Chapter 4 - Brotherly Love

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This chapter is a short one, but
Have fun nonetheless ^^
Illumi POV:

"There's been some activity," Milluki said, swivelling around a quarter turn in his leather chair to glance at his older brother. "A phone call. It was incoming at 10:32PM last night. It lasted just a few minutes," Milluki stated in-between stuffing his face with handfuls of greasy potato chips.

"Oh..?" Illumi mused, eyes like pools of black oil narrowing slightly. He had his back turned to Milluki, it was hard to look at his younger brother. He was a disgrace, everything a Zoldyck should not be; fat, lazy and weak. Illumi would have killed Milluki years ago if it wasn't for Zeno. Foolish old man, Illumi thought, always getting in my way. It is of no consequence though, Milluki has his uses.

Illumi forced his body to turn around subjecting himself to Milluki's pitiful visage. As Illumi took in the sight of his younger brother he could hardly keep his lips from twitching with disgust. Milluki was dipping his hand in and out of a greasy bag containing chips that were coated in some orange coloured flavouring. The flavouring kept spreading like a plague across the backs of Milluki's hands as they dived in and out of the flimsy chip bag. Digging more desperately for his snack as the bag neared its end Milluki carelessly allowed the repulsive orange substance to migrate onto the cuffs of his light blue dress shirt where it began to stick like pollen in the sweat moistened cotton. Crumbs that were denied by Milluki's loud chomping cascaded down off his dimpled chin and gathered in the folds of material formed into a wave-like pattern due to thickset rolls in Milluki's gelatinous form. A fucking blob with eyeballs and a hole for stuffing. It's a miracle he hasn't bitten his own chubby little sausage fingers off for an afternoon snack yet, Illumi opined internally before getting back to the task at hand.

"Send a recording of the conversation to my phone and then delete it from the network records, Milluki" Illumi said flatly. He made sure to include a warning in his tone, one that said if Milluki asked any questions and did not immediately comply that there would be pain and plenty of it.

Milluki not wanting to bite off more than he could chew for once simply nodded as far as the fat deposits in his neck would allow and turned back to face the wall of computer monitors and carry out Illumi's request. "It's done," Milluki said. "Do you need anything.." Milluki began but couldn't finish as Illumi cooly interrupted him.

"No, that will be all," Illumi delivered while turning on one heel and adding with a sideways glance, "if you mention this to Zeno, I will cut your fat little prick off."

Milluki trembled visibly in his swivel chair, fat belly jiggling as he threw his hands up beside his face in a pleading manner. "Of course, Illumi, I would never dare!" Milluki stammered.

Ilumi let the threat linger for a moment, his dark gaze hanging in the air like a guillotine over Milluki's head. "Good," Illumi said at last once he was satisfied by Milluki's cowardly whimpers for mercy. Illumi walked out of the dark room and into the hall leaving a fearful Milluki to languish in his own sweat. His feet moved at a slow and rhythmic pace creating hypnotizing echoes from heel on stone that seemed to linger in the hallway behind him. Illumi was glad that he had decided to engage Milluki to keep tabs on Killua's communications. It was convenient and allowed Illumi to wander a little further away from Killua than he would otherwise prefer to be. He always liked to keep a watchful eye over his favourite little brother. No one can protect Killua like I can, Illumi thought. I know what's best for him, I always have. As he continued his steady pace down the dark hall through shadows and the flickering light of torches lining the walls Illumi listened intently to the recording of the conversation that Killua had with Gon the night before.

So Killua is going to see Gon again. I thought that little affair was done and over with. Unacceptable, Killua. Illumi chided internally. I realize it was Gon who instigated this reunion but nevertheless it is your responsibility to recognize that which brings out the worst in you and avoid it. I think it's time for an enlightening visit from your big brother, my dear Killua.

With that last thought Illumi began his preparations for a swift trans-continental trip to Heaven's Arena from the Zoldyck estate.
771 Words
I hope you liked the Chapter, despite the length.
Have a Good day/night :]

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