Chapter 9

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T came in through the elevator. When he walked in Niy was drinking vodka at the counter. She was starring at a little girl. Desjea came out the bathroom and smiled at me.
"Niy? What's going on?" I walked towards her.
"Meet your daughter, T." Niy made the little girl more visible.
"I don't have kids."
"But that's where your wrong." Desjea chimed in. She handed him a birth certificate. He sat the food down on the counter.
Mother: Jaleasea Lopez
Father: Kentrevion Martez Smith
The words inside of T had been sucked out. He met the little girl's gaze. Her clothes were torn, her curls ruined, and her pretty face was dry from tears.
"Yes. That's my name." She looked down at the floor.
"Where is your mother?" Before she could answer Desjea jumped in.
"She's afraid to come because of what you did to her."
"What," Niy looked at T lost. Desjea loved this moment.
"You raped her!" Desjea's words fell like hail. It collapsed with reality like meteors with earth. The little girl ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Desjea ruined that relationship too. Desjea was smiling sheepishly. T was about to speak, but Niy beat him to it.
"This is funny to you! A LITTLE GIRL LIFE IS AT STAKE AND YOUR LAUGHING! YOU WANTED THIS! YOU WENT LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO HURT KENTREVION WITH!," Niy took a breath and sipped the vodka," even if I left him, he would still never love You as much as ME. I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YOU!" Niy had T's back. This was why she was main. Desjea looked shocked. She looked at us in disbelief.
"T cheated on you. Do the math." Desjea tried to get Niy on her side.
"And bitch I cheated too. Get the fuck out this house!" Niy got up and poured the rest of her cup down the drain. She looked at Desjea like 'why you still here' and Desjea started to leave.
"You left ME for a bitch that cheated on you. You still think that was a good decision?" She slammed the door. T held Tatiana's birth certificate in his hands.
"Niy, I'm sorry."
"You just said you cheated too!" T was struggling to keep his voice down.
"I said that to get that bitch out of our shit." Niy walked toward the bathroom.
"Tatiana? Please come out." The unlocking click sound made T breathe relief.
"I'm sorry your in the middle of this. I'm sorry your mom isn't here with you. I'm sorry I can't fix it. But I promise I won't hurt you.I promise your daddy will be the best daddy. Do you like chocolate ice cream?" T smiled. Niy was amazing in every way. Tatiana smiled.
"Yes...I love chocolate ice cream." She giggled. Niy giggled and poked her stomach.
"I'm gonna go get some ok and some new clothes for you." Niy said.
"Trust me, your dad won't hurt you." Niy walked out the door without a kiss for T.
T was left with a beautiful little girl that made him so nervous.
"Tatiana? Where's your mother?" T asked. Tatiana stiffened.
"You can call me Tati. My mom said she'd come when she can." She went back to sitting at the counter. She chose the chair closest to the bathroom. T knew what that meant.
"Don't be afraid of me." T said moving closer to her. Tati looked terrified.
"You raped my mom," she whispered.
"No...I didn't." T sat down beside her. His seven year old daughter knew what rape was.
"What happened to you? Please tell me. It's my job to protect you. And if anybody hurt you..." Tears stuck to his eyeballs. His little girl had been innocent. Someone took that away. Tati saw him crying. She wiped his tears while she cried herself.
"Can I stay with you?"
"If course, sweet heart." T pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. He loved this little girl.
"Yes, sweet heart."
"Sweet heart, you can tell me anything." Tati squeezed her father harder as the memory grabbed her. It pulled her hand to that moment and she told her father. Alonzo came in the back room while Jaleasea was asleep. He took her. T just held her as she cried. Anger filled his insides. His veins shot fire fueled from Hades. Niy walked through the elevator. She looked at them.
"Whats wrong?" She ran to us.
"Nothing," T said all to stern," I got business to take care of. Watch Tati. I'll be back." T kisses Tati on the forehead and gave Niy passionate kiss.
"I'm sorry. Thank you for coming back. I love you no matter what."
"T what's going on? Please I love you. I can't loose you again."
"Watch Tati." T walked out the door.
"You love my daddy?"
"Yeah." I hadn't noiced Tati getting down from the counter and hadn't realized I was starring at the door.
