Chapter 4

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It turned out that Langris isn't that bad at all. Well, he is arrogant and proud, but also pretty funny.We were sitting in my room, me on the armchair and Langris on the sofa.

"So you're cooking most of the food by yourself?" Langris asked, surprised. "I would probably burn the kitchen trying to make a sandwich"

"Mhm... It isn't so bad. I can pick what I want to eat and I don't have to hear: 'Asta-sama, this isn't healthy'" I imitated the squeaky voice of one of the maids. 

Langris giggled quietly, hiding his mouth behind his hand. 

"And you? How is it living with your parents under one roof?" I was curious.

"Well... To be honest it isn't all sunshine and rainbows as most think, but it isn't so bad either. My parents love me as long as I'm strong, so I have to remain as such" I felt compassion towards him. "I can't imagine what would be if I was like my brother" he said with disgust.

I raised my brows. Brother?

"Brother? You have a brother?"


After a few hours of conversation I could deduct that Langris loves his brother, even though he didn't say it out loud. He disliked his cowardice, but I saw the joy in his eyes when he talked about how in the end, Finral fought for the position of the heir and w on. Even though his parents still despise him because he is in the weakest squad, I saw the pride on the blond's face when he talked about him. I also learned that Langris hates the commoners, for a very simple reason. Once, a drunk man tried to do something to his brother, I don't know what, but he looked disgusted when telling me that. But after that we got into a heated discussion about commoners, the result being, we got into an argument. I tried to explain to him that not all commoners are like this, but he didn't listen. I began to like Langris, even if he was arrogant. I had a feeling he had an inferiority complex. 

He was constantly talking about how his brother was known as the nice one, so I told him that he was pretty nice himself, after which he turned red and changed the topic. I don't know why it was so easy to read his emotions, I'm usually bad at this stuff.

"Kid, you shouldn't talk like that with some arrogant noble" Liebe said.


"What if he told your family that he was here?"Cold sweat covered my body. 

That's right, what if he told someone? What if they find out? I don't want them to come here. Or worse, to close the tower so no one can come in. I don't want to live though that again. Last time I almost died after the maids suddenly stopped coming, and the tower was closed off on Solid's command. I couldn't get out. I didn't know how to cook back then, so for about a month I was mainly eating burnt food, which finally showed it's effects and the maids found me unconcious on the kitchen floor. For a month I was resting half-concious in a hospital. I remember the fuzzy silhouette of my father that came to visit me, but I'm not sure if that was a dream or not.After everything Solid apologized to me, but I didn't want to accept his apology. I knew he wasn't honest. He apologized, because father told him to.

"Hey, hey, hey. Asta, calm down. Everything's gonna be alright. They won't hurt you. Over my dead body, and I'm immortal may I add" I laughed. "Okay, come, do you want to read or would you rather have me begin to explain your power?"

"Is there an option where I can sleep?"

"There is, but in that case you're waking up at five and we're training your power"

"Okay, it's a deal"


The next few days were hard. I was constantly stressed, worried that someone would come and begin screaming at me. On the other hand Liebe explained to me that antimagic allows me to erase magic. But first I have to give it shape. He told me to think about what I want the most from it, and gave me a few days to do it.I thought about a weapon, so I began reading books about them, but I didn't find one that I liked. A sword would be okay in close combat, but not in ranged. In ranged combat I wanted something original, flexible, something that I could control the range of.At first I talked about this with Liebe, but he didn't want to help me. He said that it's something that I have to figure it out myself, to get used to the antimagic on my own terms, not imposed by anyone or anything.

In the meantime I trained my body in terms of strength, stamina, flexibility and agility. Liebe told me to also find a fighting style before I find a weapon. Because what use is a weapon if my fighting style won't suit it? So I searched and I searched and I searched... And I didn't find one. Only after I decided to rest after a few days and to read a book for fun, not about weapons or fighting styles, did I find a perfect weapon. This is something that I will certainly be able to suit to myself, taking my strong aspects to account.I found it at about three at night, but I was so excited that I instantly woke Liebe up, who only shouted at me, threw a book at me and told me to sleep, or I will regret it in the morning.

What a boor.



Here is new chapter :) I don't know when next is, but I will try in this month


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