Chapter 5

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"Are you sure?" asked Liebe, when I explained what weapon I had in mind.

"Yes!" I nodded furiously. "It's perfect!"

"But you know it's going to be hard to master? Especially with your clumsy hands"

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" I sulked.

"Yesterday, when you tried to sew something, you cut yourself so badly that I thought someone tried to cut your hand off" he reminded me.

I cringed, hiding my bandaged hand behind me. It's not my fault that that stupid needle is so slow and sharp! I have no patience for this.

"Whatever you say. Now, teach me how to use magic!" I urged excitedly.

"Brat. First you need to train you muscle strength. If you create this "weapon" from anti-magic it will be heavy and you won't be able to use it"

"Huh?! You didn't mention it earlier!"

"Well, I'm doing it now. Get to work!"


Two days later, Langris appeared again. Not gonna lie, he surprised me.

"Hi" he greeted, waving his hand with an awkward smile.

"Uh, hi? What are you doing here?" I asked, still surprised.

"I came to apologize. I didn't mean to lash out last time" he murmured, looking away.

"It's alright? No hard feelings, really. Um... You wanna go in?" I asked awkwardly after a moment.

"Sure!" he brightened up.

"Why have you actually come here, besides the apology? Not that I don't want you here, but I don't understand" I said honestly.

"Last time I saw a lot of pictures of flowers and other plants in your room, so I assumed that you have some knowledge on them." he explained, and I quickly caught on.

"You need help with studying?" he nodded. I wasn't particularly surprised. Botany is quite hard, since a lot of plants are similiar to each other. It's easy for me because my mom used to teach me a lot about this, but that's just me. I understand that others may have some problems with it. "Okay, let's go to the library then."


We spent a few hours studying. Langris made good progress, but he had trouble remembering names and recognizing a few flowers. That's why we agreed that he will come here every two days and we will study together. It was nice, talking to him. Liebe laughed at me, but I knew he was glad that I got a friend. Well, at leat I consider us friends, but I don't know what he thinks about us.I noticed that with time, I came to read Langris a bit better. It was really weird, because with Noelle - with whom I had good relations with and we saw each other often - I couldn't read her at all. Maybe it's because I'm going through puberty or something.

"Brat, focus" Liebe growled.

"I'm trying" I grumbled.

I sat in a meditation pose, and Liebe ordered me to focus on my energy and find anti-magic. I really tried, but it was just hard! I took a deep breath and began to focus on my body and soul. I felt the beating of my heart, the flow of my blood, and my breathing. After a while I began to feel thin streams of something... They ran probably along the blood vessels. I focused on them, and after a momet I felt a constant and slow pulse of energy. The feeling got quickly lost.

I don't know what happened, but I suddenly got thrown into cold water. I opened my eyes. All I saw around me was blue. I opened my mouth, wanting to scream, but nothing came out. I started to struggle, I felt as if I was under real water, but it couldn't be real, because I would've drowned long ago. I looked up and saw a light. I stretched my hand up to it, and tried to swim upm which was effective. When I breached the weird water, it turned out that I was in a lake? Around the lake was a snowy forest. Where the hell am I? What the hell is going on?!

"Liebe? Liebe?! Where are you?! Where am I?!" I shouted in all directions, coming out of the water. I began shaking from the cold. 

I looked around, but besides the snow-covered trees, nothing was standing out. Have I somehow teleported? But how?!

I started to walk into the forest. Suddenly, a path made from stones appeared in front of me. I walked cautiously, looking around warily. I didn't want to be ambushed. I wasn't sure for how long I was walking, but after a while I began to hear growling. I stopped and frantically looked around. I felt my heart beating faster, from pure fear.

I was scared of dogs, wolves and other such things. Once, Solid threw me into a cage with wolves, who bit me severly. Since then, everytime I hear just a growl, I get paralyzed by fear. The sound got louder and I froze. I'm not sure if because of fear, or because of awe. Behind me stood a wolf with beautiful, azure fur, and big eyes as black as a void. The creature still growled at me, and I still couldn't move. After a moment of staring, the wolf jumped at me, and I closed my eyes and began to scream.


 "Asta! Asta! Asta?! What the fuck is going on?!"When I opened my eyes, I was still screaming my throat raw, and tears were streaming down my face. I was laying down on the floor, and above me was flying a concerned Liebe. 

I stopped screaming and tried to gather my thoughts.

"Asta?! You woke up, what a relief! What the hell happened? Are you hurt?" The spirit was asking frantically. "Oh god, what am I asking, of course you are" he berated himself.  "What happened?"

What is he talking about? I woke up? And why should I be hurt?

Immediately after, I felt an immense pain going throughout my body. I wasn't abe to move.

"It hurts" I cried out.

"What happened?" he asked again.

"I don't know. I was in a forest. A wolf attacked me?" I summarized.

"What? What are you talking about? You were here the whole time." Liebe pondered. "Hm... Maybe..."

"What?" I asked quietly, trying not to move. "Well, when you meditated, you suddenly started glowing and it wasn't the anti-magic that I know. Then your bones started cracking and you began screaming. It was terrifying. Even though you weren't moving, I heard your bones shatter. At first I thought that you humans mastered a transformation into an animal, but nothing of the sort happened. You just fell back and continued screaming."


"Liebe, hide!" I said. He didn't question it and flew into my wardrobe.

Maids stormed into the room. They froze when they saw me on the floor. I looked at myself. 

Oh... Around me was a pool of blood and bones were sticking out of my skin. 

Oh my, I will have a lot to explain, won't I? 

But with a bit of luck maybe they won't inform my father.


Hello again

I don't know when will next chapter be, propably in the next week



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