Chapter 30

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Poppy hugged her mom tight, as she cried into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," Pansy said, quietly. "I know it hurts."
"It's all my fault," Poppy cried.
"No," Pansy said. "It is not your fault. Branch will come to his senses eventually. He cares about you, Poppy. He'll be back."

"Help!" they suddenly heard from off in the distance.
"Branch?" Poppy said, quietly, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Someone help!"

She started running towards the cry's for help, her mother fallowing close behind.

They ran as fast as they could, trying to find Branch, as the cries continued.

     "Please! Help!" they heard Branch cry out.

     Finally, after what felt like hours of running, they spotted Branch struggling to drag Uueeka.

Pansy froze, her eyes widening, as she saw him on the ground, almost lifeless.

"Uueeka!" she screamed out, running over to him.

Branch was so tired from pulling, he fell to the ground, panting.

"Someone help!" he cried out, not seeing Poppy and her mom running towards him. "Please help!"

They ran over to them, Poppy dropping down beside Branch, and Pansy dropping down beside Uueeka.

"What happened!?" Pansy demanded.
"It's my fault," Branch cried, as he sat on the ground, hyperventilating. "He followed me... I didn't know... It's all my fault."
"Branch. You need to calm down," Poppy said softly, rubbing his back, but his cries only got louder, as he began to shake.

"It's my fault!" he cried, burying his face in his hands.

"Uueeka," Pansy said quietly, trying to get the Synathin to wake up. "Come on, Buddy. You're ok. You just gotta wake up."

She seemed calm on the outside, but actually she was trying her best to hold back her tears.

"Come on, Uueeka... wake up. Poppy!" she suddenly yelled, looking at her daughter. "Get some leaves from that tree over there, and hurry."

Poppy left Branch's side, running to climb a nearby tree.

She reached the top of the tree, grabbing a handful of leaves, before sliding back down to the ground.

Quickly, she ran back over to her mom, handing her the leaves before going back to comfort Branch, hugging him tight, as he shook, crying hard.

Pansy rubbed the leaves all over Uueeka's feathers, mumbling quietly; "Please work. Please work."

Slowly Uueeka began to open his eyes, sitting up, as he shook off his feathers.

"Branch. Look," Poppy whispered, quietly.

He looked up at Uueeka, his heart slowing down a little, as he began to calm down. He was happy Uueeka was ok, but at the same time, he felt bad that he had caused it in the first place.

His tears came back, as he looked away.

"Branch..." Poppy said, softly, but he just stood up, and walked away.

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