Chapter Three- "A Target on Our Backs...and My Phone"

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"Come here," a voice said, literally right after I stepped out of fourth period History. A tight grip was placed around my wrist and I was pulled down the hall, being towed by a muscled guy with dark hair who I haven't associated with this entire day; which is why I dug my boots' heels into the ground to prevent him from moving me any further. I didn't care about the students that bumped against us.

The guy turned around, looking down at me with bright blue eyes that I didn't expect from such dark hair.

"We need to talk," he said.

"Um, I don't even know who you are," I reminded.

"Aren't you the girl that's—"

"Angela!" someone suddenly called from the cafeteria. My assumption of it to be Nik was proved to be true with the aid of Cheyenne waving me down.

"Hey," I greeted.

"So I heard that—"

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat. Whatever Cheyenne was about to say was lodged deep in her throat because all she could do was stammer and look up at the person behind me. I looked up and finally saw the girl that had talked to Dastan in, Mickie?

"Can I help you?" Nik asked rudely. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Not you," she spat. Then she looked to me. "You."

"Me?" I asked for confirmation. What was with people thinking they can just talk to me? I wasn't some unapproachable bitch, but I mean, I had just gotten here, people! And considering that she had seen my blow-out with Dastan, you'd think she wouldn't want anything to do with me...right?

"Yeah. Come here," she ordered. I looked to my only two friends for a decision. Cheyenne stared up at Mickie as if she was some goddess that had never ever approached her before, but Nik...he glared in utter hatred. I stood up and followed her to a table were Chad waved lightly, his smile making me cautious of what Mickie would say only because the crooked grin wasn't as inviting as earlier.

"What you did in class was unacceptable," she started.

"I've only had one class with you," I reminded. Thankfully.

"Good; so you know which one I'm talking about," she pressed. Dastan.

"You're getting mad because I back-talked Dastan?" I asked. She glared at me as if I wasn't worthy of even saying his name. "We're teenagers, we get in arguments. It's not personal, though. Clearly. I mean, I just met him."

I was lying. It was personal. Only, I didn't want what I said to get back to Dastan as a motive to kill me. Mickie pressed her hands on the new table in front of me, making me fear that she'd just off me herself.

"This is what's going to happen. You insulted him and he's pissed. You're secretly scared of him and questioning when exactly he'll come after you. After a while, it'll become a game and then you'll start falling for him because who wouldn't? Well I'm here to tell you that it's not going to happen because it's impossible to happen, alright?" she told. I stared at her in bewilderment more than anything else. Was Dastan really that scary? No way. She just wanted him to seem that way in order to scare me away from her boyfriend. I wasn't looking for that in Dastan anyways. I had Kenneth.

"Look, I just got here. I don't really think it's norm for assumptions to be made off of a stupid interview—"

"That's the whole point of an interview in Journalism," Mickie scoffed. True...

"Either way, I was just stating facts. It's not like he'll take it to heart because, as I proved, he's selfish and he shouldn't care," I said...meaning he was involved with himself so much that he could make his own image of himself and be so confident with it that some country new girl couldn't mess it up. Chad and Mickie exchanged glances and their face relaxed from their on-end guard put up. Chad, however, looked at me like he was studying my face.

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