Chapter 9 - A Trembling Awareness

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The reunion is close, let's get right into it!

Gon ran down the hallway of the one-hundred and ninetieth floor of Heaven's Arena. The encounter with Hisoka still lingered in his mind. Even though what Hisoka had begun to do to him would have ended in an unforgivable act, he had pulled back at the last minute and redeemed himself. For that, Gon was sincerely grateful. Gon could forgive him for what he had almost done. He could forgive anyone as long as they showed that they could change in the end. Gon figured this is what made him who he was, his ability to forgive, his ability to give someone a second chance, it was simply a part of his character. He knew that his unbridled mercy sometimes frustrated others but he had always offered everyone this opportunity, why not Hisoka? It was Gon's ability to treat everyone as a new person that had lead to his perfect friendship with Killua right?

In the end what was important to Gon was to make up his own mind about things. He didn't want to listen to what society said, he didn't care about consensus, he would draw his own conclusions about right and wrong. Gon only cared about what was true in his own heart; and during that confrontation with Hisoka, near the end, after all the selfish and despicable desire that Hisoka had shown, he had seen something else in his eyes. They showed a sorrowful expression, one of tragedy, pain and regret. The dark spirit in them had completely dissipated and was replaced by a look of genuine tenderness. Strangely, Gon could tell in that moment that Hisoka cared for him, in his own way. He saw that Hisoka was horribly conflicted and that he must have been keeping those feelings buried deep within himself, behind the dark facade. Somewhere inside that jester's soul was a human being, as fragile and flawed as the rest of us. Whether that part of him could ever really be awakened permanently Gon did not know but at least there was a glimpse now; it was that shred of humanity that Gon had embraced.

I've learned so much, grown so much emotionally. Killua, I think you most of all would be proud. Gon thought as he ran down the hall toward the balcony gardens. The prior excitement he felt when he had left Whale Island had returned fully now. His heart was pounding with an intensity and level of anticipation that Gon had never felt before. It truly had been so long since he had seen Killua, how had they drifted this far apart? There was a time when Gon never even thought of being apart from Killua for a second, it was unimaginable. Why had they separated?

Gon found his mind drifting as he ran down the hallway. That time, on Whale Island, Gon thought. I was so happy. Everything felt so right. It's not that I'm not happy now but it was different then, what did I say? The words came to Gon suddenly, a distant impression buried deep in his subconscious.

'I'm happy when I'm with you, Killua.'

That's what Gon had said the first night they camped out on Whale Island together. I remember everything from that night, Gon began to let the memory wash over him. We cooked food over the open fire, we talked about all of the adventures we had experienced and I told him all about Mito-San and what I knew about Ging. Killua had listened to me so intently I recall, he let me ramble on and on. He gave me the confidence I needed to find Ging, I knew with him that I would. He had just agreed to join me and help, asking nothing in return. Killua, I just realized how much I miss you. You were always by my side, I was never afraid when you were there. I wonder if you knew how much I depended on you. Did you ever find out what you wanted for yourself in our great journey? Gon was nearing his destination now, a wide grin had spread across his face as he visited the memory of that time.

Gon reached the door finally and burst through into the gardens. They were exactly as he had remembered them. Gon took a deep breath inhaling the relaxing sight of nature and feeling immediately more at home. The gardens were not enormous but they made up in density for what they lacked in footage. Dozens of Yoshino Cherry trees lined the semi-circle balcony that jutted out from the tower; they were packed tightly in planters with elaborate wooden bases so as to block out the view of the city below. The cherry trees were in full bloom, their five petaled blossoms creating a uniform border of nature forty feet tall that tenderly caressed the inner gardens. The magnificently landscaped gardens featured cobblestone walkways lined with deftly trimmed shrubs that wound gently around pockets of colour. There were flowers and blooming plants of all kinds, their magical tints adding to the canvas of serenity that was this place. But more than anything, there was a spot at the centre of the gardens which held a home in Gon's heart. A small pond of water lilies was spanned by an arched bridge of plain wood spotted with soil and moss, as if it had grown out of the soil itself. The vast array of colours in the space seemed to reflect off the water in the little pond, adding a soft glow that emanated upwards and through the bridge. It was as if the little structure itself were a delicate rainbow floating on the water. As Gon took in the sights he felt a moment of complete consanguinity with the gardens. So beautiful, I can't think of a better place to see you again, Killua.

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