The Ultimate Water Battle

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Today was the hottest day of the year in the Devildom. Ice would melt within seconds, demons were fainting from the heat, and water would evaporate quicker than it usually does. Unlike the human world, heat was much more intense in the Devildom. In fact, the heat was so intense that day that a human could die in seconds. Thankfully, Lucifer had put a spell on you that protected you from the scorching heat. But even so, you'd be sweating bullets every time you walked outside!

Not only that, the brothers were acting really odd. They were quiet around you and kept hinting on some sort of fight in the gardens behind the school. Did the demon brothers plan a fight with another demon and they don't wanna tell you because they don't want you to worry for them? Nah, that can't be it.

During your final class of the day, Mammon had slipped a note to you. The note said: "meet us in the gardens behind the school". So they did plan a fight! Your head was flooded with questions like "who did they plan a fight with? Why are they inviting me?!". Suddenly, the bell rang (if RAD has a bell) and class was dismissed. You left the classroom and made your way to the gardens. The path to the gardens was completely empty and quiet, lined with bushes that could easily hide a dangerous creature. You thought nothing about that though. You were just worried about what the brothers were up to. You reached the middle of the garden, which contained two big bushes and a bench to sit on. Where are the brothers? They should've been here by now! Maybe you arrived early to the fight. You decided to sit on the bench and wait. Unfortunately, the brothers' school uniforms were laying on the bench. Well, that's weird. Why would the brothers up and strip down to their socks in public? Was it too hot for them? They could've just gone home and changed into a cooler set of clothes. Then, you found a water gun on the ground next to the bench. You picked it up. "It's full of water," you thought. You had the sudden realization of what was going on. You walked up to a bush and looked behind it. You saw Asmo, Beel, and Belphie sitting behind the bush in bathing suits. "Hey, what ar-" before you could finish your sentence, Asmo pulled up behind the bush. "Welcome to our team!" Asmo exclaimed. You looked around in confusion "i-i thought there was gonna be an actual fight!" You replied. "We're not fighting like that. Every year, on the hottest day, we come out here and have a water battle instead of doing our homework," said Beel. "That's why Lucifer doesn't know about this," added Belphie, filling up his water gun, "it's great that you'll be joining us this year," you looked at yourself "but I'm not wearing any swimwear!" You said. Asmo laughed, "don't worry! A little water won't damage your school uniform!". You shrugged and got into position.

Suddenly, you saw water flying over the bush. "CHAAARGE!!!" You looked over and saw Mammon, Levi, and Satan charging at your bush. "they're attacking!" Shouted Beel. You, Asmo, Beel, and Belphie started firing water at the other team. Mammon suddenly stopped "hold up! Time out! How come y/n is on your team and not ours?!" He shouted. "Yeah!" Levi shouted, "it's so not fair!"
"Not to mention your team now have four people and we only have three. That isn't fair!" added Satan. Asmo, Beel, and Belphie walked out from behind the bush. "Well, we saw them first!" Asmo shouted. "technically, you pulled them behind the bush once you saw them," Beel added. Asmo just put a finger on Beel's lip, trying to shush him. While the brothers were arguing, you sat behind the bush wondering how you were going to get them to stop. Satan was right. Since you were on the other team, there was an unequal amount of teammates. You had to do something. If only there was a way to make it so the teams would be equal. This gave you an idea!

While the brothers were still arguing, you sneaked up between Asmo and Mammon, hoping they wouldn't see you. Now, you had to get their attention. You made sure your water gun was fully loaded. You aim at Asmo and...... *Squirt* "Hey!!" Asmo was now soaking wet. He looked down at you in irritation. Next, you aimed at Mammon. *Squirt* "Ack!!!" Mammon looked at you and pointed his water gun at you, "why I oughta-" "what's going on, y/n?! I thought you were on our team!" Asmo interrupted. You stood up and looked at the brothers "not anymore. I was thinking we could all just go up against each other instead of being on teams. That way, we won't have to worry about an unequal amount of people on each team," you said with a smile. The brothers pondered your idea for a bit. "That makes sense. It would be more fun if we all went against each other," Satan replied. "Well then," Belphie reloaded his water gun, "let's get to it."

