Chapter 3

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Branch waited outside Che Dante, holding a bouquet of flowers, as he looked around for Poppy.

"Where is she..." he whispered, quietly to himself.

He looked at his watch. It was 7:00. It wasn't like Poppy to be late.

"No..." he mumbled to himself. "You're not getting in my head, Gary. She's just running a little late. That's all. She'll be here."

"Branch!" Dante yelled in excitement, as he flew over to Branch with his little wings.

"Hey, Dante," Branch said, smiling slightly at the little Classical Troll.

"Everything is all set for your date with Poppy," he informed. "She's gonna love the night you have planned for her."
"Yeah..." Branch said, softly, looking off into the distance again to see if he could spot Poppy. "I hope so..."

Dante looked around for a moment, and then back at Branch.

"Where is Poppy?" he asked, noticing the pink troll wasn't there.

"She's just... running a bit late," Branch assured.
"A bit? Weren't you supposed to meet at 6? It's after 7."
"I know, Dante," Branch said, rolling his eyes, slightly. "She'll be here. I trust her. There has to be a reasonable explanation for why she's late. She is Queen after all. She's just busy."

"Right you are," Dante said. "When she does get here, your table is ready."
"Thank you, Dante," Branch said, as Dante flew back inside.

Branch looked back into the distance, and then at his watch again.

"She's coming," he whispered to himself. "She has to be coming..."

Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (remake)Where stories live. Discover now