Chapter 2
After a few hours of giving Tony feedback and help on one of his projects, more like Tony ASKING or feedback, and getting sarcastic remarks in return from his "beloved child", it became morning and the pair could hear shuffling of people from the CCTV monitors across the room.
Natasha walked off the elevator into the lab and heard the tail end of an argument between the two.
"Okay but would that mean that animals, here on earth or anywhere else, can be worthy?" Spoke (Y/N)
"I'd say so."
"Even if they don't have the intelligence for it?"
Nat cleared her throat as she smirked, "I hate to disrupt your 'very vital work' but breakfast is ready and then we gotta wait around for Thor to come by." Using air quotes around her words, she mocked Tony. With that, he stood up and began walking towards her. "For your information, we're just figuring out who to replace you with." He went and stood in the elevator waiting for the two women. (Y/N) tiptoed next to Nat and whispered in her ear. "It's actually who we're replacing him with, but don't tell him, I don't want to ruin his birthday gift." The russian snorted as she held back her laugh, and led the other girl into the elevator.
"Hey! What was that? Were you talking about me?" Tony frantically said.
The two quickly shook their heads, but a smile never left their faces.
"You know I can sue you. For slander."
(Y/N) looked back at Tony, who was now leaning on the wall of the room as it ascended.
"Doesn't the statement need to be false for that to go through?"
"Oh I can assure you it was... whatever it was that you said about me."
Soon enough, the elevator opened to the kitchen and dining area. There was a long oval-shaped table, fit for a whole group of people. As well, a fairly large kitchen that was always stocked full with food for each avenger, guest or extra housemate. And who was in this kitchen at the moment? None other than Clint Barton. He was busy cooking up the last bit of breakfast.
"Eggs, bacon and toast, all ready for the vultures."
Everyone quickly grabbed a plate and filled them with a variety of each dish and sat in their respective seats. Tony and Steve sat at opposite heads of the table, while Natasha and Bruce sat next to each other to Tony's left. Clint stood at the counter he hadn't used whilst cooking. (Y/N) sat on the side that was left empty. For a while, there was only the sound of clinking utensils, drinks being sipped and the occasional flip of Steve's paper.
"So," Bruce spoke up. "Thor's coming back, you said he's bringing someone? Who?" He said cautiously
(Y/N) lifted her head at that notion, completely forgetting about it, up until now.
Tony shrugged, sticking a fork full of eggs into his mouth. Suddenly, before anyone could question him, the sound of the bifrost was heard from the hangar. Everyone had forgotten breakfast as they got up and not-so-subtly raced to the elevator. But as (Y/N) was the last to get there, just her luck, it closed on her face. "Really? I'm everyone's favorite but this is the treatment I get?" Clicking her tongue and shaking her head, she walked to the stairs. Not her favorite way to get up, but it's better than waiting for another elevator. So, she trekked her way up 3 flights to make it to the hangar.
"God damn, maybe I should've joined Cap on those runs." Her breaths were heavy. Reaching the door, she heard yelling.
Not in a good way either.
Opening the door in a rush, she walks in to find a cluster of Avengers arguing with each other.
"Guys what's going on-" (Y/N) raised her voice when speaking.
Tony's head snapped to her and swiftly walked her way. "Get back inside now, this is dangerous, and something us adults need to deal with-" There he went again, putting her in the mold of a helpless child again.
"What? It's just Thor, he wouldn't ever hurt me." Tony starts to try and shield what was behind him from his curious daughter. Steve comes over and starts quietly speaking to Tony about the situation, all while the others are still yelling. Taking this opportunity, (Y/N) slides under her fathers arm and slinks her way around the others to greet Thor.
Only to be faced with bright green eyes, and long dark hair all adorning a slightly amused face.

then she disappeared | Loki Laufeyson x Reader
FanficEDIT: wrote this likeeeee 3 years ago and never finished it but i lowkey like what i did write. was planning on finishing it BEFORE publishing but I don't think I'll be able to finish it lowkey (hingadingadurgen) so heres this so far A young girl g...