The Sorcerer of Oz (part three)

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You and your three new friends strolled along the yellow brick road. You looked around at the scenery. There wasn't much to see other than a field of flowers and Emerald City off in a distance. No matter how much you walked, it seemed like you weren't getting any closer to Emerald City. You looked at Mammon. He was daydreaming while staring off in a distance. You looked at Levi. He was humming an anime opening. You looked at Beel. He was mumbling to himself, "that rabbit in the field......I need to hunt it down....." The silence was starting to get annoying, so you decided to strike up a conversation.

"So Mammon, what's your story?" You asked. Mammon snapped back to reality, "huh?! Oh, my story? Well, okay then. I was never a scarecrow that stood in a corn field all day to scare birds. Actually, I'm a famous model for magazines all over this land! However, everything changed when King Lucifer discovered dark magic. It corrupted him to the point where he became a tyrant. King Diavolo tried to stop him, but the darkness from Lucifer eventually corrupted him too. Now, this entire land is one big mess. When I tried to warn everybody about it, Wicked Warlock Lucifer took me and stuck me on that pole in the corn field!" He gained a more hopeful look on his face, "but hey, I'm glad someone's finally gonna put an end to this." You smiled at Mammon happily.

"Okay Levi, what's your story?" You asked. Levi stopped humming and looked at you. "Me? Well, I'm actually a mechanical demon made of tin. I was originally built to cut down wood for the nearby towns. However, I had other plans in mind. I ran away and built my own place to live. That big log cabin I was standing near? I built that entire thing! Soon, I discovered my love for video games and anime. My cabin became my hiding place just in case the people that built me try to find me. However, things became a bit complicated when King Lucifer became corrupted. Everyday, it would storm in my part of the forest. For some reason, I felt the rain calling to me, telling me to grab my weapons and vanquish the dark king Lucifer. I did just that, however, it started storming the moment I stepped outside. The rain caused me to rust all over. I couldn't move for weeks!" Levi looked terrified when he remembered being stuck, but then he looked at you and calmed down, "but without you being there to oil my joints, I wouldn't be going on this quest to make the world right again!"

You smiled even more as he said those words. "Beel, what's your story?" You asked. Beel took his focus off of the rabbit and turned to you. "Well, as most lions are, I'm the king of the forest. My twin brother, Belphegor, and I used to rule the deep forest. Everything was great until King Lucifer came along and turned the forest into a dark, scary place. He kidnapped Belphie in the process of corrupting the forest," Beel's droopy lion ears perked up suddenly, "but I'm glad someone was there to help me leave the forest so I can save my kingdom,"

You smiled to the point where your cheeks began to hurt. You had been so busy listening to the brothers' stories that you lost track of how far you've walked! You looked up and saw a great, big field of red flowers! They were the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. They were almost as red as the magic boots you were wearing. You couldn't help but stop and admire their beauty. You knelt down to sniff one of the flowers. It had the sweetest smell! You couldn't help but sniff more. "Woah! I wish I got out more often! These flowers are amazing!" Levi exclaimed while sniffing a flower. Beel was pouncing and rolling around in the flowers, "this is great! I wish we had these growing in the deep forest!" He said happily. Meanwhile, Mammon stood and watched suspiciously, "strange," he thought, "these flowers look an awful lot like Devil Poppies..." As you continued to admire the flowers, you started to feel yourself getting very sleepy. Suddenly, Mammon made a discovery, "These are Devil Poppies!"
"Everyone! Stop sniffin' the flowers! They're Devil Poppies, and their pollen puts you to sleep!" Mammon yelled. But it was already too late. You, Levi, and Beel were fast asleep. Mammon began rushing around, trying to wake everyone up. "Wake up! You gotta wake up!" He shouted. Suddenly, Satan in his flying monkey form grabbed Mammon. "Let go of me, you smelly ape!" Shouted Mammon as he fought back. Just then, Mammon gave Satan a great big kick in the stomach. Satan let out a painful screech that woke everyone up, except you. The rest of the flying monkeys began to carry you and the gang away. The only one that was able to escape was Beel. He looked up in fear as he watched you and the brothers being carried away. He wasn't sure what to do other than run and hide. Suddenly, something snapped inside of him. He gained a very serious expression on his face. "ROOOAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!" Beel let out a mighty roar that blew the flying monkeys across the field, forcing them to let down their guards and drop the brothers. However, Belphie was still carrying you while being blown away. Beel leaped high into the air and pounced on Belphie, "you let go of my friend!!!!" He growled. Belphie screeched and let go of you in the process of trying to throw beel off. You fell hard into a patch of soft grass which cushioned your fall.

