Chapter 23

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     Branch walked through the grove, as he held Gary in his hands, looking down at his remote control son.

     "So... what do we do while we wait for Poppy, Gary?" he asked, 'listening' for Gary's answer. "What? No, we're not going home. I'm not just gonna leave Poppy here." He paused, 'listening'. "I really don't care if your bored. I'm not leaving Poppy, and that's that." He paused again, 'listening'.

     "Well, yeah, Gary. Of course I've noticed her mom is crazy." Gary spoke again, Branch listening.

     "Y... yes... her mom dose want to kill me..." he said, nervously. "And I would be safer at home... in my heavily fortified, danger proof survival bunker..." He shook his head, pushing away his fear. "But I'm still not leaving without Poppy!" he yelled at Gary. "And she wants to be here, so I'm staying with her."

     Again he paused, rolling his eyes in anger, as he 'listened' to Gary's argument.

     "Because I love her Gary!" he yelled. "I'm not leaving her, so you can just suck it up, and..."

     Suddenly, he heard a sound. The sound of leaves crunching, as someone walked on them.

     Slowly, he put Gary back in his hair, as he whispered; "Stay hidden, Gary. Don't come out no matter what."

     The leaves continued to crack, as Branch looked around. It seemed to be coming from every direction.

     "Who's there!?" he shouted, but there was no answer. "Show yourself!"

     Suddenly, Branch noticed two eyes staring at him from the darkness.

     "H... hello?"

     The eyes approached, a bird suddenly walking out of the shadows. It looked the same as the bird from before, but it was a little smaller, and was white with black speckles instead of black with white speckles.

     "Umm... stay back... I'm warning you," he said, his voice shaky, as he backed away slowly.

     Suddenly, leaves cracked behind him, causing him to jump.

     Quickly, he spun around, seeing another bird right behind him. This one was brown with tan speckles.

     "Uh... umm..." he said, backing away, as he looked back and forth between the two giant birds.

     He backed up, suddenly bumping into something.

     Slowly, he turned.

     "AHHHHH!" he screamed, jumping backwards as he saw yet another bird. "Leave me alone! All of you!"

     They approached him slowly, as he looked around at them, his heart racing.

     One of them pecked at him, and he jumped back, turning to run away.

     As he ran, the black with white speckles bird, Uueeka, landed in front of him.

     "AHHH!" he screamed, stumbling backwards, and falling onto the ground.

     He looked up at the bird, seeing that Poppy's mom was on its back.

     "You thought you got away with it... didn't you?" she asked.

     "Uh..." Branch said nervously, backing away, still on the ground. "Got away with... what exactly?"
"Lying to my daughter... you know what I said would happen if you ever hurt her."

"I... I... I..." Branch stuttered, backing into a tree.

She continued to approach him, gripping her stick, tightly in her hands.

Branch whimpered in fear, as he stared up at her, wide eyed, not knowing what to do.

"P... Poppy!" he called out, hoping she would come and save him. "Poppy!"

Pansy chuckled, raising her stick up into the air.

His heart racing, Branch looked away, closing his eyes, as he braced himself for the pain he was about to feel.

"Branch!?" he suddenly heard. It was Poppy.

"Poppy!" Branch screamed out in pure fear. "Help!"

Quickly, Poppy came rushing over, hearing Branch's cries for help.

Pansy sighed, rolling her eyes, as she lowered her stick.

Still in complete panic mode, Branch stood, running over to hug Poppy, tight.

"Branch? What's wrong? What happened?" Poppy asked, concerned, as she hugged him back, the poor scared troll shaking in her arms, as he whimpered quietly.

Finally, Poppy looked up, noticing her mom.

"Mom? What's going on?" she asked, confused to why Branch was acting this way.
"Nothing much..." Pansy answered with a slight smile. "Just having a chat with Branch here."

Poppy looked down at Branch, who currently had his face buried in her shoulder, as he cried softly in fear, hugging her tight, and refusing to let go.

"Branchie? What happened, sweetie? Why are you so scared?"
"She... she... she..." Branch stuttered, unable to speak with how scared he was.

Pansy walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"AHHH!" he screamed, immediately jumping to hide behind Poppy.

"He's just a little nervous..." Pansy said, smiling. "I was just about to take him on a little ride." She gestured to Uueeka, who walked over, trying to nuzzle Branch, but he quickly pulled away, hiding farther behind Poppy.

"Oh... well I think that's a great idea," Poppy said, smiling.

Branch's eyes widened at her words, as he looked up at her.

"W... what?" he stuttered, nervously.

"Yeah," Poppy said. "I want my boyfriend and my mom to get along. The best way for that to happen is if you two spend some quality time together."

"B... but, Poppy... I... and she..."

Poppy lifted Branch up onto his feet, leading him towards her mom.

"You'll be fine," she assured.
"But... but... but..."
"I'll see you both later, ok?" Poppy said. "Have fun."

"But... no! Poppy!" Branch yelled after her, as she walked away, disappearing into the distance. "She... she's gonna kill me..." he mumbled quietly.

"Well, Branch..." Pansy say, putting her arm around his shoulder. "Looks like it's just you and me."

"I... I actually just remembered... I... uh... left my stove on at home. I... uh... better go... turn it off. Bye!"

He tried to run off, but Pansy grabbed his shoulder, holding him back.

"Now, now, Branch... no need to be scared," Pansy said menacingly, as she smiled maliciously at him. "Let's have some fun."

Branch gulped, shrinking away in fear, as Pansy pulled him forwards.

Trolls and the Search for the Missing Mom (remake)Where stories live. Discover now