Chapter ThirtyThree-"He 'Knows' About Feelings"

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"I need to go to the store," Jem informed, peeping his head into my room as I did homework.

"Well I think Veronica's still here, so she can take you," I told him.

"But Angieeeeeeeee," he complained. I looked up at him  in question. "You know that all she's going to talk about is the stupid wedding."

"She's just excited," I defended. After all, the wedding is in two and a half days.

"Please," he begged.

"Jem, I said no. Can't you see that I'm busy?" I asked him.

"Fine. I'll just ask your friend to take me," he muttered and then started to walk out in a slum. Friend?

"What friend?" I asked, sitting up on my bed in concern.

"The one downstairs with the motorcycle," he answered from down the hall. My eyes widened. I immediately got up and looked to my window to see Dastan mounted on his bike, looking down at his phone.

 I marched downstairs.

"What are you doing here?" I nearly shouted at Dastan when I approached him on the sidewalk. He looked over to me with his Aviator glasses that shaded his eyes.

"We need to talk," he said.

"We had that chance and you didn't show up, and then again, and you didn't show up at school, and when we finally talk, you're telling me that I'm worthless to you only to turn around and apologize," I replied. "Yet you still have something to say?"


"Go home," I demanded. He removed his sunglasses and looked at me with dark, hard eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"I said 'go home'—"

"What suddenly makes you think that you can order me around?" he hissed, somehow gaining speed to pin me between him and the nearest thin tree. I was scared staring into his onyx eyes. Suddenly, they lightened and then the curves in his face stretched as he smiled for once. Some sort of noise even emitted from him. Was that...laughter?

"Go home," I repeated from earlier. His smile dropped when he realized I was serious.


Although I loved to see this fun, younger side to Dastan, he didn't understand that I didn't want to constantly be confused with his mood swings. It's either we're friends or not. It's either he's nice or not. It's either...he's the Proliator or not.

At this point...he's just not.

"Go home," I muttered, stepping away from him. Suddenly, he appeared between me and the door. His eyebrows were connected with dark, cold eyes. Instead of the smile curves, they were now worried wrinkles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked as if he cared.

"I can't tell you," I replied, practicing what he preached. His face hardened.

"Stop it," he whispered.

"Stop what?" I asked innocently with a flutter of my eyelashes. He only blinked once. I stepped near him to get my message across. "Until you start being real with me and answering my questions, I can't give you that courtesy from me."

He didn't do or say anything. He only watched me intensely as I backed up. I ran into someone and looked to see Jem. Great.

"Hey D! What's up?" Jem greeted to Dastan. 

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