No Manners

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Chanyeol and Baekhyun invite their friends over for video games and snacks, yet the couple get caught up in some 'things' resulting in a mixture of embarrassment, anger, and shock

A knock sounds at the door just as Chanyeol is at the end of the stairs. He walks to the door and scratches his stomach before opening it to reveal a few of his friends who had accepted the request to hang out.

"You guys all made it!." He exclaims and steps to the side to let his friends in. "I'll go get Baekhyunnie real quick and be back in a minute." He states before running up the stairs to get his boyfriend while Minseok, Junmyeon, Yixing, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Sehun head into the living room to get settled in. They drop the bags of food and drinks on the coffee table and start setting up the gaming consoles.

Sehun plops onto the couch after digging through the food and sighs loudly. "I hope you guys don't mind if I get into the food now because I haven't eaten all day and I'm starving!" He reaches his arm out and grabs the closest body to him, pulling them down and on top if him for a spontaneous cuddle session.

There's silence before the person speaks. "You have three seconds before I kill you." Sehun bolts up and sticks to the other side of the couch. "Sorry, I didn't know it'd be you." He looks away from Kyungsoo's glare, feeling the couch rise as he gets up, he knows that Kyungsoo isn't the cuddling type.

"Maybe you should look before grabbing a random person and throwing them over you, maybe then you'll get the person you were actually trying to grab." He gives Sehun a look and he blushes, shyly grabbing Junmyeon's hand as the older boy just grins softly and pats Sehun's shoulder, leaning into his body to start their cuddling moment.

A few minutes have passed by and Chanyeol and Baekhyun still haven't shown up yet. The group has already started eating and going through the video games stack, and were in the middle of fighting over who gets the next turn in Smash Bros when they heard a quiet sound from upstairs.

Jongdae freezes from his place over Yixing, hand on the controller. "Please tell me that wasn't what I think it was..."

Kyungsoo and Jongin are too busy struggling to beat each other in the game to notice anything while Sehun, Yixing, Junmyeon, Minseok, and Jongdae shared a look of shock and slight annoyance on Sehun's part, Kyungsoo and Jongin had paused the game for a moment after seeing all of the boys' expressions.

"Dudes!! They know we're here, don't they?? Why are they doing that right now?" Kyungsoo practically yells, covering his ears.

Junmyeon and Yixing blush at the noises while Sehun and Jongdae just stare at nothing.

"I regret my life choices."

"C-Chanyeol!" The group hears Baekhyun yell, or moan, followed quickly by a rain of curses.

"Ahh! Fuck, fuck, ohh my god, yes! Keep doing that, nhh just like that! F-Fuck me!" Wailing is heard throughout the house, nowhere could keep the noises that boy was making away.

Junmyeon faints.

Earlier upstairs

Chanyeol is walking into the bedroom excitedly to get his boyfriend, only to stop and gasp at the sight in front of him.

"B-Baek..!" Chanyeol noises his surprise, a deep blush settling on his cheeks and reaching his ears.

Baekhyun jumps slightly, moaning as the toy inside him presses against his prostate. "A-ah, Yeollie, c-come here. I want you." He spreads his legs more, his cock pressing into the sheets as he grinds on the bed.

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