The Sorcerer of Oz (part two)

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(sorry this took so long! Here is part 2!)

You had been walking down the yellow brick road on your way to Emerald City. You don't remembered how long you have been walking, but it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered now was getting the boots off and going home. The scenery was clear and bright like it had been pulled from a movie. This gave you some hope for the journey. You kept walking until you stopped at a fork in the road. Between each path lay a fenced-in corn field with a scarecrow that looked......oddly familiar. You had no idea which way to go. Emerald City was out of sight, so you couldn't figure out which path would take you there. "Hmm, which way?" You asked yourself.

"Well, most people go that way," huh?! That voice sounded familiar as well! You look up and see the scarecrow pointing to the left path. You thank the scarecrow and make your way to the left path. "Though this way's the scenic route. But in order to go down the path, you gotta pay a small fee" a small fee?! That sounds a lot like something Mammon would say. You look at the scarecrow and lo and behold, there he is. "Hey human! You ever seen a talking scarecrow before?" He laughed. Though it was weird to see Mammon as a scarecrow, you were relieved to see another familiar face. "You seem lost, human. Where're ya headed?" Asked Mammon. "I'm going to Emerald City to see the Sorcerer. Do you know which way it is?" You replied. "Well lucky for you, I know the exact way to get there. I'd love to show you, but I'm kinda stuck to this pole," Mammon pondered for a second, "hey! I'll make you a deal! If you can get me down from here, I'll show you the way. I've been wantin' to visit the sorcerer myself! Ya see, every crow that flies by this field always say the same old things: 'stupid Mammon. That scarecrow has no brains.' I'm tired of it! So I wanna go to the wizard and prove to them that I have a brain!" You thought about his deal and nodded. Mammon smiled, "Great! Now, there should be a little hook I'm attached to. All you gotta do is unhook it!" You went behind the wooden pole and unhooked him. Mammon fell to the ground. Some of his straw flew everywhere. He got up and wobbled a little, "feels good to be standin' on solid ground! It's been forever since I've traveled!" He offered his arm to you "now then, a deal's a deal, human. Are ya comin' or not?" You looked at his arm and took it. He smiled again, "let's go!" You two started to skip along the right path, "you got a name, human?" Asked Mammon. "It's y/n", you replied. "Great! I'll remember that!" You continued to skip along the yellow brick road with Mammon.

A little while later, you two stopped at a small log cabin outside of a wooded area. "Huh? What's a log cabin doin' outside of the woods?" Mammon asked himself. You noticed the door was slightly opened, so you looked inside the cabin. The walls were covered in posters of anime girls and demon warriors. One wall was just one giant fish tank with a single goldfish inside. The shelves were full of anime figures, manga, and anime DVDs. In the middle of the room lay a bathtub with a blue blanket and a dakimakura of Ruri-Chan. This log cabin could only belong to one person: Leviathan.

