Luka's Nightmare

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Luka is asleep in bed one Friday night tossing and turning.

'No!' he cries out in his sleep. 'Leave her alone!'

Juleka is awake in the next cabin and hears him. She gets up and goes into his cabin.

Luka groans in his sleep. 'No, don't hurt her!' he cries. Juleka watches him feeling helpless and not knowing if she should wake him up or not. She didn't have time to wonder for long.

'NO! MARINETTE!' Luka screamed as he sat up in bed eyes wide in shock. Juleka jumped back and gasped in surprise. Luka gasped for air for a good ten seconds before he realised where he was and calmed down.

'Geez bro' Juleka said. 'Way to give me a heart attack.' She was half joking but he looked at her painfully.

She gasped as she realised she hurt his feelings. She went over and hugged him.

'Sorry bro' she said as he welcomed her hug and held her tight for a good 30 seconds.

'You wanna talk about it?' she asked him.

'Oh Jules,' Luka began. 'I just keep having these nightmares about Marinette. They just won't go away.'
'What happens?' she asks him.
'It's always the same' Luka began. 'She's in trouble in a dark place that I can't make out and she's crying out to me and it's like I'm paralysed and I can't do anything to help her. I'm just...stuck. No matter how much I try to move and help her all I...can do her...' he begins to cry into her shoulder.

'Shh...' Juleka says. 'I'm here for you bro. Keep going.'

Luka composes himself and continues.

'She gets taken away by Hawkmoth. And I can do nothing to help her.' He sighs sadly.

'You really love her, don't you bro?' Juleka says with a smile.

'More than anything Jules. More than I even love music.'

'Wow, that is impressive.' Juleka replied.

'She's like the music of my soul, my inspiration. I haven't been able to compose any new songs since we broke up. I mean if you can call it a break up, we weren't even official. I didn't even get to have a first kiss with her.' he sighed sadly.

'I think she does like you a lot bro' Juleka began. 'I think she just has a lot going on in her life.'

'Well it can't be Adrien,' Luka replied. 'She told me that it wasn't that she still has a crush on him. I just feel frustrated. Like it's something I could help her with but she won't let me. I think that's what that dream means Jules. She's struggling and I want to help her and she does want me to help her too but it's like this invisible barrier stopping me. And until I find out what that is I think I'm going to keep reliving this nightmare over and over again. I've been having it every night since I got akumatised into Truth.'

'Oh Luka,' Juleka said sadly hugging him tight. 'I'm so sorry.'

'Can you please stay with me tonight Jules? I don't want to sleep alone. These dreams seem so real and intense.'

'Sure bro' Juleka replied with a smile. 'You used to do the same thing for me when I had nightmares when I was younger. I got ya bro'

'Thanks sis' Luka replied with a smile as he tried to get back to sleep.

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