Chapter FortyOne-"Retirement and Recognition"

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It was a headshot of Proliator. He had no signs of any injuries. He had his normal uniform and his gold mask concealed his true identity like usual.

"I'd like to thank the city of Manhattan and its citizens-in any form, whether you're law enforcement, emergency services or even someone walking the streets every day, adding to this city's beauty," he started with a low English-charmed voice. His eyes were shaded by his mask and the mysterious lighting behind him, but I wanted to know what color they were to identify what he was really thinking. "But even though I've been giving in the extra effort over the years...I have to announce my retirement."

"WHAT!?" Jem exploded. 

"Shh," I hushed, now interested more in the television than him. This couldn't be true.

"It's been an honor helping everyone I can over the years. I know that hanging up my cape will be a shock to most, seeing as I haven't been around for that long to begin with, but I just need to put this job on hold and get my priorities aligned before anyone gets hurt in my life. That being said, I'll still keep an eye out for anyone planning to cause any sort of major disturbances just like before, only, I'll be the person taking a stand by doing the right thing and calling emergency services..."

The bullshit he said after that--about he was always watching and he could be some random guy on the street--was tuned out because I had fell back into the chair by the door, too shocked to say or listen to anything. He was retiring? Giving up? Even though he said it was so no one in his life was to get hurt, I couldn't help but think he was talking about me. I instantly felt guilty. What if he was turning the city over to some bad guys all because of me? Manhattan didn't deserve that! The Proliator didn't even deserve that because I didn't deserve him.

"I don't want him to quit!" Jem cried, running into my arms and lap and burying his face in my chest. Great. If Jem ever finds out that I'm the potential reason as to why his favorite person in this world quit the "coolest job ever," he'd hate me. It would be his very own villain origin story, i bet. More guilt filled my body.

"Me either..." was all I could whisper back. I stood from the seat and started to walk out, not caring about any other farewell words drenched in hope-turned-law-enforcement-propaganda that the Proliator was saying on the TV. Nothing mattered anymore. He was leaving for sure and what if it was my fault because I had treated him so cruelly last time?

"What's wrong?" a concerned voice asked once we were in the hall. Jem immediately wiped his face and stood up taller.

"Nothing," he huffed and walked around Hayden. I sighed.

"What happened?" Hayden asked me, even more concerned now.

"The Proliator just resigned," I stated, but then a light bulb went off into my mind.

The thought of my plan's success was officially gone. I had no leads because I was sure that everyone was here now, late or not, and they wouldn't have to leave for some accident or crime because their double-identity was out of business for good...for whatever that reason was. And considering the network received that video just now, all of my suspects were too busy being here to record/send it. In their best interests, they probably pre-recorded it and scheduled for it to be released.

"Really?" Hayden asked. I detected a sense of hope in his voice.

"Yeah?" we had started to walk to the hall and I saw Jem run into Dastan. Instead of giving some crap excuse, Jem told him the problem and Dastan ushered him to the other side of the lobby to talk. This time, I trusted him with Jem. Something about the way he was with Jem made me believe he was an understanding and empathetic person that couldn't harm a fly.

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