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The Boiling Isles is an archipelago in the Demon Realm. Situated in the Boiling Sea, it is made from the decaying remains of a fallen Titan and populated by magical creatures, predominantly witches and demons. One man named Belos became the ruler of The Boiling Isles due to his undeniable power with magic and leadership. He has also been stated to be able to communicate the Titan itself.

After becoming the emperor of the Boiling Isles he went on to establish the coven system which he claimed was to preserve order when in reality it was just a way to ensure any potential enemies would not be able to fight on equal terms. Anyone who rebelled against The Emperor and his rule was hunted down and either petrified or killed. One notable rebel who was caught was a witch by the name of Baba Yaga. She was so powerful in clairvoyance that her predictions were always one hundred percent accurate. With dying breath she used her magic one last time and warned Emperor Belos that should he continue down this path a member of the Fenrir tribe would devor him and his ambitions.

Belos initially disregarded this prediction, however overtime fear had gripped the Emperor. If anyone would be a threat to his rule it would be the Fenrir tribe. They were a secluded people who wielded devastating power but wouldn't fight unless provoked. Their magic was also fundamentally different from the rest of the Boiling Isles so it couldn't be restricted by the coven system. Belos thought the solution to his problem would be simple. If the Fenrir tribe was no more then the prediction would be wrong.

Belos gathered his most elite forces to exterminate the Fenrir tribe at what would be known later as The Lost Knee. It only took one blast of fire from Belos' forces for the entire tribe to see them as prey that needed to be slaughtered. There were less than a hundred of them, but they took out thousands of witches. It had gotten to the point where the Emperor himself had to participate in the battle. On the other side of the battlefield in the chieftain of the tribe's home the chieftain held his infant son who was only recently born. The child hadn't even grown his wolf ears and tail yet. The chieftain knew that if his son was going to have a future then he would have to send him to the human world where there was no magic. There his son would be able to pass off as any other human and live a normal life. The chieftain wrapped his son in a blanket and put him in a basket with a note on top of it. He then used the magic door to send his son to the human realm before destroying the portal completely so Belos wouldn't be able to get to his son. Walking out of his home the chieftain saw the complete devastion on both sides with only him and the Emperor remaining. The two fought for hours resulting in the complete loss of one of the Titan's knees. Emperor Belos was the victor in this fight but gained some permanent injuries including the complete loss of his right arm which he would have to later replace. Still to him this was more than worth it because he believed that he had exterminated the species that would overthrow him.

In the human realm a woman in her 20s was hiking through a forest when she heard the sound of a baby crying.

In the human realm a woman in her 20s was hiking through a forest when she heard the sound of a baby crying

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(Her name will be Anastasia Barbatos)

She followed the source of the noise to see a baby in a basket surrounded by wolves. The wolves weren't trying to harm the child and it looked more like they were trying to protect it. (These are regular human realm wolves by the way) When she got close enough the wolves took notice of her. They growled at her as a warning but she didn't care. When she was within arms reach of one of the wolves and showing no fear the wolves stopped growling. The wolves looked at each other before walking off because she had passed their test.

The woman picked up the basket seeing the note on top of the child. After reading it she decided to fulfill the request of the one who wrote the letter and raise the boy herself. She named the boy Dante and through the years it was clear to see he wasn't exactly normal. First was his abnormally high physical capability that was capable of keeping up with the most hardened athletes. Second was his ability to seemingly communicate and control animals. One time when Anastasia took him to a zoo and a lion escaped from captivity Dante told it to go back to its cage. Now most would think that a 5 year old telling a lion what to do would make the lion attack him, but it seemed like the lion was afraid of Dante and did what it was told.

Needless to say Dante wasn't someone who had friends. Until he was 10 when he met a strange girl named Luz. Despite all of his attempts to push her away she wouldn't stop trying to be his friend. Eventually he gave up and became her friend. She became the reason why he was into fantasy as much as she was. He in turn became the reason she was no longer picked on. There was a time when a girl named Jessica bullied Luz and then was attacked in the middle of the night by a mysterious figure. Her injuries were so bad that she had to be hospitalized and while no one could prove it everyone knew it was Dante. After that everyone was too scared to do anything to Luz.

They only needed each other. They thought that even though they were far from normal they would have fun like this forever. That is until one day when Luz was being sent to a summer camp.

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