You're Mine/Modern Day au

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Helloo! It's been awhile lol sorry about that I've been writing a really long one shot for CB and have been having some trouble with the progress but I'm getting there! 

Anyways! This is a jelousy au if you guys couldn't tell yet by the photo+title;) hope you enjoy and please be patient for the new one shot, it'll be worth it!!

I wrote this original one shot yeears ago so be nice with the grammar and speed lmao I might fix it later

Also, minor bdsm warning but not really, just some bondage and rough play! And maybe slight implication of pet play..?👀 EVERYTHING IS CONSENSUAL!!!

Chanyeol leaned against the wall, watching with hawk eyes as Baekhyun hung out and laughed with one of his friends, being all too close with each other and making jealousy run through Chanyeol's body.

Chanyeol glared slightly when he saw Baekhyun's friend, Jongin, lean closer and whisper something in his ear, causing the droopy eyed boy to blush and turn to look back at his boyfriend. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking what Jongin had said but Baekhyun only turned around and continued laughing and chatting away.

Baekhyun froze a bit when he heard a low growl from behind him, a shiver running down his spine at the sound Chanyeol let out.

Chanyeol slowly leaned away from the wall and started to walk towards the two boys that were several feet away.

"-hy? You already know he's taken, so why would you still keep liking him?!" Baekhyun exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air slightly in exasperation.

Jongin sighed, looking down. "I don't know, it's not like I can just stop like- that!" He snapped his fingers as an expression, "It's hard for me to suddenly stop liking someone after all this time." Jongin looked at Baekhyun and opened his arms, giving him puppy eyes.

Baekhyun sighed and, not noticing Chanyeol coming over, leaned forward to embrace his emotional friend. "I'm sure you'll get over them soon, Nini. Just give it some time." He said, rubbing Jongin's back gently.

Jongin smirked slightly, wrapping his arms tightly around Baekhyun's waist and moving his hands a little too low for Chanyeol's liking.

"Thanks, Baek. You're a great friend."

Baekhyun pulled back and gave him a bright eyed smile, "Glad I can help. Even if it's just a bit of advice."

Chanyeol had suddenly crouched behind the both of them, his feet planted firmly on the ground with a hard expression on his face. "Baby, it's time to leave." Before anyone could say something he was already grabbing Baekhyun's arm, throwing them over his shoulders so he was koala hugging him as Chanyeol walked away.

"Oh, okay then," Baekhyun let out a little giggle when Chanyeol tickled his thigh, silently cursing him for knowing where his ticklish areas were. "I'll talk to you later, Nin-yah! Chanyeol, don't do that in front of people!" Baekhyun jerked forward, letting out a small yelp when Chanyeol smacked his ass.

"That's what you get for making me sit by that wall for an hour being bored as hell while you had fun hanging out with someone else." Chanyeol said jokingly (not) and stuck his tongue out at the boy in front of him.

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