Chapter 15

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I felt as if I was floating. I didn't know how much time passed. I was warm and comfortable, I didn't want to open my eyes. I wanted to go back to sleep. But my subconscious urged me to open my eyes, even though some strange voice in my head was saying not to do so.

I'm not so stupid as to trust some random voices in my head, so naturally I forced myself to open my eyes. I immediately regretted that, because all I saw was white. Everything was white and it hurt my eyes. Where the hell am I?

"Asta!" I saw Liebe floating above me "It worked!" tears were running down his small cheeks.

"What...?" I started quietly.

"You died" he said seriously.

What. What the hell? I'm dead?! How the...?! Ah... Right. I was attacked by a shark. I just had to swim, didn't I. I hope Langris won't be too sad.

"But I'm going to bring you back"


"Listen, I don't have time to explain. Just know that when I pat you, you'll be in a coffin. You have to get up and hide. When they take the coffing, we'll get out and then I'll explain everything, okay?"

I nodded. I trusted him, since he brought me back to life, then he must have a reason to tell me to escape, right?

"Alright" I said, and Liebe slapped me in the face.

Ouch! He was supposed to pat me! What a prick.

As he said, I woke up in the dark. I pulled my hands up to open the coffin. I quickly got out and closed it again. I suddenly heard steps, so I hid behind a nearby closet.

Four men entered the room. They grabbed the coffin and went out. Wow, such pros. They didn't even notice that it was empty. I wonder where they get these people.

"Come now" said Liebe. He pointed at a window. "We're on ground floor"

I jumped out the window and landed on grass. I started running.


"Okay, so what the hell is going on?" I asked, rubbing my shoulders. The left one hurt like hell.

"Well, to put it simply, you died"

"I know that already. Why am I alive?"

"As your spirit I have the ability to revive you, but at the cost of loosing most of my power... Fortunately it's not permanent, but it's gonna take from ten to one hundred years before I get them back, so I don't do it too often. Until then I'm going to be basically useless, so forgive me."

"You're not useless!" I immediately protested "It's thanks to you that I'm alive! You're my friend! Don't talk like that about yourself!" I said, irritated.

"Asta... Alright. Thanks, kid" the spirit smiled widely.

"Why am I all patched up? I thought wounds don't heal after death" I asked, looking down on myself.

"I have no idea. When I was reviving you, you were glowing blue again and your wounds were suddenly gone"

"Aha, that's nice. First, this thing breaks my bones, and now it heals them. I wonder what's next. Maybe it'll give me some nice accessories like wings? It would be cool to have wings"

The spirit laughed, and I just snorted and began to feel awfully tired.

"By the way, why did I have to run?" I was confused.

"And how do you plan to explain to your family that you were resurrected? You father would have a heart attack, let alone the rest."

"So... Well, what do we do now? Where should I go? What should I do?"

"For now, just go straight ahead"


Liebe's plan, that is to not have a plan, was shit. I'm in a coastal village and I didn't eat anything for two days now. I'm tired and angry, because Liebe is laughing at this whole situation. It's not funny at all!

I smacked him on the head. Ugh, I should've stayed, and if some were to have a heart attack, at least I would be in a warm bed by now! I wouldn't have to sleep on some random chest! I laid down on the chest and closed my eyes, wanting to finally have some good night's sleep.

"Hey, don't fall asleep, or they're gonna take you away"

"And where would that be?" I scoffed and turned away, falling asleep.


Note for the future: Listen to Liebe.

When I woke up, I was in a dark crate with a tiger in it. I almost fainted when I saw it, especially when the tiger began to talk in human voice. Only after Liebe calmed me down was when I began talking to the tiger. Surprisingly, the tiger was nice and gentle, it actually behaved kinda like a child. 

"So, what did you do to end up here?" I joked.

"I don't know. These humans separated me from my family. They said something about skinning"

"Those sons of bitches" Liebe cursed "We'll help you escape"

"But we don't know where they're taking us" I pointed out.

"We'll find out. I'll fly out and look around."

As he said, he did. I felt strange talking to and animal that could easily kill me, but well. Gotta broaden your horizons, right?


I was sitting in that crate on a ship for a whole month. I got my share of food from Tina - that talking tiger - and Liebe brought us water. I didn't want to waste time, so for the whole month I trained detecting antimagic in my veins. After so long it was child's play and I could sense it without meditation.

From what Liebe told me, we were sailing to another continent, named Karu, to the Kamatu Empire. It was really far away, and I really don't know how we got there in only a month. But Liebe said something about the ship's auxiliary propulsion, whatever that means. From what I've read, the empire is very traditionalist, so I was a bit worried about myself, but not so much as to not try to escape with Tina. After all, what's worse that could happen? I already died once.

When the smugglers carried the crate we were in, with Liebe's help I quickly opened it and jumped out with Tina right behind me. We were surrounded by crates and getting out of there was hell, but fortunately the town we landed in was close to a forest, so we escaped before anyone could tell what happened.

"So, what now?" I asked Tina. 

"I must adapt to the local environment, because I have no chance of going back home. I'm thankful for your help, but from now on I'll have to go alone" she explained calmly.

"Alright. Take care of yourself! I hope we'll meet again" I smiled.

"Me too, little one"

"Bye you big ball of fur" Liebe called out, and Tina roared at him, and he hid behind my back.

 The tigress smiled, and promptly ran deeper into the forest.

"So I guess it's our turn now, huh?" I said tiredly.


To be honest I really hate editing chapters on Wattpad ;-; 

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