Chapter 32

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     Branch walked home, taking the long path around the mountains to avoid the river. There was no way he was going across that thing again.

     He stopped on a small hill, looking down at Trollstopia below him. All the trolls where laughing and having fun, as trolls always did.

     Finally, Branch sighed, continuing on.

     "Branch! Your back!" Biggie said, noticing Branch entering the village. He looked around, confused. "But... where's Poppy?"

     He looked at him, sadly, and then continued walking, not wanting to talk about it.

     "Dubstep!" Synth shouted, seeing Branch walking by Techno Lagoon. "It is so meh!Meh! Meh! Meh! To see you!" His smile faded, as he looked around, just like Biggie had. "Where's Poppy?" he asked.

     Branch closed his eyes, trying not to cry, as he kept walking.

     "Sup, dude," Val greeted, grabbing onto Branch to give him a noogie. He pulled away, not saying a word, as he continued walking. "Wait... where's Popsqueek?" she asked.

     He stopped walking, turning around to face her.

     "She's not here, ok!?" he yelled, tears in his eyes. "Just stop asking!" He turned, continuing to walk, Val watching him in confusion. "What the heck was that about?" she asked Demo, who was standing next to her. He shrugged, and then Val shrugged too, both of them walking back to Rock Hollow.

     As he walked past Poppy's pod, he stopped, looking up at it. He missed her so much.

     Slowly, he lowered his head, his ears drooping, as he continued to walk.

     Once he was in his Bunker, he pulled Gary out of his hair, placing him on his pillow in his basket.

     "Well... just you and me again, Gar." He paused, 'listening' to Gary, before he finally smiled. "Thanks, Gary. I really needed to hear that." He hugged Gary, and then walked into his bedroom. He was exhausted from the trip, and just wanted to go to sleep.

     He had just laid down, when there was suddenly a knock on his door. He sighed, trying to  ignore it, but it only got louder. He knew it was just gonna be someone else, asking about Poppy, and he just wasn't ready to talk about it yet. He knew he would see her again someday, but it still hurt.

     The Banging got louder, and louder, until it was impossible to ignore.

     "Fine! I'm coming! I'm coming!" he yelled, standing up out of bed, as he walked to his elevator.

     He rode up his elevator, opening his hatch, as he walked outside.

     "What do you wan..." His sentence was cut off, when he was suddenly tackled to the ground.

     "Whoa! What the heck!? What are you..." His eyes widened, as he saw Poppy on top of him, hugging him tight.

     "P... Poppy?"
"You said as long as I'm happy, your happy," she said, still clinging onto him. "But I can't be happy without you."

     "Poppy... your mom..."
"Dad is going to stay with her, and I can go and visit anytime, but I don't belong there, Branch. I belong here. With you."

     He smiled up at her, and then gently put his hand on her cheek, kissing her.

     "I'm so glad your here," he finally said.
"So am I," she said, kissing him back.


By: Taylor Moore

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