Chapter 21

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When they lost ground under their feet, they opened their eyes and began to scream. Ow."I hate you!" Aki and Yuri shouted simultaneously.

"Thanks!" I screamed back. Suddenly Kouchi tightly hugged me. I looked at him. He looked extremely terrified. Well, we just fell down a cliff, so it's not unusual.I sighed and hugged him back. I had a feeling I would regret this later, but you only live once. Especially since we can die any second now. Of course if my sight and calculations failed.

"Calm down, we won't die" I tried to cheer him up. I patted him on the back. "I think" I added quietly.

"Asta! If you live, I'll fucking kill you!" Liebe announced.

"I love you too!" I sent him a kiss.I looked down. The ground was getting closer with every second, and I don't even know what I would like to do before my death, which was very probable. I don't want to die having not kissed anyone. Mikuno once rambled on how it was so wonderful and I want to try it. I never understood what was so special about pressing lips together, but it's adult stuff so I didn't delve deeper into it.

I turned my head and looked at Kouchi. Well, I'm going to die soon, so it doesn't matter who it is, right?I grabbed his face and kissed him. It was... weird. I didn't feel anything special, like Mikuno described, but maybe its adrenaline's fault? I'll try again if I survive. Maybe with someone else, since he just looked at me with such shock, that I think he's gonna die from a heart attack, and not because of the fall.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Shouted a shocked Liebe.

And then we hit the ground.


Well, it turned out my calculations were correct. We fell into the bushes. They had thorns and we got bruised up pretty badly, I think I broke my arm, and Yuno his leg, but otherwise everything was peachy!

"What was that supposed to be?!" Liebe screamed near my ear.

Well maybe except my spirit who was screaming at me for nearly ten minutes now after Aki grudgingly healed me.

"I jumped because it was our only hope!" I defended myself "No one had the strength to keep running, and the way down was far away, so we gained a lot of time. And I saw these bushes..."

"With thorns" Daichi growled.

"How was I to know they have thorns? I can't zoom in with my eyes" I grumbled. I was irritated that they shouted at me. Yes, I nearly killed us, but with good intentions!

Okay, that sounds bad, but if I didn't jump, they would've caught us! And probably sell us!

"I meant that... that..." Liebe flailed his arms.

"Kiss?" I asked, pulling thorns out of my clothes.


"Well..." I couldn't admit that I thought I was gonna die or they would eat me alive. "I wanted to kiss Kouchi, so I did it" I said nonchalantly.

"Yeah and I think you broke him" The spirit said, pointing to the boy, who was staring off into the distance with empty eyes.

"Oopsie" I giggled, rubbing my neck.

"Fix it... I mean him" Liebe corrected.I sighed irritably and went up to the blonde.

"Hey..." I started. "I'm sorry I kissed you without your permission" I said quietly.

The pink-eyed boy looked at me with tears in his eyes - which almost gave me a heart attack, since I didn't want him to cry - and opened his mouth like a fish without water. I got a bit sad, because I didn't want to upset him. I know that a first kiss is supposed to be important and all, so I really felt bad.

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