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"Girlfriend?" Noah responded after I told him about the incident that occurred in the girl's locker room earlier with Amber.We were in the hallway getting ready to head home.

"She really told you I was her boyfriend?" He asked still in shock.

"Yup." I replied plainly. "Did yall use to go together at least?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yea." He replied ashamed. "We used to be together until I got kicked off the football team."

"Why did you get kicked off the football team?"

"The day I fought Christian in the locker room is the day I got kicked off the team and the day Amber broke up with me.I figured out that she only wanted to go with me so she could boost her popularity up. 'Head cheerleaders and Star Athletes are meant for each other.' " He said making quotation marks with his fingers. "Christian is also on the football team.After Amber and I broke up she tried to go with him because he's the second best player on the team after me.He lead her on like all the other girls and fucked her.That only added more fuel to the fire.The reason why I was in Mr.Abraham's office is because we were in the middle of a meeting.He was telling me I was back on the team.I guess word got around the school about how I got back on the team and how I been hanging with you these pass few days."

"Did you even like her?"

"Of course I did.Well I thought I did, she was kinda of my first serious girlfriend." I nodded looking down so he couldn't see my face that damn near fell on the floor.

"But,I'm definitely over her now." He assured me.I perked up a bit but I didn't let Noah see that. "I guess she heard about me being back on the team and she wanted me back."

"So,what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Ignore her ass like I've been doing."

Next Day

I was sitting down in the cafeteria with Danny.

"Girl, look who's coming your way." Danny said with a smirk.I looked up from my slice of pizza to see Noah coming my way.

"Can me and my boys sit with y'all?" Noah asked looking at me and Danny referring to Eli and Kai.I was going to tell him no since there were rumors circulating around school about us but, before I could say no Danny opened her mouth to speak.

"Of course!I mean we don't mind do we Jo?" She said looking at me.

"I guess not." I replied back.Noah turned around and waved to Eli and Kai to come over.They did.

"Hey,Jo" Eli said.

"Wassup,Jo." Kai said.

"Hey guys,this is Danielle." I said introducing them to Danny.

"Hey,Danielle." They said simultaneously.

"Danny,this is Eli and Kai." I said pointing to them.

"Hi." She said shyly,waving.

We were all in the middle of a conversation.When someone came over and tapped Noah on the shoulder, interrupting our conversation.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Amber asked Noah.She had a smile on her face until she looked to his right and seen I was seated beside him.He looked to me before he answered.

"Sure." He answered dryly.Then he stood to follow her to the other side of the cafeteria.I eyed them for awhile before I turned my attention back to the group.We were all talking with each other when Noah came back with Amber following behind him like a sad,little puppy.

"Will you think about what I said?" Amber asked Noah grabbing his shoulder,turning him around to face her.

"I will." He responded with an attitude. He then sat back down next to me.All conversation ceased as we all looked at Noah.

"What?Why y'all looking at me like that?" He asked looking at us like we had the problem.

"We looking at you because we want to know what you and Amber we're talking about." I said.

"Why,it wasn't nothing interesting."

"But,we want to know."

"Do 'we' want to know or do you want to know?" He asked making air quotation marks.

"Raise your hand if you to know what they were talking about?"I raised my hand then Danny was next to follow.
Kai was the next to raise his hand.

"I'm just nosey." Kai admitted shrugging his shoulders and Eli eventually raise his hand.

"Fine.I'll tell y'all." We all put our hands down waiting for him to speak. He took a deep breath and began the story.
A/N: I hope you enjoy.Remember to comment and like.Please for give me for any mistakes or typos.

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