Chapter Seventeen-"Just trust me." He says.

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No one knew anything. No one knew how the boys were fighting over me. No one knew that Dastan and I could even tolerate each other. No one knew that my brother secretly hated me now. No one knew that I secretly wished for Proliator to come back into my room and assure me that things would be okay. Only I only I could solve it.

In second period, my eyes went straight to Dastan's. Right when I wanted them to lighten and enhance the smile on his didn't happen. He only tore his eyes away from mine and focused on Mickie, who I hadn't worried about since Thursday.

"Students, take your seats," Mrs. Hayes ordered when the bell rang. "Once again, our football team made it to playoffs, therefore we need to extend on our sports page."

"I thought the newspaper printed every two weeks," I said.

"That's true, but the next issue comes out this Wednesday and on top of that we need to print the programs that will be sold at games that includes all the organizations involved with football season," she answered.

"I'll work the programs," Dastan volunteered.

"I'll take pictures," I voiced.

"No need," Mickie said. I glared. "We just use the pictures from the football team pictures and some that we already have."

"Don't you think we should have new pictures?" Cheyenne smiled.

"No," Mickie snapped. Cheyenne slid down in her seat.

"That's not your decision," I said to Mickie.

"I'm being realistic," she sneered.

"You're being a bitch," I wanted to say, but I kept my mouth shut.

"New pictures or old pictures, I need the template design by tomorrow," Mrs. Hayes said. That's all that was needed before there was a debate and argument between the photographers and writers in the class. No. I couldn't even say that because Cheyenne was a writer and even she was on the 'new  pictures' side.

When the bell rang for the next period, I was the first one out of the room. To my surprise, Dastan was waiting on the near wall. I thought he was waiting for me, but I was shoved from behind for Mickie to near him. However, they still waited there looking at me.


"Come here," Hayden said out of nowhere, taking my hand and pulling me away. He pulled me against the traffic of the hallway and down a set of stairs and then left down a dead-end hallway that I had never been down before. It was cleared of all people though. Well...all people aside from me, him, Dastan, Mickie, and now Chad.

"What's this about?" I asked them with wide eyes. This was it. They were going to kill me.

"We have a question for you that requires serious consideration," Hayden told me with swirling blue eyes.

"Well we're in a high school hallway so—"

"And you really want to deal with this?" Mickie asked, looking at Hayden before sneering up to Dastan. Dastan scoffed at her comment and then walked away altogether. Deal with me?


"What are you doing after school today?" Hayden asked after his eyes shifted in contemplation.

"Nothing that I know of," I answered. Hayden looked over me, easily because I was short compared to him, and over to the others. Then he looked down to me. "Why...what's going on?"

The warning bell rang, shocking me that it took five minutes to get here, and then the others departed from the secluded hallway. I gave a confused look to Hayden.

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