The Game of Hide-And-Seek

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It was just another peaceful day in the Devildom. You decided today would be a good day to hang out with the brothers for a little while. You walk up to the door of the House of Lamentation and knocked. Suddenly, the door opened by itself. This was odd. Usually, Lucifer would answer the door. You forget about it and walk in. Something felt..... different. It was quiet. Too quiet. It was usually really noisy in the House of Lamentation, especially when you would arrive. Now, you felt like something was wrong. Before you could go looking for the brothers, you hear a small whispering noise coming from behind a curtain. "Psst. Hey! Y/n!" That sounded a lot like Mammon's. You pull the curtain back to find mammon standing there. "Mammon???" You said, looking quite surprised. Before you could say anything, Mammon put his finger to your lips "shhhh!" He hushed as he pulled you behind the curtain, holding you close to him. "Be careful. You could've given away my hidin' spot!" He whispered. You were very confused. Why is Mammon behind a curtain? Is he hiding from Lucifer? Did he do something wrong? "What's going on?" You asked. "We're playin' a game of Hide-And-Seek and Lucifer's the one seekin'. If you stood there any longer, you would've given me away. Glad we're hidin' together though," Mammon replied. A game of hide and seek? This should be fun. You got closer to Mammon to make the hiding spot more convincing. He looked at you confused "what the- h-hey!" He began to blush a bit. He suddenly realized what you were doing. "Oooh, I see. Good idea, y/n!" Suddenly, the curtains were pulled back. A shadowy figure stood above you and Mammon. It was Lucifer. "Ah, so you've decided to join our little game of hide and seek, y/n?" He bellowed. You nod vigorously. Lucifer chuckled."well, maybe you can help me find the others. Mammon, go to the common room since you've been found," Mammon sighed and slowly walked to the common room. "Now then," said Lucifer "let's see if we can find Leviathan,"

The first place you decided to look was Levi's room. You walked into his room and started searching. After looking in every place Levi might be hiding, he was no where to be found. The only place you haven't looked was in Henry's tank. Why would Levi even be in Henry's tank? Before you could leave, you saw something move in the corner of your eye. It looked like it was coming from Henry's tank. You sighed and decided to give it a quick look. Something was floating behind a big rock in the tank, but you couldn't tell what it was. It certainly wasn't Henry. Suddenly, Levi floated out from behind the rock. By the looks of it, he had been in there for a while. He looked like he was about to pass out from holding his breath! You frantically tried to find a way to open the tank so he could get out. You heard a tapping on the glass of the tank. It was Levi. Once he had your attention, he frantically pointed to the top of the tank. The was a trap door on the ceiling with a ladder connected to it. That must be how Levi feeds henry. You climbed up the ladder and opened the trap door. Levi popped his head out of the water and took a big gasp of air. "Whew! That was close! I thought I was gonna drown!" he said relieved. He climbed down and grabbed a towel off of his desk. "So, who have you found so far?" "Well, you're the first person I've found. Lucifer found Mammon" you replied. Levi looked down "ah, so there are more people hiding?" He turned to Henry, "you need to hide me better next time,". Henry just looked at him confused. Levi shrugged "oh well, you can't always win these things I guess. Great job at finding me, and thanks for helping me out of the tank!" Levi got up and left for the common room. Next, you needed to find Satan.

Being Satan, you figured he would be hiding in a place you wouldn't think he could hide in. You thought about searching the library, but that seemed too obvious. Maybe he's hiding in the music room? Nah, that also seemed too obvious. While you were walking, you noticed a book on the table. It was a copy of The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. Maybe this is a clue that Satan left for you. You picked it up and started reading it. You got to a page that had a note on it. The note said "in the study". You read the page the note was on. On this page, the main character admitted to hiding the body of a strange man in the floorboards. That's it! Satan is hiding under the floorboards in Lucifer's study! You quickly walked to the study and started searching for a loose floorboard. You carefully stepped on every board until one made a loud creek. You pull back the floorboard with all your might, only to find a bunch of dangerous devildom snakes lunging at you. At this point, the floorboard was your only weapon. Before you could pound the snakes in oblivion, Satan crawled out of the floor and called off the snakes. "I'm so sorry, y/n. Those snakes were meant for Lucifer," he apologized. You laughed "it's fine, Satan,". You helped him out of the floor and put the floorboard back. "Well? Did you like my clue? I thought it was pretty clever!" He said proudly. You nodded "yeah, that was pretty good," Satan smiled and made his way to the common room. Now, time to find Asmodeus.

