I Love You/Modern Day au

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WARNING!! FLUFF OVERLOAD!! I hope you enjoy this short and sweet one shot:]

Baekhyun and Chanyeol are facing each other while they cuddle on the couch, they have the tv on mute as it plays old re-runs of some show, the two don't talk, just lay there in content as they bask in the others warmth, occasionally one of them will press a kiss to whatever part of skin they could reach.

They often lay like this, almost like a routine, using each as a getaway from reality, all of the stress and responsibility that they have doesn't exist in this moment.

The couple has been together for 6 months, known each other ever since they could remember. They always knew they had a special bond, even after they grew up and met other possible interests, no one was ever as close as these two were, and everyone knew that.

They both have the same thoughts in mind when they're in this position, the comfort that they feel together is overwhelming but at the same time so very wanted. The feeling that they get is so powerful that it makes them feel like they're about to burst, so badly wanting to say the words that have been on the tips of their tongues for so long, but always backing away in fear that it would be too soon.

But, in this moment, it was just too comfortable, both of them were on the verge of sleep, and it was at that time that those three little words had been said.

It was very small and quiet, almost afraid to be heard, but Baekhyun heard it, he loved hearing it slip from Chanyeol's mouth with so much sincerity and love, although he sounded nervous and scared.

He looked at him with wide eyes, shocked with Chanyeol's words.

"Really? You actually love me? A-Are you sure?" He was so afraid that Chanyeol was joking with him, only saying that to get his reaction and then laugh at him before walking away.

Baekhyun has always been insecure with himself, thinking that Chanyeol would only say that he loved him so Baekhyun would be all happy and then Chanyeol will be gone the next day, just so his heart would soar with glee only to go pummeling down to the ground, getting stepped on and broken beyond repair.

Chanyeol nodded, his eyes knowing and serious. "I'm not lying. I have loved you for so long, but I was always to afraid to tell you because I thought that you would think that it was too soon to say it, but I can't wait any longer. I love you so much I can't even explain, I would tell you everything that I love about you but there's not enough time in the world for that. I just hope you know and trust me that I am being serious about this, about us and that I truly love every single thing about you." Chanyeol's voice was barley above a whisper.

Baekhyun had tears in his eyes from Chanyeol's words, he was speechless.

"I love you, t-too," Baekhyun's voice cracked at the end as he closed his eyes, a couple tears running down his face as he bent forward to lean his for head against Chanyeol's, holding him impossibly closer. "So, so much Chanyeollie. You mean the world to me. I don't know what I would do if I never knew you. I love you so much, you're my everything." Before Chanyeol could say anything else, Baekhyun's lips were on his. He kissed him softly and gently, gripping the hair on the back of Chanyeol's head while Chanyeol moved his body to lay over Baekhyun's, making sure he's not crushing the boy by holding himself up with his elbows.

Baekhyun pulled away breathlessly, still gripping at Chanyeol's hair, not risking letting him go just yet. "I love you."

Chanyeol smiled at him, so many emotions flashing through his eyes. "I love you so much more."

A/N I know this was super short but I'm still working on getting my original stories figured out! All of the gifs and pictures I've been using are so adorable it makes me sad lmao

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