Modern Day au

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Hello! Nikolai again lol, I'm starting off this one shots "book" with an old one shot of mine from a few years ago that was originally between Viktor and Yuri from Yuri!!! On Ice! I will be editing it obviously to fit Chanbaek instead but I like how that story went and I want to have a CB version of it so here it is! Hope you enjoy it, and if you happen to like Vikturi then you can check out the original one shot on my Yaoi/Fluff One Shots:]

Just wanna inform you guys before you proceed that this one shot does contain Lingerie, Sex Toys, slight Daddy Kink, and Dirty Talk. If you are uncomfortable with any of those then I suggest you don't read this one:] if you want you can skip the sex scenes but it will be the main plot of this one shot (also it might escalate quickly because I'm impatient lmao

"Baekhyun-ahh." Chanyeol purrs in his husband's ear and gently shakes his shoulder, trying to wake his lover up for their morning walk with Toben and Mongryong.

Today happened to be a day off for the both of them, so Chanyeol had planned for them to go on a date. And what better way to start it off with a little family walk?

Baekhyun stirred slightly before turning around in bed and pulling the blankets up to his chin before letting out a quiet, puppy-like whimper. "Mmm. Chanyeollie?" Baekhyun mumbled quietly into the pillow, his hand searching for the body heat he so desperately wanted from his lover.

Chanyeol's heart lurched at the sight of his smaller husband searching for him in his sleep. "I'm right here, pup." Chanyeol says with a bright smile, his dimples popping out. Baekhyun frowned. "Where?"

"Try and open your eyes first, baby." Chanyeol chuckled and leaned over Baekhyun.

Baekhyun whined and turned over again before swinging his arm out and tapping Chanyeol lightly on the face. "Found you." Baekhyun smiled apologetically, rubbing Chanyeol's cheek with his thumb.

Chanyeol laughs and leans down to press his lips to Baekhyun's, his hand lightly stroking the man's cheek.

"Mm, Chanyeol-ah. Where's that hand of yours going?" It took Baekhyun a second to register one of Chanyeol's hands running down his body to grab his butt.

"Hm, I have no idea what you're talking about." Chanyeol purrs, squeezing Baekhyun's butt again.

Baekhyun giggled with a bright blush clinging to his cheeks, and finally sits up in bed. "Why am I up so early? It's our day off." Baekhyun pouts and leans against Chanyeol's shoulder, looking up at him with suddenly low, lustful eyes. "Can't we just stay in bed all day? That sounds like a perfect day off to me." Baekhyun bites his lip lightly and wraps his arms around Chanyeol's torso.

Chanyeol could feel his cheeks heat up slightly and he can already tell that Baekhyun will do whatever it takes to make him stay in bed. "Baek, I wanted us to go for a walk with Toben and Mongryong. Maybe later." No matter how much Chanyeol wanted to do Baekhyun right at that moment, he had at least some self-control.

Baekhyun pouted and sat up so he was facing Chanyeol properly and brought their faces close. "What about a quickie? Afterward we'll walk the dogs and then you can do whatever you want. Preferably me." Chanyeol could see in Baekhyun's eyes how close he was to falling farther into lust, and Chanyeol was slowly losing his control.

He had to close his eyes for a moment to stop himself from getting riled up, before looking Baekhyun straight into his adorably droopy eyes.

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