If it's one thing Asmo loves (besides you and himself), it's pretty things. He had to be hiding in a room that's really beautiful. Maybe the music room. Just as you walked into the music room, you caught the faint smell of cologne. Asmo HAD to be in here. You began looking around for Asmo. You looked under the grand piano, behind shelves, even inside the grand piano. Asmo was nowhere to be found. Then, you noticed something shiny in the corner of your eye. You walk over to the shiny thing and pick it up. It's an earring. It looked like it belonged to Asmo. He must've lost it while hiding. This gave you an idea, "well, I guess if I can't find Asmo, I can't give him his lost earring. I'll have to go give it to Mammon so he can sell it!" You said. You hear a small gasp from inside the closet, the one place you forgot to check. Asmo bolted out of the closet and quickly grabbed the earring from you "don't. You. dare!!!" He exclaimed. He looked around, realizing what you just did. "Aw, there goes my hiding spot. I guess you got me," said Asmo, as he put his earring back on, "that was very clever of you though. I'll see you later!" He gave you a kiss on the cheek and left to go to the common room. Time to find the twins.

If there's one place Beelzebub would hide, it would be the kitchen. You decided to check there first.
First, you checked the fridge. Beel wasn't there, but at least the food was still there. Then, you checked the cupboards. He wasn't in the cupboards either. Lastly, you checked the pantry. It was huge! He could be anywhere in here! You began checking behind all the food. Suddenly, there was a loud growling noise coming from the kitchen. You walk out of the pantry to see what it was. You heard it again. It was coming from one of the cabinets closer to the floor. You open one of them. Beel was squished between all the pots and pans. You wondered how he could even fit in there! "Aw, my stomach gave away my hiding spot..." He sighed. He looked at you, "could you help me out of here?" You grabbed his arm and began to pull. Once he was out, he dusted himself off and grabbed a box of cookies from the cupboard. "Mmm thank goodness you got me out of there *munch munch* it was really tight in there *munch*" you smiled at him "so, where's Belphie?" You asked. Beel swallowed his food "No, I'm afraid not," he replied. "But I can give you an idea of where to look. He's probably hiding somewhere quiet and cozy," a quiet and cozy place....that sounds like...

...The attic. Upon walking into the attic, you noticed Belphie sound asleep on the bed. You weren't sure whether to wake him up or let him sleep. Although, since he was the last one found, he won the game. That meant it was his turn to seek. You walk over to him and gently shake him "hey, Belphie," you whispered. Slowly, Belphie began to open his eyes. He lifted his head and looked at you. "Hm?......oh, hey y/n," he said tiredly. "You're the last one to be found. You won the game of hide-and-seek!" You exclaimed quietly. Belphie rubbed his eyes "oh? *Yawn* good for me..." He quickly went back to sleep. There was nothing you could do at this point. You had to tell the others that Belphie had fallen back asleep. You made your way to the door, but before exiting the attic, you turned around to look at Belphie. He looked so cozy sleeping in his little bed. It almost made you sleepy just looking at him. You began to think to yourself "(well, I'm sure the others won't mind if I took a nap)" you walked over to the bed, curled up next to Belphie, and slowly slipped away into dreamland.

Meanwhile, in the common room, the brothers were getting impatient. "Where's y/n? They've been gone for a while now!" Mammon yelled. "They went looking for Belphie after they found me," said Beel. "Belphie must be hiding in a really good place of it's taking them this long to find him," said Levi. Lucifer got up out of the chair he was sitting in "well, we shouldn't be sitting around. Let's go find y/n," he said while heading out of the common room. The other brothers followed and started searching all around the House of Lamentation for you.

The game of Hide-and-seek continued.

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