Chapter 5 - Perversions

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Yo, no actual Sex but mentions of smutty happenings.
My sister actually helped me with this one since I was busy and shes better at writing stuff like that haha..
She's an Hisoka fanatic anyways so that fits lmao

Hisoka looked down at the boy sprawled out before him while he knelt on the edge of the bed. He smiled and realized that it had been a good choice to keep a second room in the Heaven's Arena tower after-all. The 200's were too full of other Nen users, always interrupting, sticking their noses where they didn't belong. Hisoka could deal with anyone in this tower easily but he loathed interruptions. A second room on the 190th floor had been a good choice indeed.

"Are you pleased with me, Hisoka? You're smiling," the boy purred while sitting up half-way, legs straight out in front of him and resting on his forearms. He was a lean boy, perhaps fifteen years of age. He had short cropped chestnut brown hair with matching eyebrows that complimented his toffee coloured skin. His eyes were reminiscent of burnt umber which added a certain polish to his soft appearance. The boys lips were relatively straight and blended in nicely with the warm skin tone, barely different in coloration at all, perhaps closer to a pinkish taupe than toffee but no less sweet. His nose sloped gently, unobtrusive and cute. The boys teeth peeked out from his sultry smirk, shimmering straight and white with a slick overlay of saliva that Hisoka knew was partly his own. His jaw was short, defined and had an athletic look. Hisoka's eyes began to drift and he thought, this boy has an exceptional neck. Every time the boy tilted his head to look one way or the other there were these veins that popped up in straight ridges full of youthful vitality. It was something Hisoka looked for in a target, a fetish you could say.

Hisoka let his eyes fall over the boys perfectly contoured collar bone and out to his lean shoulders that were pinched back and flexed, all the while taking pleasure in each section, like staring at a marvellous statue. He let his vision wander down across a completely glabrous torso. The boys chest was still almost entirely flat, only showing the slightest hint of pectoral development that would come in later years nearing adulthood. His abdomen had more muscular development than anywhere else on his body. He had six cleanly sectioned abs crunching half way like an accordion on account of the way the boy had himself propped up, pinching tiny folds of his taught skin in-between the symmetrical pathways that framed his stomach. A tight inward navel peaked the scrumptious mid-section like a cherry topping a cake.

Hisoka's eyes traced the long lines of strong obliques which lead his sights down inevitably to the boys groin causing just the slightest warmth to appear on tanned cheeks. Hisoka didn't linger too long, as beautiful as it was, he let his gaze explore out across the boys legs which also maintained the similar stages of development prevalent with the rest of his body; the only difference being a light dusting of blonde hair that ran from the base of his ankles and up to just above the knee, stopping at the onset of his inner thighs.

Hisoka repositioned himself on the bed so that his knees were to either side of the boys hips. He straddled the boy, using his thighs to squeeze and hold him in place, their groins now in unabashed contact. Hisoka took a deep breath, relishing in the pleasure that came from bare and warm skin on skin contact. If Hisoka hadn't been so tired he might have asked the boy to hit him again, hard, right then and there. But instead he placed his hands on the boys shoulders and pressed him gently back down into the luxurious bedding while planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. Hisoka's red locks were a tangled mess and they hung down like crimson curtains to either side of his face and past that of the boys, providing a solitary moment between them as they gazed steamily into each others eyes.

"Oh yes, Zushi," Hisoka said, sweetly. "It was about time you had a teacher other other than Wing-San, someone a little more....hands on," Hisoka's lips parted slightly into a sly grin as he shifted down slightly. He let his hands slide gently from their position on Zushi's shoulders drawing abstract patterns across Zushi's chest which yielded a few tickled yelps. He let his hands settle at Zushi's waste all the while delicately leaning in to kiss and suck delicately at his neck. Hisoka felt Zushi writhe and moan with pleasure beneath him, he could feel the boys hip bones through the soft tan skin under his hands as he bucked and searched for release, but only half heartedly.

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