Finally, the flying monkeys flew away in defeat. Mammon, Levi, and Beel ran over to your still sleeping body. "Y/n? Y/N?!" Levi said worriedly. Mammon checked your pulse just in case, "I'm not feelin' much of a pulse..." Beel gasped. Levi begam to tear up, "y/n......please don't die......" Levi began to cry; his tears falling on you cheek. This began to wake you up a little. Mammon noticed you start to move a little, "wait, Levi! Keep doin' that!" Levi cried harder. Finally, you fully woke up. "Y/n!" Shouted the brothers with joy. "Dang it, y/n! Don't scare us like that!" Mammon exclaimed. You picked yourself up, "sorry about that. Levi, thank you for waking me up," Levi blushed, "oh uh, it was nothing, really," you got back on the path, "okay, everyone! Let's keep going!" You and the brothers continued your journey.

About an hour later, you finally reached your glorious destination: Emerald City! The green, emerald towers loomed over you as the light shown through the emerald, casting a dark green shade over you. You take a deep breath, walk toward the door. There was a bell you could ring, but there was a sign in front of it that said "bell out of service. Please knock". You knocked on the door instead. Suddenly, the big door opens to reveal yet another familiar face. It was Thirteen! "I'm sorry but the sorcerer currently isn't seeing anyone at the moment," she said. "What do you mean? This is urgent!" Levi replied. "If it's about the Wicked Warlock Lucifer, there's nothing he can do. We've had, like, a million people ask him to do something about it already and he's tired of it. Goodbye," she began to close the door. Beel grabbed the door before she could close it, "this has nothing to do with Lucifer. Y/n is lost and wants to go home. We want to know if the sorcerer can do anything about it," Thirteen looked surprised and a bit relieved, "really? So this isn't about Lucifer? That's a relief! Come on in!" She opens the door to let you and the brothers in. You enter the throne room of the mighty sorcerer. It was a big room that wasn't lit very well. In fact, it was quite hard to see anything. Suddenly, a great wall of fire burst out of the ground in front of you. A giant face appeared on the wall of fire. Much like everyone else, this face looked familiar. "I. AM. SOLOMON. THE GREAT AND POWERFUL. WHO ARE YOU?" The face bellowed. The three brothers shook in fear. You stepped forward nervously.
"I am y/n!"
"Well, I got lost after a storm carried me here and I'm wearing the Wicked Warlock Diavolo's boots. Lucifer needs them, but I can't take them off! Also Mammon wants a brain, Levi wants a heart, and Beel wants courage,"

The sorcerer pondered everything you told him and spoke, "VERY WELL. I WILL GRANT YOUR WISHES. HOWEVER, I AM IN NEED OF ONE ITEM: A FEATHER FROM THE WICKED WARLOCK LUCIFER'S WINGS," you were shocked at such a difficult request, "b-but thats-"

And just like that, the wall of fire disappeared. You turned to look at the brothers. They were still shaking. "Uh y/n, are ya sure this guy's trustworthy? I think he's got a few screws loose," you shrugged at him. As you walked outside of the gate, Thirteen approached you. "Hey, I'm here to instruct you on how to get a feather from Lucifer's wings. Unlike most demons with feathery wings here, the feathers on his wings are connected to him. Which means you can't simply pluck one off of him. You have to cut it out with some sort of sharp, magical weapon. Luckily, I have one here!" She hands you a silver dagger with skull patterns on the blade. "Take good care of Mr. Stabby Boi No. 5 for me! Now off you go! Good luck!" Thirteen said with a smile as you started back on the yellow brick road. Levi looked at the dagger in confusion. "What kind of name is Mr. Stabby Boi No. 5?"

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