Who Tf Can Pronounce Thor's Hammer?

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"Alright soldiers!" Nova yelled.

She was sitting on a flimsy table that would probably fall apart at any more weight, and she was shouting directions to the avengers.

"We have enough knowledge to possibly do a speed round of teachings. I will now go through everything that has been written down. No questions until after I am done speaking. Keep track and take notes people!"

She was swinging her legs slightly so that way she could distract herself from what was happening to her arm. Clint had insisted that he treat her shoulder wound, so while Nova had been giving and gathering information, he had quickly pulled out the metal which led to a very colorful string of curses from Nova. He had then cleaned all of the blood and was now disinfecting it. Let's catch you up on what's happening in elsewhere.

After Nova had told everyone that they had battle plans to go over, they seemed confused and worried. Nova's confidence has only deflated just a little. But she had marched them into a random ass room that just happened to have a white board and tables. She had sat down at the table near the front of the room, and everyone else was sprawled out at the other tables. She had taken information about the infinity stones and given some and had put it all on the whiteboard with her shitty spelling and grammar. This happened because Wanda had admitted to them accomplishing almost nothing and a speed round of teachings might help. So gathering info about who had the stones and who could help Nova the most was all on the board.

This is what they have so far.

The mind stone:

Wanda, Vision, and Loki have all been ecposed and know the most about this stone. They will teech the kid about it.

The time stone:

Dr. Strange is the main man to reech for noledj about this stone. Have to ask him to teech the kid.

The space stone:

Loki knows somthings about this stone. Ask him.

The power stone:

The Gardians of the Galaxy have the most expeerience with this stone. We need to call them in for the kid.

The reality stone:

Thor. Dangerous. Careful.

The soul stone:

Clint and Natasha have most expeerience. Mit teech the kid. Stone is unnown and could be very dangerus.

As Nova reread all of this information, and added a little more, she tried not to wince as Clint tied a bandage around her arm. It might leave a scar. He walked away and sat down at a table right next to Nat.

"So! Any questions?" Nova didn't think that anything could possibly go wrong. That was until Steve and Thor raised their hands.

Nova picked the worst out of the two and chose Thor. Everyone forgot that he was there half of the time. Dude was acting like the silent kid in the back of the class. Wouldn't be too surprised if he pulled out a full on fucking rifle and just started snipering everyone.

"Are you a god? And if so, are you worthy of my hammer?"

Everyone froze at this. Was Nova a god? Could she lift Thor's hammer?

"I am better than a god. I was created by the things that were the literal Big Bang. Although I was made in a crappy time, but I am much, much more than a god. So no. I am not one. And for the hammer, who's name no one can pronounce, I dunno man." 🤷‍♀️ she said. She really didn't know. And she was technically created by entities that created the universe. So she was much more than a god.

Thor hummed and nodded at Nova, thanking her for the answers.

"Alright! Anymore questions?"

Steve raised his hand.

"None? Okay great! Moving on-"

He had just wanted to finally know who Candice was. He was still very hung up on that.

"I will now list the powers that we know of that come along with the stones. And the people that use or posses power from the stones. And thank you all for helping me spell."

The mind stone:

Wanda: Walking nightmares, telekinesis, energy manipulation, neuroelectric interfacing, reading minds.

Vision: Superhuman intelligence, strength, speed, superhuman senses, density control, flight, regeneration, solar energy projection, holographic disguise.

Loki: Mind control, energy projection.

The space stone:

Loki: Didn't use it too much. Opened up a huge portal from space to New York.

This stone can teleport you anywhere in the universe. From anyplace to another.

The time stone:

Dr. Strange: Secretive. Has to do something with time.

Past present future. Must be able to see the future and be able to rewind time. No one knows much about this stone. Must be careful.

The power stone:

Guardians of the Galaxy: Don't know much. Have to talk to them and find out more information.

This stone makes you very powerful. Powerful enough to destroy planets.

The reality stone:

Thor: Doesn't know much. When he saw the stone, it was odd, not very reality like. Used to be in Jane for some reason.

Can manipulate reality. Anything you want will become true.

The soul stone:

Clint and Nat: They only got the stone, did nothing else with it. Don't know much else about it.

Has to do with a person or things soul. Must have a place in it where everyone went during the snap. Some sort of pocket in the universe.

Nova finished relaying all of this onto the avengers, and thought that it was enough.

"Moving on, I think that we should all do this as a speed round. Or rather stick with it. We will go from one stone to another, with the people who use or have used it. Going through and learning and practicing the powers that come with the stone. If that makes any sense."

The avengers all nodded along with Nova. It did make sense. And it sounded way better than whatever the hell they were doing.

"So instead of running around like a bunch of retarded headless chickens, we can stick with my plan and get our shit together. Focus on one stone at a time, and don't do useless and time consuming shit. Who agrees?! Say I."

Everyone said I.

Nova gave them all a a wide grin and hopped off of the table.

"Well then, let's get started."

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