"Let's get you cleaned up. Then we can eat." I smiled. We walked to the bathroom. I ran the bath water and added bubbles.
"Can I have a lot of bubbles?"
"It wouldn't be right with just a little." She laughed. She had T's smile. That million dollar smile.
"Get in when your ready and hand me your dirtys." She seemed relieved I wasn't gonna watch her bathe. This little girl has been through it. I left the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen. She asked for hamburgers just like her father. I pulled out the ingredients when she called my name. She handed me her dirtys. I smiled.
I was gonna throw them away but her underwear dropped out my hand. Blood stains. To young for a period. She had been raped. That's what she told T. I was more afraid now. If he found whoever it was he was gonna kill them.
Taya saw Alonzo's bruised knuckles and, once she was done buying everything, she brought him in the hotel for ice.
"I guess you out in these streets whooping ass." She joked.
"Yeah, you know me." He had been so sweet. He was the real reason Taya came to Seattle. He came to Texas producing music for an artist she was working for. Alonzo swept her off her feet. Then he left after a month, leaving her with a life growing inside her. She was gonna tell him. But Taya figured she wasn't ready for a child. But hanging with him today, might change her mind. Alonzo was perfection to her.
"Yeah baby." He sounded so sexy to her.
"We've been together for a minute and its been good."
"Are you breaking up with me." He had a puzzled anger rising in his chest. Taya was almost afraid.
"No...I'm pregnant."
"By who?" Those words cut Taya like a glass. Cut deep into her skin drawing blood from every corner.
"Yours." She had lost a little of her fire. She alomost wanted to cry.
"Why you lying?" Alonzo was angery.
"I would know if I got you pregnant. What you trynna trap me bitch!" He stood up and looked down at Taya with hatred pouring from his pores.
"I was just playing." Taya whispered. Alonzo slowly softened. Even smiled.
He leaned to kiss her but Taya moved.
"I got work to do. Can you leave?" Taya pointed to the door.
"Is my baby scared of me?" He came up behind her.
"No! I just need you to leave." Taya walked away but he grabbed her arm.
"You sure."
"Yes." Taya tried her best not to be afraid of the evil illuminating from his pupils.
"Fine." He stalked out the room. She ran and locked the door. She definitely had to have an abortion. She called Jaleasea.
No answer.
Shae was calling.
"Taya come over to T's place."
"Ok...give me a minute."
"No! Now!" The panick rolled off Niy's voice like water on rocks.
"I'm on my way."
T waited in his car for Alonzo to pull up. After a hour or so he did. Every fiber in his body wanted to kill him. He got out the car. T moved toward the house quick. Alonzo turned around.
"Can I help you, nigga?" Alonzo spoke. T just stood there. His anger was about to attack. His phone rang. Niy was calling...
He had everything to loose. He couldn't risk leaving Niy or Tati.
"Where's Jaleasea."
"You a fan of that hoe too? She got around." Alonzo used past tense.
"Do you know where she is?"
Alonzo looked at T up and down.
"Man you got the money to find someone else to suck yo dick. Use it. Get the fuck away from my house." T wasn't satisfied. The gun he vowed to never use was sizzling agianst his back side. Alonzo was getting restless with T not moving.
"Nigga!" Alonzo ran up on T. T showed him his streets. He punched him and took his head into the window of a car. Alonzo screamed.
"Yea scream you little pussy ass nigga." T said through gritted teeth. He almost lost control punching him when someone grabbed him. Niy was holding him back.
"Stop! Before you kill him!" T had tears running down his face. Taya was in the car with Tati. Alonzo lay unconscious.
"He ain't worth it T. Just come on, lets go."
T walked into the house in search for Jaleasea. Niy was right behind him. She had a gun in her hand. He didn't know where she got it from. T made it to the back room first. He opened the door.
Jaleasea was dead. Her body draped across the floor. Her eyes open. Niy screamed and ran outside. There's another set of eyes to plague her sleep.
T walked outside and Niy was holding Tati. T walked to the car.
"Y'all leave I'll call the cops." T's voice was lost in another world. Taya heard him and started the car. He kissed Tati and Niy on the forehead. Taya drove away. Taya looked distraught. Lost in astonishment. A world T knew all to well.

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