Isaac's POV

August 4, 2021

Even with Hopes death, we all have managed. I and Jaxson have not seen each other too much. I know what you are thinking. Yes, he lives with me, he has not been home, he has been with his mom. His mom just reached out again; she is getting full custody of Jaxson because of his dad. My dad was home today. He does not know about me being gay, yes mom was supportive but my dad, I just do not know. It was a diner, and we were having a stake. I was sitting across from dad and mom sat beside him. We were halfway done when I decided to say something.

"Um, dad," I say nervously

"Yes son," he said

"I know we haven't talked about this but one of my friends is, you know, gay, what do you think about that," I ask. I just want to know where he stands

"Well, I think that he was brave enough to say something, but" oh no, "I think that you should just tell me the truth," he said looking right into my eyes.

"What," I ask

"It isn't one of your friends you are talking about, I know that. So, who is it." He asked

"m-me. I-I am gay" I announced nervously.

"Who is it?" my dad said

"what" I questioned

"Who is he. The boy you are with. Do I know him? Do I have to talk to him? Is he going to break your heart?" he said like I was a little girl with her first boyfriend

"Dad, I'm not a thirteen-year-old girl," I say well embarrass I put my head in my hands

"I know. Who is the" he said

"Okay. Yes, you know him. You have known him since I was three. And his name is Jaxson" I say, the last part quietly

"Jaxson? Like Jaxson Thomas?"

"Yes. He is also living here until his mom moves to town"

"Okay." He said and went back to eating "no sex" he said

"DAD" I shout

"Just kidding. But seriously, I don't want to hear my son getting fucked in the ass" he said

"Hey, I'm not the bottom," I say and pout

"Isaac, I know Jaxson, he is NOT letting you top ever" he laughs

"I hate you," I say as a joke


I was just chilling in my room when there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in" I shout

"Hey," said an unfamiliar male voice

I look over "you look like me, but I don't know you"

"I don't want to say my dead name, Isaac. I'm your brother, or you knew me as your sister" he said

"Wh- your back. But what happened you're a boy" I was confused

"I always was. I just never told you or mom. I told dad well I was with him for the five years I've been gone" he said. My dad and well brother left for five years for business. I never thought I would have a brother.

"What is your name," I asked

"Ash" he stated

"Okay," I say

"I thought you would hate me," he said with a sigh

"Why," I say

"I thought you hated the LGBT community," he said

"Bro, I'm latterly gay as fuck and I'm dating my best friend" I laughed

"Wait, your dating Jaxson?!" I nod "YES my ship" oh my god

"I hate you," I say well laughing.

Jaxson's POV

August 14, 2021

My mom finally got full custody of me. I have a room at Mom's house, so I need to get my stuff there. I will do it later. Today is a day I am spending all day with Isaac. I have not seen him for so long. I got my school schedule last week. I have two classes with Isaac. When I got there someone I did not recognize

"Hello? Is Isaac home" I say

"I can tell you don't recognize me. I'm Ash, Isaac's older brother, you knew me as his sister though." He, Ash, said

"Your trans," I say

"And you're dating my brother," Ash said

After catching up with Ash I went to Isaac's room

"Hey babe," I say

"Hi, Jax. Come cuddle" he said. We cuddled until we fell asleep


August 21, 2021

It has been a week since I and Isaac last saw each other. So, we went to the movies and talked at Tim Hortons. We decided to go visit Levi and Corbin since we were bord out our mines. When we got there, we hung around. We found out Eli and Levi are together. The twins are still morning the loss of their only sister. I know all of us miss Hope, but she wants us to be happy, so we all try.

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