Message part 2

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"Miss? Are you inside?"

Lilian York, Athanasia's second mother figure knocked on the door slowly. Athanasia who was leaning on her pillow lowered the headphones to her neck, "What is it, Lily?"

"Miss Jennette is here."

"Come in!"

The door opened and her cousin immediately ran over to Athanasia. "Hey, cousins!" she yelled.


"I'll bring some snacks for you." Lilian closed the door and gave the two cousins some privacy. "So? How's it going?" Jennette asked hugging the pillow.

Athanasia raised her eyebrows in surprise, "How's what?"

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "That number, dumbass."

Offended, Athanasia threw a novel at her. "I'm not a dumbass, you bitchy cousin, also what do you care if I do something with the guy with that number?" she scoffed.

"Yea yea bullshit, remember that I'm the one who sent you that number. Maybe you'll marry that person in the end. Don't forget to invite me to the wedding."


"And don't forget my man too."

"What?! You got yourself another man? To date?"

Jennette blew on her beautiful fingernails and smirked, "Duh. This one will be my last."

"How can you be sure?"

"He's a total gentleman, he's cute, he's polite, he's kind, he's tall, he's charming—"

"Okay stop! I don't care about his quality. What I mean is..." Athanasia looked straight at Jennette with doubt in her eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

After years of living close together, establishing sisterly relationships, and sharing ups and downs with Jennette, she know what Athanasia means. She smiled sincerely, "I will be okay this time. I believe in him. You know, the most important thing in a relationship is trust and I'm following my heart this time."

Jennette touched her hand, "I just know that... he's the one for me."

Even though she didn't really believe it, Athanasia could only sigh and stroke her cousin's hand with a thumb, "I wish you happiness this time."

"Of course! Not only me, you also have to get one. you know? The number I gave you is my man's friend."

"Huh? Wait— did you set me up with a stranger?!"


"Hey, Ijekiel!"

The silver-haired man with a pair of droopy golden eyes turned around and smiled at his friend, "You need something?"

"I heard you have a girlfriend, do I know her?" asked one of the women who was after him.

Ijekiel chuckled remembering his conversation with his now girlfriend. "She's from Obelia. I'm not sure you know her, but I can confirm that she's adorable."

"Awww... our soft charisma prince finally taken by some princess and foreigner on top of that," she squealed. Ijekiel just laughed awkwardly and said goodbye to return to his dorm.


"Hah..." he entered the room and put the book on his desk. "Were you swarmed by those parasites again?" someone asked.

Ijekiel saw his roommate again sitting at the window looking out— he don't know what that raven head saw every day. "Get down, don't do your habit of sitting in that dangerous position."

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