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"Chanyeol, can you help me bring these boxes into the bedroom?" Baekhyun calls out and adjusts his glasses that were slipping from his face before he picks up a box titled 'bedroom' and brings it into his and Chanyeol's new room.

"Yes, sir!" He hears Chanyeol jokingly say before there's soft thumping against the floor and Chanyeol comes into view. "All these boxes?" He asks and leans down to check for the name.

"Yeah, I want to get them out of the way so the movers can bring the bed in and so we can actually have a place to sleep tonight." Baekhyun says and a light blush spreads across his face, a bit shy at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as his boyfriend even though they've been dating for years. They finally had the chance to move in, though, so it's a bit new in some sort of way.

"Okay, anything for you, sweet cheeks." Chanyeol says and presses a light kiss to Baekhyun's cheek.

"W-what?" Baekhyun stutters at the endearment falling naturally out of Chanyeol's mouth.

All Chanyeol can do is smile and grab two of the boxes before walking into the bedroom.



Chanyeol lays on the couch, panting, sweaty, and currently trying to get Baekhyun to make him a bath since he's 'too old to move anymore'.

"Baekhyun-ahh! Please? I'll love you forever! Baby, please. Baekhyunnie!" Chanyeol repeats this over and over until Baekhyun comes in the room with a bright red face and pulls Chanyeol up from the couch and into the bathroom, where a bath has been prepared.

Chanyeol gasps happily, and he turns to Baekhyun with a wide grin and shining eyes. "Baby! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He peppered Baekhun's face with kisses and praises.

Baekhyun hears the praises and blushes brightly but still smiles up at Chanyeol. "You're welcome, Yeollie." He says cutely. Baekhyun's smile turns into a smirk at Chanyeol's reaction.

Next thing he knows, clothes are being thrown everywhere, the door is slammed shut, and then not even five seconds later there's a moan and then the sound of water.

Quickly followed by, "Chanyeol!"


Later, around a quarter past 9, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are laying in bed and Baekhyun is about to fall asleep when suddenly Chanyeol is turning around and rolling himself on top of Baekhyun.

"Wha- mph!" Baekhyun couldn't really get a word out because Chanyeol had attached his lips to the older males, kissing him deeply.

Baekhyun can feel the blush burn into his cheeks as Chanyeol's hands wander mindlessly over Baekhyun's body. "Ch-Chanyeol, why are you so horny a-all of a sudden?" Baekhyun manages to pull away for a short amount of time to speak before Chanyeol is moving to another part of his body.

Chanyeol lets out a hum and glances up at Baekhyun for a second before going to his collarbones and sucking roughly. Baekhyun lets out a pleasured moan, slightly angry at Chanyeol for using his knowledge to get the best reactions out of him.

Cursing quietly, Chanyeol leans up to look Baekhyun in the eyes and say, "Thank you, baby, for the little treat." Before he leans back down on the bed and starts to fall asleep, leaving Baekhyun shocked, hard, and embarrassed.

"Chanyeol!" He cried out.


"'Ave sex wif meee, Chanyeolliee." Baekhyun slurs, leaning heavily on Chanyeol's chest and staring into his eyes with a clouded but determined look in his own.


"No!" Sehun quickly cuts off, pushing in between the heavily drunk couple that were already half naked.

"There will be no public sex allowed, especially at a birthday party." Sehun warns them with a pointed finger.

Baekhyun pouts, his cheeks puffing out a bit as his eyes lower at the young man and pulls at the loops of Chanyeol's pants. "But it's mah birfday, and I fink the birfday boy ghets to pick what 'e wants to do, and that's this man wight h-heree." Baekhyun pats Chanyeol's face as the younger of the two tries to pull his pants off while moving towards the bedroom.

"Baekhyunnie, why are you still wearing clothes? You're supposed to be naked by n-now." Chanyeol picks Baekhyun up and swings him over his shoulder, pulling his pants and underwear down and throwing them behind himself, accidentally landing on Sehun's head.

"TO THE BEDROOM!" Both of them yell and stumble into the bedroom before closing the door and leaving the others behind.


Only this time it's Sehun speaking, anger and embarrassment evident in his voice.

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