Kitty Section Rehearsals

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The next day Kitty Section was having a rehearsal. Marinette had come to watch as she usually did. Alya came with her.

Alix was out of town at a rollerblading tournament and Mylene was away with her dad at a mime performance for the weekend.

'Thank goodness it's been a quiet day for Akumas so far Tikki.' She whispered to her Kwami. 'Don't jinx it Marinette' Tikki whispered back. Even Alya overheard. 'Yeah, ix-nay on the iet-quay girl!' she said with a smile. 'You love coming to watch Kitty Section rehearse! Enjoy it while you can!'
'You're right Alya!'

She looked sadly up at Luka on stage tightening the strings on his guitar. Alya saw this and put her hand on her shoulder.
'You still miss him, don't you girl?' she said sadly.
Marinette nodded slowly, her eyes beginning to well up with tears.
'More than anything' she whispered.

Alya looked sadly at Tikki hiding in Marinette's purse and Tikki gave the same sad look back at her. They hated seeing their friend like this.

Ivan was running late, he'd texted Juleka that he had to help his parents out with something but he was about 20 minutes away.

Juleka and Rose decided to come and talk to Alya and Marinette while they waited for Ivan. Luka stayed onstage and kept tuning his guitar.

'Hey guys' Juleka said to Alya and Marinette. 'Hey' they replied. Marinette tried to wipe away her tears but Juleka could tell she was upset.

'I actually wanted to talk to you Marinette...about Luka' Juleka said quietly.

'Really? What about him?' Marinette replied, interested and worried at the same time.

'Is it okay if we hear this too?' Alya said, glancing at Rose.

'Yeah, of course, we're all friends here.' she said. They all looked up at Luka as he yawned while working on his guitar.

'He looks so sad...and tired.' Rose observed.
'Yeah, that's the thing' Juleka began. 'He hasn't been sleeping very well. He's been having rather intense nightmares...about you Marinette.'
'Me? Really?' Marinette said in surprise.

Juleka told them all about what he told her about his nightmare last night. Marinette listened intently feeling so sad for him. When Juleka mentioned that Marinette gets taken away by Hawkmoth both Marinette and Tikki hiding in her purse gasp.

'He's...having nightmares...about not being help me?' she thought to herself.

She looked at Luka who looked at her and smiled slightly and waved. She smiled back and waved, hiding her worry for him.

'He really loves you Marinette' Juleka said. 'I don't think these nightmares are going to go away anytime soon for him. It pains me to see him like this.'

Juleka's words cut Marinette's heart like a knife. She began to tear up again as she put her head down to hide her tears from the others.

'How long ago did these nightmares start?' Alya asked.

'He told me it was just after he got akumatised into Truth' Juleka replied.

'Wow, so a couple of weeks then? Poor Luka' Alya said.

Marinette couldn't stay quiet any longer.
'I still love him too' Marinette said. She looked up not caring that she was holding back tears. 'I want to be able to help him. I want him to know that it's all going to be okay. I just need to work out how to do that. Leave it with me Juleka.' she smiled.

'Thanks for listening Marinette.' Juleka said. 'I knew I could count on you!'
'No problem. Do you guys mind if I talk to Alya, alone?' Marinette asked.
'No problem' Rose said.
Juleka smiled. 'Sure'

Ivan still hadn't turned up so Alya and Marinette made up an excuse of going to get a drink and went below deck.

As soon as they were out of sight, Tikki came out and joined them.
'Poor Luka' Tikki said sadly.

'Yeah' Alya agreed. 'There has to be something we can do. You both want to be together, it's just the secret of you being Ladybug that's stopping you.'

'The only question is, what can we do to make it work?' Marinette asked.

Tikki sighed. 'I was afraid something like this would happen again. As soon as Juleka mentioned Hawkmoth appearing in Luka's nightmare I knew it was the same as before.'

'What do you mean Tikki?" Marinette asked her Kwami.

'I remember one of the previous guardians of the miraculous told us of an ancient legend.'

Alya and Marinette stared at Tikki with piqued interest as she continued.

'Normally in most cases it is the holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous that hold the strongest bond. But in rare cases it is those that hold the miraculous of the ladybug and snake miraculous that has the strongest bond. This is what is happening between Luka and Marinette.'

'But I haven't had any nightmares Tikki' Marinette pointed out.

Tikki shook her head.
'Because you already have your miraculous permanently with you Marinette. It has a strange power that shields you from the nightmares. Because Luka doesn't wear the snake miraculous permanently and only when we need Viperions' help there is nothing to shield him from the nightmares'

'But why did they just start recently for Luka?' Alya wondered.

'Only once the bond between the ladybug and snake miraculous holders is at its strongest do the nightmares start. Because you deeply love each other but are not able to be together that's the reason he has the nightmares.'

'Is there any way I can be with Luka Tikki?' Marinette asked with tears in her eyes. 'I love and miss him so much. And I want to be able to stop his nightmares' She began to sob. Alya comforted her.

'Don't worry Marinette, there is a way!' Tikki said. 'We just need to give him the snake miraculous permanently!'

'Really Tikki?' Marinette said excitedly. 'Great, I'll pop home and get it right now and come back as Ladybug and give it to him!'

'Wait! It's not that easy Marinette!' Tikki replied.

'Ugh, it's not?' Marinette replied.

'Why am I not surprised?' Alya said with a smirk.

'He needs to be able to conquer his nightmare. They've been going on for too long. That is the only way they will stop now.' Tikki explained.

'How do we do that Tikki?' Marinette asked.

'The only possible way to do that is to get the snake miraculous on his wrist while he's asleep.' Tikki replied.

'Seriously?' Alya said.

'The same thing happened 1000 years ago. This was the only solution.' Tikki said.

'Great, how on earth am I supposed to get it on him while he's asleep?' Marinette said.

'Well it is Saturday girl, I could ask Juleka if we could have an impromptu sleepover here tonight' Alya suggested.

Marinette sighed. 'Okay, if that's the only way to make it work, let's try it!'
'Awesome!' Alya said. 'Operation Lukanette is a go!'

'Lukanette, I love that!' Marinette said.

'Sounds cute!' Tikki replied.

They began to hear drumming upstairs.

'Ivan must be here, let's go watch rehearsals!' Alya said.

'Yeah, let's go. We can discuss the plan later. Hide Tikki!' Marinette said as they headed upstairs.

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