The chaos continued throughout the day. Water was spraying everywhere. Everyone was getting soaked no matter where they ran. Even you were drenched head to toe in water. Even though your school uniform was feeling a bit heavy from the water, you still kept going. Levi was using the bushes as barricades. Asmo was trying to keep his hair dry. Beel has stationed himself near a berry bush in case he got hungry. Everyone was having fun in their own way. You kept playing until you felt something cold and wet hit the back of your neck. You turned around to see what hit you. Belphie and Satan were standing their holding water balloons. "I thought we could up the intensity a little bit. Everyone, grab some balloons!" Said Satan. Now, the battle was even more chaotic! You were even more soaked than before (and you were covered in balloon plastic). Good thing it was a hot day though. The brothers were right. This was an awesome way to cool off. You fought for a little bit until you heard Mammon shout something, "Hey, watch this! I'm gonna throw this water balloon really hard!". He wound up his arm and prepared to throw the water balloon. He got into position and...WHOOSH!!! The water balloon was flying through the air. You had to admit it was a pretty good throw. The water balloon suddenly hit something and Mammon celebrated. However, everyone else, including you, stopped fighting. Mammon noticed you and the brothers' terrified faces in confusion. He turned around and quickly stopped celebrating once he saw what, or who, was hit by the water balloon.

Lucifer was standing there, his agitated face dripping with water. Everyone began to realize their tradition of water battling was about to come to an end. Lucifer stood there on silence for quite a while until he finally spoke, "I have been watching your battle from afar. I must say, it's very pathetic. I think it needs a bit more intensity," he pulls out the garden hose from behind his back and switches it to the "Jet" setting on the nozzle. He began chasing after you and the brothers with the hose pointed forward. You tried to stay within the group the brothers had created, but even so, you would still get sprayed by the hose. The battle had reached max chaos. You and the brothers were trying to get Lucifer while Lucifer was using the hose. You stopped to look around your surroundings. Everything seemed so cheerful. The brothers were all laughing and smiling. You turned to look at Lucifer. Even he was smiling for once. You could feel nothing but good vibes just by observing the environment. Suddenly, you snapped back into reality when Levi squirted your face. Oh, that's right! You're in the middle of a water battle! There's no time for goofing around! You chased Levi around the garden so you could get him back. You were so busy chasing him that you didn't notice Lucifer behind you, as well as a few of the other brothers. It seemed like Lucifer was trying to corral you all in one spot. You and the brothers started getting closer and closer together as you ran from Lucifer. Suddenly, all of the brothers came to an abrupt stop. "A dead end!" Shouted Mammon. You turned around to see Lucifer carrying a giant bucket of water. Next thing you know, everything was blurry. Once your vision cleared, you looked around to see the brothers laying on the ground completely drenched, and Lucifer had gone somewhere else.

It was clear Lucifer had won the fight, so you and the brothers decided to end it. You sat down on a bench to rest after the long fight. Lucifer appeared with towels, ice pops, sodas and a plate of sandwiches. "I prepared these for all of you, so eat up" he said whole setting everything on the bench. "Wait, you knew what we were doing?" Satan asked. Lucifer nodded "Yes. When you don't come back to the House of Lamentation after school every year, I knew you all were up to something. I especially got worried when y/n didn't show up, so I went looking for all of you. Surprise, I found all of you here fighting the afternoon away,". He handed out the towels to everyone. You dried off and grabbed a sandwich and a soda. As you are your sandwich, you watched the brothers closely. They were all talking about the fight and laughing. Lucifer was still smiling from the fight. This made you smile as well. You noticed that the air had cooled off during the fight. It was no longer as hot as it was before. It was just the right temperature. You sat back on the bench, closed your eyes, and listened to the sounds of the brothers laughing and crickets chirping. The evening was almost reminiscent of summertime in your childhood. No worries, no stress, just you, the brothers, and the peaceful atmosphere.

It was a long, yet exciting day ending with a beautiful, relaxing evening...

Obey Me!: Adventures in the Devildom //OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now