Chapter Fourteen-"You're Different"

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"Can I come in?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course," I muttered and then allowed him entrance. I walked over to my bed and sat with a pillow on my lap, but then kept glancing at the closet. Sebastian sat on the couch that was, of course, placed beside and in view of the closet. "So...what's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Hayden," he started.

"There's nothing—"

"Here me out," he interrupted. I shut my mouth. "I know that you and Kenneth have basically been going out since diaper days, yet you're still not officially going out now that we're miles and miles away, but—"

"What are you trying to say?"

"There are guys here that want a chance with you too," he said bluntly. I started laughing. "Angela...I'm not saying that you and Hayden are—"

"We're not," I assured.

"Look," he sighed. "I don't really get along with anyone here, but that doesn't mean—"

"You get along with Chey and Nik," I reasoned. He shot me a look that said "let me finish." I looked down.

"I just don't want to sacrifice your friendships with people here because of me," I said. He meant his fighting. I moved over to the couch to sit by him.

"Hayden's isn't worth it, anyways," I told him. He looked over to me with dark blue eyes.

"What about Vega?" he asked. There was a short silence.

"I don't have a friendship with him in the first place, let alone a sacrificial one," I informed.

"You sure about that?" he asked.

"Yeah. The kid hates me," I said, sort of saddened. Well...most of the time he does.

"But what if he—"

"Why do you care?" I asked him. This was coming from nowhere. "You already know about me and Kenneth, so why are you bringing jerks like Hayden and Dastan into it?"

Really. This was weird. Or is it normal for brothers to try and 'ship their baby sister with someone they've fought before while she's clearly with his best friend? Well, not...clearly...but you get the point.

"Kenneth told you something before he left," he reminded. Live your life here.

"Yeah but—"

"Somewhere deep down, he wants you to move on from him," Sebastian confessed. "He encourages it."

"Why would he want that?" I asked.

"Because he doesn't want to be selfish and limit you to someone who's not even here," Sebastian said with hard eyes. No...that can't be true. "He tells me that every time we talk. He misses you and loves you and remembers your beautiful face, but he doesn't want you to stay with him."

Maybe that's a sign, though. Seeing as he always talks to Sebastian and not me.

"That doesn't make any sense, though," I reasoned. "He just called me and was like—"

"No, no, no. This is a conversation between the two of you that I do not want to be part of," he said, standing up.

"Well too late for that," I pressed.

"Nope," he said, popping the p and walking out of my room.

"Sebastian," I groaned, but he continued out of the room and closed the door. I threw myself into my bed and screamed into the pillow.

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