Chapter 3 - A Strong Resolve

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Authors Note:
Welcome to the third chapter, I hope y'all enjoyed the story so far.
Lets get right into it!

Killua woke abruptly to a loud buzzing noise. He pulled his face out from under his scattered bangs buried in the clothes he had cried into all day, eyes foggy with a damp crust that had formed while he slept. He groggily ran the backs of his wrists over his eyes trying to clear his mind and figure out what the source of the sound was. Killua woke up often like this, he hated it. He knew he had just spent another day in that state of sorrow he so often found himself in, tears streaming until there was no water left in his system, sobbing over and over, the only respite coming from mental exhaustion forcing him into periods of deep sleep.

There it was again, that buzzing noise. Killua glanced over to his nightstand and noticed the beetle phone skittering across the smooth wooden surface bouncing between change and other small irrelevant items scattered about. He glared at it, eyes habitually focusing intently into a predatory gaze. Killua knew it must be late as the pale glow of the overcast day he had seen earlier had completely disappeared from the skylight which had been painted black by the night sky. Who would be calling him at this time anyway? Killua rolled over onto his stomach stretching his arm out and deftly nudged the dancing phone toward the palm of his hand, dragging it over the bed and in front of his face. He flipped onto his back and sat up crossing his legs beneath him and opening up the phone to see who it was, all the while thinking, if this is fucking Leorio I am going to rip the lungs from his throat with my bare hands.

It wasn't Leorio. Gon! But why? This is too soon! Killua thought. His thumb hovered over the hang-up button. He knew that he might not be in the proper state of mind to handle a conversation with Gon just yet. If he let his emotions slip, if he couldn't control them he might deny himself the chance of ever meeting Gon face to face again and carrying out his final plan. He needed to do this his way.

Damnit Gon! Always pushing things, always! You're so selfish! Killua was torn, the beetle phone kept buzzing and the pressure was building in Killua to make up his mind. Fuck what do I do! What do I do, his mind stammered desperately. Killua's stomach turned, he felt like he wanted to vomit, and then, he panicked. A different sound came swiftly.


Killua stared at the phone in abject horror. When had his thumb moved to the answer button, when had he decided to answer the call? Yet there it was, confirmed by the familiar tone that indicated the call had been accepted. Killua's eyes vibrated, he felt like a baby fox bear caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. Looking down at the phone in shock his mind barely registered the fact that his razor like nails had come alive on his hands, veins carving pulsating pathways out from his knuckles. Then, a voice came loudly.

"Killluaaaa! Killlluuuaaaaa, are you there?" Then more muffled, "stupid phone, probably isn't working right, maybe I dialled wrong? I'm so bad with technology. Hmphf," Gon scuffed.

"G-Gon...." Killua said, unintentionally, like a knee-jerk reaction. He immediately recoiled from the phone in his hand and grimaced at the neediness of his own tone. He didn't even notice the small trickle of blood coming from his ear. He had nicked it slightly on one of his nails while yanking his head back and away from the phone.

'Killua! You are there! So my phone isn't broken, must have been some delay," Gon said.


"Killua...?" Gon again, the prior enthusiasm slipping from his tone a bit.

Killua's heart skipped a beat. The way Gon had said his name, he hadn't heard it that way in so long. There was an emotional hurricane that begun to swirl through his mind; anger, sadness and longing were all smashing into each other forming one enormous and conflicted feeling. Killua's longing caused tears to well up in his eyes so that it was like he was peering through an aquarium but his body was tense and angry, one arm still pressing the outfit he had slept with to his abdomen.

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