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Chapter 3

Tension. Cold, hard, hateful tension.

Everyone was sitting around the meeting table, apart from Thor and Loki, who were standing in front of it.

"My brother has spent the past year in the dungeons for his crimes upon Asgard and Midgard, but my father has requested that we, the avengers," Thor smirked and put a hand on his hip, but no one else had the same look. "Take him in and teach him the right way, and hopefully repay for what he did here." He mumbled the last part. Loki's face was almost impossible to read, he looked bored and emotionless, with the occasional eye roll.

After moments of silence, Tony spoke up.

"You want the guy who destroyed New York to come live in New York?"

(Y/N)'s stomach was filled with anxiety and worry. She hated fights or conflict between her family, and wished this to be over as soon as possible.

"Stark, he was brainwashed! My brother is not the person you met last year, he never was!"

This piqued her interest. If what Thor was saying was true, then Loki may have a chance to change.

"Who's to say he didn't brainwash you to say that? He's got a history of it for sure." Clint spoke with venom in his voice, looking not at Thor but at Loki himself. Then Loki finally spoke, "It's good to see you too, Barton." (Y/N)'s eyebrows lifted after hearing his voice. She had simply never heard it before. But before she could think about it any more, there was more arguing and yelling through the room. Finally fed up with it all, she stood and looked out over the table, as they hushed to look at her.

Now this action caught Loki's attention, and one of his eyebrows raised. He had never met this one before, but it was apparent that the avengers were protective of the girl, proven by Tony guarding her. Her eyes flickered to his for a fraction of a second, something no one would notice.

"You guys need to calm down, and think rationally. Otherwise you'll never come to a sound conclusion with all this goddamn noise." Sighing, she pushed in her chair and began walking towards the door near the brothers. "I'll take dumb and dumber in the hall for a bit, and then hopefully you'll be able to talk like the adults you are." Throwing Tony a side glare as she jabbed him for that bit up stairs.

When she stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind the two, (Y/N) was met with a bone crushing hug from none-other-than the god of thunder himself. She gave out a breathy laugh and hugged back the best she could. "Hey you big lug, welcome home."

"Lady (Y/N)! I've missed you immensely. How have you been since I've been away?" Thor said, setting her down and smiling his signature ear-to-ear smile. "I'm getting through all right, I'd say." She pulled her attention to the dark haired man standing a bit aways from the two.

Sticking out a hand and holding a kind smile on her face, she spoke up. "Hey, my name's (Y/N) by the way, it's nice to meet you. Sorry about the insanity in the meeting room, they work themselves up a lot." Loki met her eyes with skepticism and slight awe. He then took her hand cautiously and nodded. "I can tell."

(Y/N) grinned a bit wider, with a small chuckle accompanied. "This may take a bit, can I get you two anything to drink?"

"Ah yes a pint of beer would be most-" Thor began, but quieted down as he saw Loki giving him a look from beside him.

"No thank you Lady (Y/N), we're both completely fine!" He quickly adjusted.

Meanwhile, in the conference room, the team was still debating. This time it was a little calmer. For the beginning, Tony stayed quiet. "We need to consider the fact that he is a literal mass murderer." Bruce said, wringing his hands together. Nat looked at Clint sympathetically for a moment before beginning. "But what's gonna happen if he's not on our side? Another battle of New York? If Thor is right and he was brainwashed, who knows? Maybe having the real him as an ally would benefit us."

"I don't like the idea of him having the opportunity to get in any of our heads though. Not until we can trust him." Clint mumbled.

Tony stood suddenly after that. "Why are we even entertaining the idea of him living here? Especially not with the kid- (Y/N). Not with her here."

Steve stood up as well, to match Tony and hopefully bring him down from the anger. "Listen, it's not ideal, but (Y/N)'s strong, you know that most out of all of us. You can make something to take his powers away right? You seem like you're not telling us everything you know."

"Oh I most certainly can. Did it with (Y/N), and I can do it for Reindeer Games, but the real question is," He walked around the table to face Steve. "Do I want to?"

"Do you have a choice? You know Natasha's right, he's better on our side than against us." With that, Cap shut him up.

"I suppose we vote then. This matter has to be unanimous though, I won't take a risk if even one person says no." Steve continued. The group used their communicators they had on hand, each member of the tower had one for voting for pizzas, chores, etc. It was being used legitimately for the first time. They sent in their votes and waited.

Back in the hallway, Thor was raving about his adventures to (Y/N) since the last they saw each other, while Loki sat on a chair, extremely bored of hearing this for the fourth time. Thor had visited him in the dungeons frequently, much to Loki's dismay. He drowned his brother out and instead went to the girl he spoke to. (Y/N). Why in the nine realms was she being polite to him? Hadn't she known what he had done to her home? None of it mattered though, he had hoped the Avengers would kick him out and back to Asgard, and she wouldn't have to see him any longer. Realizing this meeting would take a bit, he began to try and read (Y/N)'s mind. But as he entered, a small zap was filled through his brain. Nothing serious, but enough to catch him off guard and flinch.

"Brother are you alright?" Thor mused, seeing his brother confused.

"Just some static electricity after being around you for so long, you nimwit." He covered up, never admitting to the fact that he was denied access by a mere mortal mind. And as he glanced her way, her face showed that she had no idea what had happened. Ah, so it was not by her choice then

The door to the conference room opened up to Nat holding it open. She gestures everyone inside, and one by one, the trio files in.

(Y/N) reclaimed her seat, which like breakfast was somewhat separated from the rest of the team. Steve took a step up to the front of the group and breathed in.

"Loki, as a team we agree to let you stay here in the tower and hopefully find allyship in you."

This shocked Loki, as he was sure they wouldn't allow him. But, just before Thor could start celebrating, Steve continued.

"Although there is one condition, Tony will be making you dampeners. This will temporarily take away your magic and powers while you wear them. It's only precautionary until we feel you can be trusted"

then she disappeared | Loki Laufeyson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now