Chapter 1

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"Poppy!?" Branch called out, searching the village for the pink troll he loved so much. "Poppy!? Where are you!?"

     He stopped for a moment, looking around, as he reached into his hair, pulling out Gary.

     "Where could she be, Gar?" he asked softly, pausing to listen to the remote control's answer. He glared down at him, somewhat annoyed.

     "Yes I check her pod, Gary. I'm not an idiot." He rolled his eyes, but then gasped, looking back down at Gary. "You take that back right now, young man!" He gasped again, his eyes widening at Gary's language.

     "Where on earth did you learn that word!? You've been hanging around with Mr. Dinkles again, haven't you? That worm is a bad influence on your innocent mind."

     He paused for a moment, listening to Gary.

     "Oh... oh really?" Branch said, angrily. "Well then... if that's the way you feel..." He gasped again. "GARY! That's it... you're going to your room, mister!"

     Quickly, he stuffed Gary back into his hair, crossing his arms in anger.

     "Teenagers..." he grumbled. "Why does being a parent have to be so difficult?"


     "Branch!?" Poppy called out, searching the village for the blue troll she loved so much. "Branch!? Where are you!?"

     "Would you care for some more tea, Mr. Dinkles?"

     Poppy looked over, smiling as she spotted one of her many friends, Biggie, and his pet worm, Mr. Dinkles.

     "Hey, Biggie," Poppy greeted, walking over to the table they where sitting at.

     "Oh. Hello, Poppy," Biggie said, smiling. "Would you care for some tea?" He held up the tea pot, ready to pour her a glass, if her answer was 'yes'.

     "Of course. I would love a spot of tea," Poppy said, in a fancy British accident, bowing slightly. "But I'm actually looking for Branch. Have you seen him?"

     "Actually... I saw him a few minutes ago," Biggie said. "He just walked by, looking for you. He had Gary with him. I know Mr. Dinkles likes Gary and all, but I'm not sure he's the best influence on my precious little worm."
"Meep," Mr. Dinkles said. Biggie gasped at the worm's language.
"You see what I mean?" Biggie whispered to Poppy, gesturing at Mr. Dinkles.

     "Uh... yeah... that is totally because of Gary," Poppy said, sarcastically, looking away.

     "Anyways..." she finally said, getting back on topic. "Do you know where Branch is now?"

     Biggie shook his head, frowning a bit.

     "Not a clue," he said. "But if it helps... I saw him go that way." He pointed off into the distance.

     "Thank you, Biggie," Poppy said, smiling. "I'm gonna need a rain check on that tea."
"No problem," Biggie assured.
"Bye," Poppy said, waving, as she ran off to find Branch.


     "Poppy!?" Branch called out, still looking for his new girlfriend.
"Branch!?" Poppy called out as well, looking for her new boyfriend.

     They both searched the village for each other, neither one of them spotting the other.

     Slowly, they both turned around at the same time, continuing to walk backwards.

     Suddenly, Poppy and Branch crashed right into each other, both of them falling to the ground.

     "Ow..." they both groaned in unison, standing back up.

     They turned, smiling when they saw each other.

     "Branch/Poppy! I've been looking everywhere for you!" they both said, simultaneously. "Oh... sorry. You go first. Ok. I..." They paused, still over talking each other.

     "Ok," Poppy chuckled. "You go first, Branch."

     He took a deep breath, trying to work up the courage to ask he something important.

     He took a deep breath, trying to work up the courage to ask he something important

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     "Well... I... I was just wondering..." he said, nervously, fiddling with his fingers, as he tried to avoid eye contact. "Since we officially became a couple a few days ago... maybe... you and I... could... go on our first date? If... if you wanted..." he said, finally looking up at her, as he forced a smile. He was trying to hide his nervousness, but he wasn't doing a very good job.

     "Of course, Branch," Poppy answered, smiling wide. "That's actually what I wanted to ask you."

     He smiled for real, gazing at her.

     "It... is is?"

     She nodded, smiling, as she blushed a little.

     She nodded, smiling, as she blushed a little

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     "Well... how about tomorrow night at 6?" Poppy suggested.
"At Che Dante?" Branch suggested.
"It's a date," Poppy said, kissing Branch's cheek, as she turned to walk away.

     Branch smiled, his heart soaring. He had never been so happy in his entire life.

     He reached into his hair, pulling out Gary again.

     "I think I nailed that," he said, smiling. His smile faded, as he glared down at Gary. "Shut up, Gary," he said, shoving Gary back into his hair.

     He smiled again, thinking about how great his date was gonna be with Poppy, as he turned to walk home.

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