Don't Tell Noah

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Noelle and I decided to do something simple and easy so we went to the gym. I usually went to the gym with Tonya on Sunday's but she went with one of her friends so I chose to go today with Noelle to keep up with my routine.We were currently in the car on our way there.

"What college do you go to?" I asked Noelle.

"V.C.U." She responded,still having her eyes on the road ahead of us.

"What do you major in?"

"I'm studying to become a pharmacist." She answered proudly.

"So,what about you?" Noelle asked looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"What do you mean?" I asked unsure where our conversation was heading.

"Like what do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I'm not sure I think I may major in psychology or criminal law when I got to college."

"Ya 'know my mom is a psychologist."

"Really? I didn't know Mrs.Carter was a
psychologists." I spoke in a high pitched tone.

"Yup and my father is a doctor.He works in the maternity ward of the hospital that's probably why you haven't met him yet." I simply nodded because I didn't have anything else to say.I mean I just met Noah's mother yesterday and it was no telling when I'd meet his father.Noah told me stories before about his father and the way he talked about him made him seem very intimidating.

The rest of the ride we ride in a comfortable silence as the radio was playing music and we would hum the lyrics or sing them under our breath.

When we walked into the gym we went straight to the women's locker room to put our belongings in a locker.I was lacing up my shoes when I seen someone's shadow in front of me.I look up and see Amber standing in front of me. Noelle then turns around and slams the locker shut causing Amber to jump.Noelle and I stood there irritated with our arms folded over our chest.

"Look do you have something to say." I said breaking the silence.

"Just that Noah can do better." Amber said putting her hand on her hip.

"Bitch,please you need to stop acting like your better than everyone else when I seen your nudes on Twitter." Noelle added.

"Noelle I'm pretty sure I wasn't talking to you." Amber spat putting her finger in Noelle's face.

"Girl,if you don't move your E.T looking ass finger out my damn face before I break it."

"Please." Amber scuffed putting her hand in Noelle's face again.

"Bitch,now you really about to get it." Noelle said reaching for her and before I knew it they were on the ground fighting.I picked Noelle up,off of Amber and dragged her out the locker room.️

"DON'T LET ME CATCH YOU IN THE PARKING LOT,BITCH!" Noelle yelled behind me.I finally put her down when we got in another room,locking the door behind us and she started pacing around.

"I need to punch something." She said through gritted teeth.

"How about a punching bag." I said handing her boxing gloves and pointing to a punching bag. She nodded in agreement and put on the gloves and I put on gloves too.

We left the gym about 3 hours later and headed back home after grabbing a bite to eat.

"Well I had a good time other than the part when you beat up Amber.Wait, I take that back.That was my favorite part." I said to Noelle,laughing.

"Well it felt good whooping her ass she definitely deserved it." She said shrugging and drinking from her bottle of water.We hugged for awhile knowing we would miss each other even though we known for a few short days, I thought of Noelle as older big sister and she seen me as her little sister because she doesn't have one.When we pulled away I asked her when was the next time she'd be here.

"Next month for Noah's birthday." I totally forgot his birthday was coming up so soon. 'I have to find him a gift.' I thought to myself.

"Okay well I'll see you then." I said hugging her one last time.I started walking to my house before Noelle grabbed my arm turning me towards her.

"Don't tell Noah." She said sternly and I knew exactly what she was talking about.I simply nodded before going in the house.

Next Day

I was sitting at the lunch table with Noah,Danny,Kai,and Eli.We all were kinda of getting close to each other especially Kai and Danny.

"Eli do you want me to help you find a girl."

"Please." He said pouting.

"I'll try my best to help you find a girl for you." I said already having the perfect girl in mind.

We were still talking when Amber walked over to our table with sunglasses on trying to hide her black eye.

"Noah we need to talk?" Amber said grabbing his arm and pulling him from his seat.I grabbed his other and pulled him back in his seat.Amber turned around and looked at me in disbelief.

"Whatever you have to say to him you can say in front of all of us." I said.

"Fine.Noah why are you dating this low class hoe,when you should be with me." She said crossing her arms across her chest and sinking her weight on her left leg.

"I'm a low class hoe? No you need to find some damn class.Your the one who went with Christian after breaking up with Noah because he the second best player on the team after Noah." I said raising my voice.

"Johari,did you tell Noah about what you and Noelle did yesterday."

"Jo,what is she talking about?" Noah asked turning his attention to me.

"Yea.Jo what am I talking about?" Amber added with sarcasm.

"Do you want another black eye?" I asked standing up from my seat.

"Who's gonna give it to me?"

"You keep under estimating me.Wait till I whoop your ass!" I said getting closer to her.

"Oh my god! I'm shaking." She replied sarcastically,pushing me into the table.

'This bitch don't know who she messing with' I thought to myself.I grabbed her hair and slammed her head into the lunch table after that all I saw was red.My only memory after that is being pulled off of Amber.

Noah P.O.V

When Jo reached over the table and grabbed Amber's hair,I just knew it was over for Amber.When I seen it was getting too violent I went broke it up.I reached out to grab Jo but I was too late.Christian already did.He took her into the janitor's closet and I followed behind them.Before he could close the door I stuck my foot in the way to keep it open.He turned around surprised that I was standing there.I pushed passed him so I could check on my girl.

"Baby,you okay?" I asked her.

"Yea,I'm fine." She said shrugging it off still trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry I feel like I put you in that position." I said apologetically.

"Nah baby, it's not your so, don't beat yourself up about it." She said caressing my cheek with her hand.We walked out the closet hand and hand. Once we did Christian was waiting on the other side of the door.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

"I'm here for Jo,not for you."He said turning his attention to Jo.

"Did you forget who you was talking to." I said disconnecting my hand from Johari's hand.I was really getting angry now.

"Baby calm down.He only trying to get a reaction out of you.Come on you just got back on the football team." She said pulling me away from Christian.I eventually listened to her and walked away.

"Yea,listen to your girl before you get whooped." Christian yelled after.I turned around a it to swing but Jo keep pulling me in the opposite direction.It's okay though because the next time he try to show off I'm going to beat his ass.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.Thank you for 500+ reads.

Ignore any typos.


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