"Hey y/n! Come look at this!" Shouted Mammon. You walked outside to where Mammon was standing. In front of Mammon stood a tall, rusty demon made of tin. He was holding a handheld game system and had a terrified expression on his face. Yeah, it is definitely Levi. "I've seen these things before. You put some Grimm in it and it does a little animation," Mammon dug through his pockets looking for some Grimm. Suddenly, you heard some muffling coming from the tin Levi. "Mmfph.....oimph....camfph..!" He groaned. "Mammon, he's talking," you said. Mammon looked up, "eh? What's he sayin'?" You listened closer. "Olmfph.....camfph...!"
"I think he's saying 'oil can' "
You saw a small oil can sitting on a tree stump nearby. You grabbed it and started oiling Levi's joints. He began to move his arms and legs. Lastly, you oiled his jaw. He moved his jaw back and forth before gasping for air. "*Gasp* uuugh! This is why shut-ins don't go outside! You step outside one day and suddenly it starts pouring rain! Next thing you know, you're joints rust and you get stuck outside for years!" ranted Levi. He gathered himself and looked at you. "Thanks for oiling my joints! I didn't think anyone would come and help me. I'm Leviathan the tin demon. What're your names?" Asked Levi. "I'm Mammon the scarecrow and this is y/n the human" Mammon replied. "A human? We haven't had any of those come through these parts in a while. Where are you headed?"
"We're going to see the Sorcerer of Oz so he can give Mammon a heart and send me home" you replied. "Wait, so this is like a quest?! okay if I join? I've been wanting to see the Sorcerer for something. You see, people tend to call me heartless because I spend most of my time inside my cabin. I wasn't sure what they meant until I looked inside myself" he opened up his chest cavity, revealing a small, empty compartment. "See? Nothing. So I figured the sorcerer might be able to make a heart for me." Levi explained. "Well, you can come with us if you'd like!" You replied happily. "Really?!" Levi jumped up and ran into his cabin. He came out with a prop sword he uses for cosplay, "quests like these require proper equipment. Now, let's go travelers!" He ran into the woods holding the sword up high. You and Mammon followed behind.

You and the two brothers had made it into a darker part of the woods. Everything was much darker and unfriendlier than before. Strange noises echoed off the trees. Suddenly, you heard a growl. Mammon jumped, "what was that?! A lion?" "Maybe it was a tiger. I've seen those around here," Levi added. "A tiger? I doubt it. It's most likely a big bear!" Mammon said in fear. "Lions....and tigers.....and bears...." Levi chanted. "Oh my..." You added. All three of you began to chant...
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and-"

At that moment, a big lion man leaped out of the bushes toward you and the brothers. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!" You all screamed before running in different directions. While you were running, you couldn't help but notice something familiar about the lion.  Beelzebub chased you and the two brothers into bushes and behind trees. "That's right! Be afraid! Roooaaarr!!!!!!" Beel bellowed before running to the bush you were hiding in. He was so close, you could practically feel him breathing. "Finally, I haven't had anything to eat in a long time," Beel growled menacingly. Suddenly, a small colony of bats flew out of the bushes. Beel screamed and ran away, "Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!". You, Mammon, and Levi left your hiding spots and saw Beel's tail sticking out of the bush. "Hey 'King of the Jungle', what kinda act was that?!" Yelled Mammon. Beel slowly crawled out of the bush, "I'm sorry, I just get startled easily." He said as he brushed the leaves off of him. He quickly became serious, "Ahem. I'm Beelzebub the lion. I rule and protect this forest. Please state your business." Mammon spoke up, "first of all, we're just passin' through. Second of all, if you're the ruler of this forest, why'd you run away from those bats like a little scaredy cat?!" Beel's ears drooped, "it's a long, sad story. You see, this forest used to be bright and sunny all the time. My twin brother Belphegor and I ruled it together. Everything was perfect until it was taken over by Wicked Warlock Lucifer's minions. They were the ones that kidnapped my twin brother." Beel explained. "Now that his minions are lurking through this forest, I'm too scared to leave my den to hunt for food. I haven't been able to make a kill in weeks. I'm hoping that one day I'll find the courage to leave the forest and defeat the Wicked Warlock Lucifer," declared Beel. "The sorcerer can help you! We're heading to Emerald City to visit him so he can give Mammon a brain, Levi a heart, and take me back home. You should join us!" You offered. Beel's lion eats perked up, "Really? In that case, I'm in!" Beel joined arms with Levi. You and the three demons began to skip down the yellow brick road once again.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was holding a meeting with three of his flying monkeys, "That puny human is heading to Emerald City so they can return home. Well, I'm not going to let them get away with those precious ruby red boots. I need you three to bring that human to me so I can retrieve those boots,"
"Yes, your lordship"
Satan, Belphie, and Mephistopheles grabbed their gear and glided out the window. Lucifer's evil laugh could be heard as they flew through the sky.

"Fly, my minions!! Fly!!!!!"

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