Message part 5 (Final)

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This morning Lucas as usual had to endure boredom because of the ongoing lessons. In the midst of all that he overheard a whisper from his classmate sitting behind him.

"Have you heard about it?"


"There will be another student exchange held this year for 1st graders."

"Isn't that normal? Where are they from this time?"


Lucas tightened his grip on his pen, he focused his hearing on them. Obelia? Isn't that where A lives?

He then shook his head, "No no. There's no way it would be a coincidence if we met later." He sighed and went back to listening to the teacher's explanation without hearing the continuation of their conversation about one of the blonde-haired exchange students.


"What were they fussing about earlier?" Ijekiel mumbled walking with Lucas towards the cafeteria. They decided to go buy some snacks today instead of going to the cafe as usual.

"Student exchange," he answered simply. "Ah... I see."

The noise in the hallway made them stop and curiosity gnawed at them. They then finally peeked at what the students were looking at, they saw two girls with blonde and brunette hair with their backs to the crowd. From the front, the two of them looked uncomfortable being looked at like rare animals in a zoo.


"Jennette, did you bring your bun stick today?" Athanasia whispered.

"Unfortunately no. If so, I've stabbed them all in the eyes first," she grumbled.

They really hate being the center of attention, where is the prestige of the famous and educated Atlanta students? In the end it was the same in both Obelia and Atlanta.

"Hah... I wish my prince had come to save me now," Jennette pretended to be weak and put a hand on the side of her cheek daydreaming. Athanasia clicked her tongue, "Dreamer."

"Shut up."

They continued walking leaving the crowd behind towards the teacher's room which was spacious and filled with many educated people in their respective fields. They were holding the titles of a world-famous professor, Athanasia immediately lit up and smiled broadly. "Good day, teachers," she greeted.

All the men and women who were the same age as their parents smiled back and accepted her greeting. "Good day, Obelia ladies. Your teacher is already waiting in the lobby of the first waiting room, ah... maybe you don't know the place." A young female teacher came out of the room and looked around to find the two top boys at their school.

"Sir Lucas, sir Alpheus! Can you come here for a moment?"

Jennette's ears immediately perked up hearing the surname, her lover's surname. She blushed brightly and tugged at Athanasia's sleeve by her side.

"What is wrong?" Athanasia asked, wondering why her cousin suddenly lowered her head.

"Yes, ma'am?" That soft yet husky voice made Jennette's heart beat a thousand times faster. She wanted to surprise him, but she was now hesitant to do so. Her courage disappeared in an instant.

"Can you both escort these two underclassmen to the lobby of the first waiting room?" she asked.

"No problem," Ijekiel answered politely. He turned his gaze to the backs of the two girls he had seen earlier.

Athanasia, still in confusion looked back— towards the door and met someone's golden eyes. "Um... hello?" she smiled awkwardly. Ijekiel froze in place staring at Athanasia who appeared with the face of an angel in front of him. "H-hello," he replied awkwardly.

"Come on, don't be like this." Athanasia forced Jennette's body to turn and finally the two of them met eyes.

Jennette gave a shy smile, while Ijekiel blushed brightly. Indeed, he was fascinated by Athanasia's beauty. But he couldn't forget Jennette's sweet face that was etched into his head instantly.

"H-Hi, Kiel. We finally meet each other now," said Jennette hiding behind Athanasia.

"Je-Jenette? Is that you?"

Athanasia smirked and cleared her throat, she walked closer to Ijekiel and held out her hand. "Hello, I'm Athanasia de Alger Obelia," she pointed with her eyes back, "her cousin."

Ijekiel accepted her handshake and smiled a little, "Nice to meet you. I'm her boyfriend... well, you probably already knew that, didn't you?"

"Yup. She's noisy about you."

"Athy!" Jennette shrieked frantically. Ijekiel was dumbfounded for a moment and then smiled, " that true?"

As if her voice was sealed, Jennette could only nod slowly at him. Ijekiel felt like passing out now, he reached out his hand to his lover and Jennette hesitantly accepted it. Athanasia who saw that was happy for her cousin, "Sir Alpheus I want to ask for your help."

Ijekiel turned his gaze to her as soon as possible, "Help?"

"Please... make Jennette happy, she's my precious family." Her gaze was sad, as if harboring a deep pain as well as Jennette who understood what she meant. "Of course, I will always be by her side, no matter what."

"Well then, I'll leave her to you. But! I don't want to be an aunt yet, you understand? I'm too young to get that call," she grumbled. The lovers immediately blushed with Jennette yelling at her and Ijekiel keeping his mouth shut.


Lucas, who had been waiting outside for a long time, stomped his foot impatiently. Where did the whitey go? What took him so long?!

He was just about to text A again but the door opened and he looked up. His eyes widened when he saw a beautiful blonde haired girl with beautiful blue jeweled eyes in front of him, his soul seemed to fly only towards her, he didn't know why but he was attracted to the girl. Fair skin, beautiful face, cherry lips, long eyelashes, perfect curves, is she an angel? Fairy? A princess?

"Lucas?" Ijekiel called his friend over and over which didn't take his eyes off Jennette's cousin at all. He was forced to hit his arm and made Lucas aware of his surroundings again. "What's wrong with you?" Ijekiel asked.

Lucas cleared his throat, "Nothing."

"Let me introduce you guys. This is Jennette, my girlfriend from Obelia." Ijekiel showed off his intertwined hands with a brown haired girl with the same eyes as the blonde girl.

"Hmm. Lucas."

Jennette whispered something to Ijekiel and he chuckled nodding at her words. Immediately Jennette's eyes twinkled enthusiastically. She moved next to her cousin and smiled, "Hi! I'm Jennette and this..." she touched Athanasia's arm, "she's my cousin Athanasia the immortal beauty."


In contrast to Jennette's reaction, Lucas looked at her with warmness. If his hunch was right, she was his mysterious friend.

Let's just tie the knot.

Ijekiel gave his girlfriend's cousin's number.

His mysterious friend lives in Obelia.

She was two years younger than him.

And also both that friend and Athanasia have the same first name, A.

"Hello, we finally meet. Miss A."

Athanasia's eyes immediately lit up, her smile widened and Lucas swore it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life, "Are you L?"

"Yes, princess."

Out of nowhere, the cold and reserved Lucas smirked mischievously and pretended to bow to match his personality when they were texting.

"At your service."

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