Doubling Bubble Trouble! (Asmo x reader)

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Author's Note: there's some fluff. But there's also slight nudity.


The light from the Devildom moon shined down upon the bustling town streets. You and Asmo were strolling along the street drinking coffee from Headless Cafe while looking for stores to visit. The rest of the demon brothers had to run an important errand at the Demon Lord's castle that day, so it was just you and Asmo until they returned. Because of this, Asmo decided to take you on a little shopping date. Since you and Asmo could never find time to spend together, this was the perfect opportunity to go on a date and have some fun. "Y/n, I've been having trouble with my baths lately," explained Asmo. "I love taking bubble baths, but the bubbles never last as long as I want them to."

"Well, some things aren't meant to last," you responded remorsefully.
"That's true," sighed Asmo. "Still, I wish there was a way to make them last longer." You sipped your coffee as you followed Asmo into Savonne.

You were busy browsing through the massive collection of scented body washes when you were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone running toward you. "Y/n! Look what I found!" Exclaimed Asmo as he ran toward you excitedly. You look up from the shelves.

"What?" You asked. Asmo held up a bright pink bottle of bubble bath. Words written in cursive read: "Bubbles that last until the end of your bath time!" Asmo hugged the bottle happily. "This is exactly what I'm looking for!" He squealed. "I don't remember seeing this bubble bath before," you remarked. "Me neither! It must be new!" Replied Asmo. "Anyway, I'm done shopping. I'll meet you at the checkout!" You grabbed what you needed and followed Asmo to the checkout.

Back at the House of Lamentation, you relaxed in your bed in the guest room while Asmo was taking a bath. The brother still hadn't gotten back from their errands yet. What could be taking them so long? Well, it didn't really matter at the moment. You got to spend more time with Asmo, and that was all that mattered. You were a bit tired from all the shopping you did with Asmo, so you decided to take a short nap until the brother got back. That plan was interrupted by the sound of your D.D.D going off like crazy. You grab it from your nightstand and check the notifications. They're all texts from Asmo saying:


That didn't sound good at all! You jumped out of bed and darted down the hallway to Asmo's room. You busted his bathroom door open with haste. "What's wrong, Asmo?!" You shouted in a panic. But Asmo was nowhere to be seen. However, it was hard not to notice a huge mountain of bubbles on top of Asmo's bathtub. That's weird. He always uses a regular amount of bubble bath. Suddenly, the bubble mountain began to speak:

"Y/n, is that you?! I'm in here!" Yelled Asmo.

"What happened, Asmo?!" You yelled back.

"I was relaxing in my bath when the bubbles started multiplying! Now I don't know how to get out!!!!!" Explained Asmo while panicking.

You noticed the bottle of bubble bath on the side of the tub. You checked if the bottle said anything about the bubbles multiplying. You noticed some big words on the bottle that read "Doubling Bubbles: bubbles that double instead of pop!" That explains everything! They last a long time because they don't pop! You guessed Asmo didn't read that part. There was no time to worry about it though. You had to save Asmo. You inserted your arm into the mound of bubbles.

"Asmo, do you see my arm?"
"Grab it! I'm gonna pull you out!"

You felt Asmo grab hold of your arm. With one big yank of your arm, you pulled him out of the bubble mound. You pulled with so much force that you fell backwards onto the floor. You looked up to see Asmo laying on top of you, covered from head to toe in bubbles. You feel your cheeks heat up quickly. You could tell he was blushing too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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