Chapter 6 - A Family Approach

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Killua POV:

Killua stood at the eaves of the rooftop of a building, his feet balancing deftly on the narrow raised platform without concern for the perilous drop beneath. He had chosen this location as the best vantage point to scout the balcony gardens at Heaven's Arena. It was the tallest building he could find near-by with a total of 191 floors, yet still dwarfed by the fourth-tallest tower in the world that was Heaven's Arena. From where he stood he had a perfect view of the gardens which stood out on a large balcony connecting a few sections of the 190th floor of Heaven's Arena. Killua and Gon had discovered the gardens in their prior visit to the Arena. They used to go there after their contests sometimes to get some peace and quiet. Gon in particular had taken to the gardens, the green space an appropriate prescription for his emerging home sickness at the time.

Killua checked the beetle phone in his pocket, it was 6:30 p.m. He still had some time before he was scheduled to meet with Gon. While travelling from Yorknew City Killua had decided that it might be a good idea to check things out a little bit early. He really didn't want any company for their final reunion and even though he recalled that the gardens were almost always vacant he wanted to make sure that still held true. It would be just my luck that they would be holding some stupid festival or ceremony there tonight, or maybe a dumb wedding, Killua thought.

But as he looked out over the gardens on the distant balcony he saw no movement, they were as still and pristine as he had remembered. Killua let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes as he stood on the edge of the roof, arms spread wide straight out from his shoulders. His toes were hanging slightly over the edge and the wind whipped and snapped at his baggy clothes; they were all black, a pair of mesh-style athletic shorts and a long-sleeve black t-shirt. Killua figured black was the appropriate colour to wear to ones own funeral; but he realized the effect was somewhat lost since he still wore his favourite purple sneakers and shorts weren't exactly funeral attire. It's oh so very Killua though, Gon will appreciate it, he thought sadistically.

He let himself breathe in a slow and heavy rhythm as he teetered on the concrete precipice, eyes closed, arms wide with the wind swirling around him like thick swathes of satin brushing heavily against his skin. His fluffy platinum hair danced and weaved every which way pulling gently at his scalp creating a pleasant sensation. Killua found himself thinking absently, it would be so easy to just end it here, just lean forward, just a little bit, and let the wind carry me down to rest, let it blow my memories away. He let the sensations of the world transpire around him, the distant sounds of pedestrians and traffic far below, the whistling gusts of wind that buffeted the numerous structures of the city skyline, the flapping sound of the soft material of his own garments as they tried to tug and pull away from his rigid body. Killua felt a certain comfort at this moment, knowing his time was drawing near. He had waited so long for this, ever since Gon had said those words to him, the words that had turned out the light in Killua's world.

"This means nothing to you..." Gon.

I'm ready, Gon. Finally, I am ready to face you honestly and tell you how much you hurt me. How much I loved you then, how much I still love you now. I'm ready to see with my own eyes again, to see that I mean nothing to you. It's just like you said Gon, 'this means nothing to you...',and I expect it won't. I expect you'll be disgusted with me. Well, I should be equally disgusted with you, leading me on, treating me like you cared, opening my heart to the world only to crush it and leave it bleeding out, alone. You left me, without even saying goodbye. You would have preferred if I left you a disfigured and burnt mess drowning in Pitou's blood. This time it will be my choice, Gon. I will be the one to leave you alone, my heart crushed and bleeding, this time right before your eyes. Maybe then, you'll understand, Gon. Maybe then. Killua recited this promise quietly in his mind, over and over as time passed slowly, the wind his only company.

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