Chapter Seven-"Varsity Jerk"

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Ever since second period, no one really looked at me. Their vision stayed astray and I thought that was as equally pathetic as why their reasons to doing it. And I assumed that Dastan just went home because I hadn't seen him for the remainder of the day. I mean, he usually skips Precalculus, but even though he's a senior I see him during all passing periods. Unless, he was avoiding me.

I didn't know why Dastan was this rude to me. I hadn't quite figured him out. Sure, he was an ass to everyone here, but I had never seen him act like a jerk to another girl like me—with them, he only used his charm to get what he wanted. Let alone teachers and staff; he was just a perfect angel. So then why did he have a need to bully me if not even Hayden's ruined reputation did that?

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked me as he started to walk me home with Cheyenne at our side.

"Nothing," I lied. He gave me a look that read "I'm here for you when you're ready to talk" but then it was shrugged off. I noticed something different about him.

"You seem awfully...happy," I noted in relief because he seemed more of himself.

"Yeah, that's because my afternoon classes didn't include Vega," he smiled genuinely.

"You have Angela to thank for that," Cheyenne said, still texting on her phone. Sebastian looked down to me.

"I may or may not have pissed him off and made him go home in second period," I confessed. Sebastian jumped in front of me and bent his knees. "Um?"

"I surely owe you a piggy-back ride at the least for being my savior," he humored. I placed my hands on his shoulders but didn't jump on.

"Trust me, as fun as it is to ensure my safety away from him, it's going to bite me in the butt one day," I admitted. He looked to me as Cheyenne continued down the sidewalk.

"What do you mean?" he asked, worried.

"He's my partner for Journalism," I informed, even though I was sure he knew by now. "He can honestly sabotage my grade in that class. Not to mention injure me...unless Mickie gets to me first."

"If he ever does anything to you, let me know," Sebastian advised with a frown. I knew he meant that he'd beat the living crap out of Dastan as soon as possible if he was to hurt me.

If you honestly think I'd hurt you, you're wrong, I remembered Dastan saying. It was the most serious tone I had ever heard him in, but the slight flutter of what must be fear couldn't trust his word.

Suddenly, my phone started to chirp from my pocket.

"This is Dastan. I'm assuming that neither of us want this Journalism project to extend into two weeks, so can you just meet me at the football game later so we can finish up?" he texted.

Wait. Was he actually being a productive partner? I called the callback number immediately.

"You could've texted back your answer," he said with a low voice.

"Well I don't exactly know what that entitles," I replied.

"We just need to finish the project. Can you please come tonight? I'm sorry it's last minute..." he said. I sort of questioned who I was talking to at that point. That did not, at all, sound anything like Dastan Vega. " there?"

"Yeah, yeah," I answered, still a little dazed. Well if he was calmed down now, does that mean he would act this way tonight? I believed in second chances, so maybe this was his time to take it. But then again...he hadn't really gotten a first chance. "I'll be at the game. Where do you want me to be?"

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