Chapter 11

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I'm walking around town with Langris, because we already ate dinner. The blond bought me some cotton candy and paid for dinner, since I forgot to bring money. I promised I would return it to him, but he said not to bother. I still want to return it.

"Wanna go take a walk in the forest?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Uh, sure?" he replied, surprised by my sudden request.

I laughed and ran towards the forest.

"Hey, don't run. You're gonna trip" Langris shouted after me.

I ignored it. The blond ran after me, pleading me to slow down, but at each of his pleas I stuck my tongue out. After a while we ended up on a beach. I stood in front of the blond, who was visibly winded, and smiled widely.

"Want to swim?"

"Tomorrow. We didn't bring spare clothes"


We sat on the beach and observed the waves. It's refreshing, not having to stress out when with another person. And to not feel alienated. Vermillions come rarely, which isn't weird, taking to account the fact that aunt Mereleona and uncle Fue are Magic Knights, and granny and grandpa take care of the whole house and look after Leo. Sometimes I envy that he has such loving parents.

"Do you want ice cream?" the blue-eyed boy asked abruptly.

"Sure...?" I said, uncertain. I wasn't sure what it was. I think it was some cold mass with different flavors, but it's been long since I've eaten any.

"What flavor?"

"Pick whatever" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay. Be right back" he said, standing up and walking towards some guy with a cart.

"Liebe" I whispered.


"Find us some place to train"

"Okay, but when do you plan to train exactly, since you have guard dogs now?" he asked, half-amused and half-irritated. I hit him lightly on the head.

"Langris is not a guard dog"

"Whatever you say. When do you want to train?"

"I'll sneak out at night"

"Are you trying to tempt fate?"

"Oh, just go"

The spirit flew out of my hair and went somewhere. I closed my eyes and tilted my head towards the sky. I smiled, feeling the sunshine warm up my face. Yet I suddenly felt like someone poured cold water on me. I opened my eyes and looked at the laughing Solid and Nebra. A bit further away stood Noelle, looking conflicted. As always, apologizing, but not doing anything.

I began to tremble. It was warm, but the wind was blowing.

"What are you doing here, loser?" Solid asked after a moment.

I remained silent, looking at him. Anwsers would only provoke him further, while their absence will make them bored. I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me angry, but I can't do anything.

"Aww, I think we hurt his feelings" Nebra added.

Sadists - I wanted to say, but I refrained and lowered my head.

"Asta... What's going on?" I heard Langris' voice and froze.

No, no, no, no. Langris can't see me like this. I don't want him to be ashamed of me. I don't want to lose my only friend. God, if you're hearing this, please, do something.

"What do you want?" asked Solid.

"What are you doing?" I heard indignation in his voice.

"None of your business"

"It's my business, because Asta is my friend"


I sighed, sitting in my room, wrapped in a blanket. After Langris began fighting with Solid, Noelle went to get the adults, who separated them. I don't understand her. If she cares so much, why didn't she go for them earlier? Of course, Solid put all the blame on me. Langris tried to defend me, but I doubt someone believed him. Mr and Mrs Vaude were mad, but I feared what Father will do. Although he has never hit me, what if he decides to throw me out or something? I'm almost ten years old, I won't survive on the streets.

Langris and Solid were downstairs with the rest and were explaining everything, while Father told me to go upstairs. I trembled. I grabbed out of my bag my favourite plushie, a blue fox. Mom gave it to me on my fourth birthday, she made it herself. It was hidden away most of the time, so that no one breaks it or throws it away.
I tensed up, hearing heavy footsteps come up the stairs. I immediately stood up and went to the door. I locked it and began eavesdropping.

"Nozel, what are you mad about exactly? Asta did nothing wrong!" It was uncle Fuegoleon's voice.

Those two sentences were enough for me. I quickly put on my shoes and opened the window. I grabbed my fox and hid it in my belt satchet. I looked down. Im on the first floor, so nothing should happen if I jump, right?

Well, everything is better than my Father shouting over something that isn't my fault. I jumped, landed on bent knees and felt pain in my legs. They weren't broken, but they hurt. After years of abuse from my family, I know if they're broken or not.

"Asta, open the door!" I heard my Father shout.

I ran. It was late evening, so there were only a few people on the streets and no one paid attention to me. I don't know what I'm going to do, or where to go, but my plan is that I will come back when Father calms down.
After several minutes, I got to the forest at the edge of the town. I climbed a tree and sat down.

"Asta?" I saw Liebe flying in my direction.

"Liebe" I got happy seeing him.

"What happened? What are you doing here?" he was worried.

"I ran away. Father is mad at me" I said, a bit jittery.

"What? Did he do something to you?" I saw anger in his eyes.

"No, it's just... I don't have the strength to deal with him right now"

"What exactly happened?"

I explained mostly everything, and his eyes got even angrier.

"Those fucking douchebags! I was gone for half a day, and those motherfuckers just had to do something! I'll make them fucking sorry!"

I looked at him, confused. What do those words mean? I mean, I heard them before, but no one ever explained them.

"Asta, don't repeat those words" he said, seeing my curious gaze.


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