Beautiful/Modern day au

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This chapter contains slight angst and smut!  

"Chanyeollie!" Baekhyun called out to the boy who had just gotten off the train to start his walk the rest of the way to school, following him quickly before the doors could close.

Chanyeol looked behind him to see Baekhyun running after him, "What is it, Baek?"

"Will you hang out with me after band practice today? We could go to the mall or we could go to your house and hang out!" Baekhyun had started to run along with Chanyeol, noticing how he didn't run at his full speed so Baekhyun could keep up with him, something he started doing ever since they started dating.

"I guess either one will work, I don't really mind." Chanyeol said.

"Yay! Thank you, baby! I love youu!" Baekhyun exclaimed, jumping on Chanyeol's back.

"Ah! Wait Baek-" Before Chanyeol could finish speaking they had both fallen to the ground, face first into the grass.

Baekhyun rolled off of Chanyeol's back and started giggling, helping Chanyeol onto his feet before helping swipe the dirt off of him.

"Oopsie, sorry Chanyeollie. Hey, at least your glasses didn't break! That's a good thing, right?" Baekhyun gave him a close-eyed smile.

Chanyeol smiled at him, not capable of being mad at his tiny ball of light that he calls his boyfriend. "Right."

"We should probably get to school before we get in trouble, though. I know you don't want to have that happen to you." Baekhyun says and runs before Chanyeol can reply.

"Wha-wait! Baekhyun, you're going the wrong way again!"


After band practice, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had headed out to go Chanyeol's house to hang out and study for awhile. Baekhyun bounced around the sidewalk and ran up to Chanyeol, grabbing his hand and pulling him up to the house that was just a few feet in front of them.

"Open the door, Chanyeol, c'mon!" Baekhyun jumped in place, waiting for Chanyeol to unlock the door.

"I am, I am, just wait a second." Chanyeol said and dug through his bag to grab the keys before he put the right one in the lock and opened the door. They walked in and went up to the taller boy's room.

Baekhyun jumped on the bed and rolled around on it, cuddling into one of the pillows. Chanyeol fondly looked at Baekhyun and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to the boy who had his body stuffed in the blankets.

Baekhyun peeked out from the the blanket and looked at Chanyeol before looking away quickly, he couldn't explain it but he suddenly has a feeling like something had finally snapped and he was immediately overwhelmed with emotions, suddenly feeling the urge to cry. "Don't look at me. I know I don't look good but that doesn't mean you have to stare." Baekhyun kept his gaze on the wall next to the bed. Chanyeol was shocked at the words he had just heard come from Baekhyun's mouth, "Baekhyun..? What are you even talking about? Why would you say something like that?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun with a pained voice, sadness written all over his face.

Baekhyun completely avoided Chanyeol's questions, instead asking with a quiet and insecure voice. "Chanyeol, why are you dating me? What is it that you see in me that makes you want me so much? Because I-I can't think of a single thing that I have that would make y-you want me. I'm small and weak looking, I have to hide behind a bubbly personality just so I can be someone worth hanging around, I talk too much and too loud, I'm too clingy towards you, I just don't understand what is so special about me that it makes you want to be with me." Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with tear-filled eyes, his voice cracking.

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