Chapter 13

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After changing the bandages I wanted to go to my room, because Langris was waiting for me there, but I was stopped by Leopold.

"Hey, Asta" he greeted with a smile.

"Hi" I replied, feeling a bit awkward.

It's not that I didn't like him. He was the only one of my peers that didn't pick on me because of my lack of magic, but he also didn't defend me or talk to me much. I had mixed feelings on him.

 "How are you?" he asked, probably referencing my wounds.

"Good, I guess"

"I'm glad, do you want to go to the beach with me after lunch?" he asked, surprising me.

"Uhm... Actually, I was supposed to go to the beach with Langris, but we can go all together" I proposed, smiling awkwardly.

"Oh..." he seemed disappointed "Okay. Then I'll see you to your room" he said, after which he grabbed my hand and we went to my room.

It took us about ten minutes, because this hotel was huge. Of course, they couldn't pick a smaller one, because why bother. But on the way I talked some with Leo, and after a while the conversation picked up and it was fun to talk to him. It felt different than talking with Langris, because to him I feel some kind of... respect? It's because he's older, and Leo isn't and it's... refreshing. When we got to my room, Langris was just coming out of it.

"Asta, I was just about to search... for... you..." he started and stopped for a second, seeing Leo. "What are you doing with him? Did he hurt you?" he asked, quickly coming up to us.

"What? No. Leopold was escorting me back" I explained quickly.

"You can call me Leo" he said with a smile, ignoring Langris.

"Um, okay?"

Leo and Langris were glaring at each other. For some reason I felt like they were having a war. Did they not like each other? Maybe they argued? Leo blinked after a while, and the blonde smiled victoriously, getting a nasty look from the redhead. But after a second that smile vanished when he looked down. He squinted, and I was wondering what was going on. I looked down and saw that Leo was still holding me by the hand. Langris suddenly grabbed me by my arm and pulled towards himself.

"Let's go to the room, Asta" he was irritated.

"Okay? See you later, Leo" I said, waving to him. He went up to me, then kissed me on the forehead and went away with a smile, saying:

"Later, Asta"

I felt Langris squeeze me tighter before we stepped into the room.

"Since when are you two so close?" he snapped.

"Hm? I don't know, we didnt talk before. It just happened somehow" I said, scratching my head.


I think Langris was angry at me. I'm not sure, because on one hand, he didn't want to talk to me and replied to my questions with grunts, but on the other, he didn't leave my side. After we went to the room, he insisted that I rest before lunch. He lay down with me on the bed and we cuddled for a bit. I felt really comfortable. But after that, we had to get up, I quickly changed into a hoodie with fox ears, and three-quarter pants. I didn't know what to do with the hair. I got out of the bathroom.

"What should I do with my hair?" I asked.

"You don't want to leave it loose?" Langris suggested, and I shook my head.

"It'll get into my food" I explained, frustrated.

"How about a braid?" he proposed "I can make it for you"

"You can?" I was surprised. 

"Mhm. Nii-san taught me. Come" he pat the place between his legs on the couch.

I obediently sat down, and the blond began to weave my hair. I liked when someone brushed my hair, so I closed my eyes, feeling him tugging lightly on it. If I was a cat, I would be purring right now.

"It's done" he said, stopping the brushing.

"Thanks, Langris!" I smiled at him.

"No problem. By the way..." he suddenly looked uncomfortable.


"I know that saying my name all the time must be tiring, so you can shorten it somehow..." he said, looking away abashedly.

I wonder what suddenly came over him? Then I remembered that Leo also wanted me to call him by a shorter version. Is it some kind of rivarly? Well, I'm not going to complain. Saying his name constantly is hard.

"Alright, then... Lan?" I proposed.

"Sure, I'm okay with that" it was clear that it made him happy.

"Okay, let's go, Lan" I got up from the couch. The blond also stood up and got out of the room, and me after him.

"Asta!" I heard Leo's voice 

"Are you going to the dining room?" he asked, once again ignoring Langris.


"Great, me too! Let's go together!" he said happily.

"Ummm" I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to offend him, or Langris.

"Asta is going with me" Langris cut in.

"Hm? Is that right?"

The boys looked like they were going to fight, so I had to interject.

"Maybe we'll go all together?" I said nervously.

"Alright" they said simultaneously, still looking at each other unpleasantly.


After we got to the dining room, the atmosphere between them didn't get any better. Especially since they were forced to sit next to each other after when I was sitting between them, but they were kicking each other under the table. My Father saw this and thought they were kicking me, so now I'm sitting beside him and uncle Fuegoleon.I also learned why his squad is called the eagles - because my Father has a sight like an eagle. Literally. I don't know how he does it, but in one moment he's scolding Solid, and in the next he's holding my arm after I tried to throw out the vegetables. Does he have eyes around his head or something? If so, then it's really terrifying.

After lunch I informed my Father where I'm going and with who, so that I don't get a lecture when I get back. At first he wanted someone to go with us, but after some persuasion, he gave up. Fortunately. I don't know if I could stop myself from snapping at anyone that would have gone with us.

Now we're at the beach and I'm annoyed. Langris and Leo began aruging at some point, so I went swimming. But I stepped on something and my foot began to hurt. I lifted it up and saw blood.

Nothing will happen, right? Besides, I didn't want to go back to the hotel with those two arguing idiots.

With this in mind, I swam around for the next ten minutes, before my Father started shouting.

"Asta!" I heard my Father yell. I turned around and saw him running in my direction, and on his face was pure panic, which I've never saw on him before 

"Asta! Get out of the water!"

"What? I don't want to!" I called.

"Asta!" this time it were Langris and Leo shouting together.

Seriously, what's their problem? I turned back and saw a quickly approaching shark fin.

God fucking damnit.

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