It's seems as though you actually made the varsity squad Ms.Olyé." Coach said.I immediately started jumping up and down and yelling.Noah ran over to me and picked me up.

"I-knew-my-baby -was-gonna-make-it!" He said pecking my lips in between every word.Amber got up from her seat and stormed out of the gym but I didn't care.I just made the varsity cheerleading squad.Doing gymnastics for 10 years really paid off.
A/N:I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if you didn't understand all of the cheerleading terms and moves it's kind of my life.But as always...


[excuse any errors]

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