Chapter 7 - An Unfamiliar Emotion

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So were back at Hisokas Apartment.
No actual sex, but mentions of smutty happenings.
I made a divide line in case you dont wanna read the Part involving Hisokas perverted side.

Hisoka could not stop himself from simply staring at Gon. Zushi still sat beside him, completely flushed, desperately fumbling with Hisoka's hand, removing it from his private parts underneath the towel. I have no idea why Gon is here and I have no idea why he barged into this room. I am completely and utterly surprised! It's such a rare feeling! I love it! I love it! Gon! Only you could do this for me, only you! Hisoka thought, the excitement in his mind spreading in real effect across his face. He realized now that he was grinning enormously, his eyes peering through red bangs, tongue flickering across his soft, cherry lips. Hisoka could feel a stirring between his legs and realized he was becoming immensely aroused by the whole situation. Gon's head was shifting between staring at him and staring at Zushi, and then staring at where Hisoka's hand had just been; that cute and innocent face absorbing the reality of what he was seeing.

"Ah! I remember now, you two know each other don't you?" Hisoka said with delight, "I'm so glad I could be here for this happy reunion!"

"Hisoka! Zushi! What..what is going on here?" Gon stammered.

"G-Gon," Zushi said awkwardly, "Hisoka and I were just..." but before he could finish the sentence Hisoka had already decided to complete it himself.

"We just finished fucking, can't you tell, Gon?" Hisoka's eyes narrowed slightly and his grin grew even wider as he flicked some crimson bangs out of the way of his face, "and Zushi was just leaving, weren't you, Zushi?" The expression on Gon's face was almost too much for Hisoka to handle. His eyebrows had drawn up to the ceiling of his forehead, his mouth was hanging open and Hisoka could see Gon's slick tongue vibrating slightly behind cute, straight white teeth.

Gon had aged nicely since Hisoka had last seen him, his body was more mature, more thick with muscle and Gon's new height only increased his sexual appeal; those raven black spikes of hair further adding to the effect.

Zushi shot up like a frightened rabbit, clearly driven beyond any level of embarrassment he had ever experienced, barely able to keep the towel around his waist as he frantically searched with desperate eyes for a way out of this without having to say anything to Gon.

Gon seemed to compose himself somewhat, a look of concern had now taken over for the prior shock on his face. "Zushi, are you ok?" Gon asked slowly, not taking his eyes off Hisoka completely.

Hisoka stayed silent, the exchange between Zushi and Gon was too delicious to interrupt. He just sat still, unashamed of his exposed body, arousal in full force facing Gon.

Zushi looked at Hisoka and then back to Gon and said, "y-yeah, I'm ok, Hisoka and I were just, well, I guess you have figured that part out by now."

Realizing Zushi was truly ok, Gon shifted his stance wide and pointed a finger at Zushi in a chastising manner, "Zushi! Do you know anything about Hisoka! He's dangerous! Perverted! You can't trust him! You really need to be careful with who you choose to do these things with! You can't just go around sleeping with just anyone, you know? What would Wing-San think of this! Have you told him? How long have you and Hisoka been dating?" Gon was shouting wide mouthed like a mother scolding a child.

Hisoka was trying to contain himself but he simply couldn't, this was just too much. He threw himself back onto the bed, arms flayed out, feet kicking uncontrollably over the edge as he laughed and giggled hysterically. "D-Dating!" Hisoka was tortured with laughter, he could barely breath. I could just die right now, Hisoka thought, the hilarity of Gon's simple-mindedness was too much for him to take. "Gon," Hisoka was trying to speak in-between ragged breaths interrupted by more giggles, "Gon, you may have matured a bit but oh my you are still so naive! What makes you think we would have to be dating to fuck? I was just having a little fun with Zushi, nothing more," Hisoka managed to eek out between laughter.

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