Boy Or Girl???

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I wake up. My belly is huge now. I saw El come in with a tray. Shes been taking care of me. "Good Morning "El said. "Good morning"I smiled. She handed me the tray as I sat up. "Thanks"I said.

"4 more months to go"She smiled. I took a deep breath. "Yup"I said. "Your afraid"She said. "How did you know"I asked. "Because of the way your acting"She said. I looked down.

"What if the baby dont make it? What if I dont make it? What if me and Zayn break up? What if-"I was saying but was cut off. "Perrie calm down now"El yelled holding me hand. My heart was beating fast. "Per just calms down, stop thinking negative. Think positive for once"She said. I nodded. "Imaging Zayn playing with your little boy or girl"She said. I smiled. I started calming down.

She lets go of my arm. "Well you gonna find out today right"She said. "Yea, I wanna know what im having"I said smiling. I ate my breakfast and took a shower. I put on some black jogging pants and a grey sweater. I texted Jade telling her to meet me and Eleanor at the doctor. I sat down waiting for the doctor. I started reading some pregnancy magazines. "Hey"I heard Jade say. "Hey"Me and El said. "Did you find out yet"She asked excited. "Nope not yet"I said. She sat down and read some magazines with me. After those 10mins I heard my name. We got up and followed the doc.

My doctor made me lay dow so he could put some Jelly thing on me. I dont know why but Im still afraid. Eleanor came and held my hand. "Calm down okay"She said softly and smiled. I smiled to. I looked at the screen. "Well Ms Edwards"Said the doc. "Is it a boy"El asked. "is it a gurl"Jade asked. I laughed. "Ms Edwards is having...."He said then stoped. Jade lean closer to the doc and so did El.

"A beatiful girl"He said. I smiled as a tear came down my face.

Jade screamed and hugged me. The doc took the Jelly off the Eleanor hugged me after Jade. "Oh my god I have to tell Zayn"I said. I called Zayn. Nobody picked up. "Nobody is picking up"I said kinda upset. "He might be singing"Said Jade. "No the boys are off today"I said. "Well he night be busy"Eleanor said.

I got home and layed down on my bed. I miss Zayn so much. My phone started ringing. After the first ring I answered it.


"Hey Love sorry I missed your call"

"Zaynie, oh my god I missed you"

"I miss you too"

"Zayn guess what"


"We're having a girl"

"Oh my god"

"I know right"

"Oh so why didnt you answer my call, if you had today off"

"Oh I was with the lads doing some last min stuff"

"Oh ok, Well im glad your okay"

"Well i gotta go love"

"What....ok later"

Why did he have to go?

I looked at the clock it was 7:34pm. I got up and made myself dinner. I open my laptop and saw all the hate I was getting. I shut my laptop close.

I went to bed, I just want Zayn here.







I open my eyes and saw Zayn next to me. What!?

This must be a dream. I poked him and his eyes open. "Zayn!"I yelled hugging him. "Hey"He said yawning. "What are you doing here"I asked. "There was a fire on stage so we got the week off into they get it fix"He said sitting up. I rested my head on his stomach. "Oh my god im so glad your here"I said. He started running his fingers through ny hair. "Im glad im here to"He said kissing my cheek. I smiled. "When did you get in"I asked. "Like at 11:00 last night"He said. I nodded. I didnt want to leave him.

I got in the shower. It felt good having the water hit my face. I felt someone pull my back into his arms. Zayn. I smiled. He kissed me. He washed my body for me and I washed his.

We got out. I put on some black legging and a red shirt. I layed on the bed. Zayn layed down next to me. "How about we start thinking of names"He said. "Sure"I said. He took a notepad.

"How about Madison louise Malik"Zayn said.

"Maybe"I said biting my nail.

"Um Rosie louise Malik" I said.

"Nah"He said.

"Ugh this is hard"I said.

"Lets name it hard then"Zayn chuckled. I laughed. "No"I said laughing.

"Melissa"Zayn whispherd.

"Wait what"I said looking in his eyes. "Melissa"He said again. "Zayn Melissa is a beautiful name"I said. Melissa was my best friend name, but she got shot and passed away. He smiled at me. "Melissa was my aunt name, but she had a heart attack"Zayn said feeling hurt. I hugged him. "How about we think of a differant name"I said. "No no I like it ok"He said. I nodded. "Melissa louise Malik"I said. He kissed my forhead.

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