Chapter 11

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     Poppy ran towards her father's pod, excited, as Branch walked slowly behind, fiddling with his fingers, nervously, as his heart race.

     'I'm dead... I'm dead... I'm dead,' he thought to himself, over and over.

     'Hey, dad,' Gary 'said', from inside Branch's hair.

     Branch pulled out Gary, holding him in his hands to look at his son.

     'Since your about to die... can I have your bunker?'

     Branch glared at him, stuffing him back into his hair.

     "Shut up, Gary..." he grumbled, crossing his arms.

     Soon, Poppy looked back, noticing how far behind Branch was.

     "Come on, Branch," she urged. "Pick up the pace."
"Y... yeah... I'm... I'm coming..." he said back to her, gulping, terrified.

Finally, they reached Peppy's pod, walking inside.

"Dad? Dad!? Are you home!?" Poppy called out, but there was no answer.

"Well... looks like no one's here. Guess we're too late. Come on Poppy, let's go," Branch said, quickly turning to head for the door, but Poppy didn't follow.

"I'll write a note," she said, cheerfully.

Branch froze, his eyes widening.

"A... a note?" he asked, quietly, as he turned back to her, slowly.

She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, beginning to write something down.

"Dear dad," she said, as she wrote. "Thank you so much for giving us the map to mom. Branch and I are headed out now to find her, and bring her home. I love you. Poppy. XOXO."

"Ok. You wrote your note... now let's get out of here," Branch said, rushing Poppy out the door.

Before he left, however, he stealthily grabbed the note, crumpling it up, before tossing it towards the trash can. What he didn't notice was that he had missed, the paper bouncing off the rim, and falling to the floor.

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